
My future employer becomes agitated when I don’t answer my phone immediately

A small business owner that I've known casually for a few years wants to hire me. It's been a somewhat lengthy process because he has asked me to go through an employment service so he will get some funding to help pay for my training. I have missed three of his calls over the course of a week, but I always call back within a few hours. Maybe it shouldn't matter, but the first day it was because my cat was getting put down. The second day my phone had died unexpectedly, and today it was because I was doing laundry and having a shower, so I wasn't in the room. I do not take my phone everywhere like some people do, I really don't think I should have to. People getting paid high salary are often expected to do so… Whereas this is a minimum wage job. My point…


I believe people should be vaccinated in certain jobs, but they should at least make it accessible and easy to get proof of vaccination instead of shitting on people for loosing records and having doctors that aren’t immortal. I used to work for this terrible system and that’s how I know.

I worked at a job where I told people that they are fucked because they cannot find their proof of vaccination, COVID-19 or otherwise if they don't have their paper records with them. Proof of vaccination issues are a serious thing that needs to be brought up with vaccination mandates for work, school, etc. but it's hard to bring it up because then a bunch of shitty anti-vaxxer stuff comes up instead. There are ways to improve the system such as easier access to immunity tests, having schools submit records to the state immunization registry, and having the ability to access records at the DMV. They need to make access better for people who move out of state but need records, people who change phone numbers, people who are homeless, people in assisted care facilities, and people who change their name and/or gender. I found my job very upsetting, I…


To give a 2week notice… or not?

Long story short, I’ve worked in this restaurant for almost 10 months. It was supposed to be a temporary job to make a little extra money, some new friends, kill some time. Now I’ve been offered an amazing position in the field my degree is in, and I can’t help but not want to give the “appropriate” notice. I love this job for a long time. It turned toxic when I broke up with my partner whom my coworkers loved. They told me that I was wrong and that I should stick it out (why is this their business?) and then when I disagreed they have given me the cold shoulder for the last month. People I spent time with on days off and weekends and after work have flat out ghosted me and work has become this drama center. I want nothing to do with it. I have crazy…


I’m So Sick of My Company’s “Mandatory Overtime”

I'm calling out of work tomorrow, even though I know it will get me written up. I'm just sick of this. I work in manufacturing. It's a very physically demanding job. Even at 40 hours a week I feel burnt out physically and mentally. Despite that, I do volunteer for overtime when I feel I can do it, because I need the extra money most months. We have had “mandatory overtime” every Saturday for a year now. It's anywhere from 2-4 Saturday's every month. They've taken away every three day weekend this year. If there's a Monday holiday, we are definitely working that Saturday. They even had the gall to schedule us last Saturday on fucking Labor Day weekend. This entire fucking week I was thinking, “Well at least I only have a four day work week.” Nope. Everyone has to work this Saturday. The worst part about it is…


Found this video today about Amazon’s views on Unions(Spoiler alert: It is pretty dumb)


Any luck for a job after retail?

Anyone have any luck finding a decent job after retail? I need to get out. Sick of all the store meetings on my day off/ before my shift, customers, the list goes on.


On Dying in a Collapsing Empire


Wealth does not equal virtue.

Due to powerful propaganda, a lot of US citizens labor under the belief that more money equates to more intelligence, merit, worth etc. This means rich people can say or do the dumbest things and it gets hailed as wisdom ie Elon Musk. Trust fund babies, inherited wealth, being charismatic enough to cover your flaws in intellect, none of that exists in the world that American propaganda has created. You're poor because you're stupid, lazy, unworthy. You're rich because you earned it– somehow. The people on this sub aren't complaining because you're lazy and demand more money for no work. You want a livable wage & proper benefits for what you do but that's clearly too much to ask for from our capitalist overlords so why work hard at all? Extended effort is not rewarded with anything but more exploitation.


Started a new part-time job :( how can I set myself up for a stress free environment from the beginning?

Hello all, unfortunately have to work but at least it’s part time. I’m wondering if anyone has advice on what I can do right in the beginning of a new job so that I can set myself up for an easy, professional work environment? It’s a receptionist job at a recreation centre. The manager is a very nice and supportive young woman. I’ve already been a gym member there for a while and have showed my real personality to two people there which I’m fine with – but I’ve decided to try and keep as much personal information from my colleagues so that I can keep it as seperate as possible. Everyone there’s seems pretty friendly with each other but I don’t want another “we’re a little family” situation. I just want to go there and go home. I’m not there to make friends let’s be honest. This way if…


Got fired and not given a reason why

Yup. I've been an HVAC service tech at this small company for almost exactly five years. I was 2nd in seniority behind a guy that's been there seven. I took a week and a half vacation overseas – which was approved last winter – to see family. My first day back to work I was called into the office where my boss said he needs to let me go. I asked for specifics and he said there aren't any, he just needs to let me go but I can still use him as a reference. The places I've interviewed at since have been just as baffled as I am. The only reasoning I could think up was their financials had gotten bad and they needed to let one of the higher paid guys go. And the shit of it is, I brought back chocolate and other goodies for my coworkers.…