
Hours are being cut as a punishment..without telling me until I asked

So where I work (retail) my hours have been suddenly slashed and dumped down the drain, starting after I had returned from requested time off. I finally decided to ask what was going on, and I had to wait several days to be able to talk about it. What I was told, was that my hours were being cut because of a couple surveys in which customers complained about me, and because of a task I had been unable to complete on time before (I had improved significantly in that task, though it’s important to note that it is a labor intensive task they only allow a small amount of time to do) but had completed on time the last several times I had done it. (they did not acknowledge that) I have so many problems with this. For one, I was only told a vague idea of the contents…


I am being actively courted by a recruiter for a municipal government job that would force me to relocate. How do I know whether or not I am seen as an easy target to be exploited based on age and experience?

I am from the Midwestern U.S. and am trying to come up with creative ways to make more money while maintaining the work life balance I have now. With the way the world economy seems to be headed, part of me wants to move away from home while the other part wants to be cautious. I went to a conference recently and was courted by a recruiter from Philadelphia. After doing some salary research, I am not sure as to whether the base salary they're offering (after taxes and MUCH higher expenses) would have me doing much better than I am now. My interview is next week, and I am unsure about what to do or ask.


This is what my Mum got for 50 years of service. They only remembered after she brought in a cake. No more than £20 spent.


I have developed short-timer’s syndrome

I've been at my workplace for 27 years. In that time, I was on committees, worked tons of unpaid OT, did all the team building things, worked nights, weekends, and holidays when needed. Twice I was honored with performance awards (employee of the year). I'm good at my job. Very good. However, in 21 days, I will be unemployed. I work in a grant funded position, but the grant was reallocated, which is going to put me out of a job. I'm getting laid off. I found this out about a month ago, and have continued to do my work while also wrapping up and starting to document what I can for whoever will pick up the tasks of my role once I'm gone. HR met with me last week to walk me through next steps, benefits considerations, filing for unemployment, etc. In that meeting, I found out that although…


Am I going to be let go?

So this evening I was handing up the last call with my boss – when the call with the client ended I was saying a mantra to myself “please don’t go on a calling jag, please don’t go on a calling jag” — sometimes my boss gets on a sales jag. It was Friday and my kids were coming over for dinner. Then I realized he hadn’t hung up yet and may have heard me – ya fuck you zoom phone. He immediately called me back to tell me have a nice weekend…I’m freaking out.


This isn’t right. What can I do?

I have been working at a hotel for awhile now as a housekeeper. Not the worlds greatest job but I did love where I worked. I also work with my aunt and cousin who I do love. I also loved the boss I had before. My old boss had to serve some time in prison. So he’s been gone since June 28th. He left a former front desk guy in charge of the place. But the new GM’s Grandmother acts like she’s in charge of the place. She has been treating all out employees like complete shit. The power has gone to her head. She goes around threatening to fire this person and that person. She threatenes to kick out the employees who live in the place. She also yelled at me just yesterday morning infront of some of our guests. Because, after cleaning rooms all day. She has me…


What is reasonable?

I work for a county government & my position is seasonal but 2 people out of the 6 in my position get to work year round & we rotate every year. The years when we are off for the winter our “clock” is paused. This “clock” is for our yearly step increases where you get an annual raise. So, it takes longer than a year to receive this if you were off for few months. This December an audit from a new hire discovered this was not correct & they “clock” shouldnt be paused because we are permanent employees. At the end of May they called us to meeting to let us know about this mistake & they've went back & adjusted everything and are going to pay us all the pay/vacation time/stipends ect… HR & finance people said it's all done & we should all be getting paid something…


Employer did not pay out my vacation pay when they were supposed to (Ontario)

In Ontario when you give your 2 weeks notice or just decide to quit for whatever reason, your supposed to be paid out for any unused vacation and vacation pay accumulated, within 7 days of employment ending or your last paycheck date, whichever is later, as that is YOUR money. Should i contact my employer or go straight to the labour board? I was shorted on my paycheque today.


Mandatory Overtime every day for a month and a half and work on your off days

Started a month ago. We were informed of this the last 5 min of our shift today (Sep 8th). Job offer/contract is for 6-2:30 Mon-Friday and they want us to come in at 5 every day for a month and a half and work Saturdays too They could have saved a lot of typing if they just wrote “find a new job”


Papa John’s must really think their customers are a bunch of chumps if they think they can ask their customers to pay their employees…