
We live in a slave economy.

People might think I'm being extreme saying we live in a slave economy. But what's the difference between a slave owner giving you just enough food to survive and a bed, and a corporation paying you half of what you need to have a place to sleep and the government having to feed you because you don't get paid enough to afford a bed and food. The difference is nothing, people just pretend the money being temporarily passed through our hands makes a difference.


To get fired or quit?

Got a write up a year ago and another one today. Boss said he had to take it to HR and they would let me know if I would be let go. People have been telling to wait it out, could have a job Monday but most likely will be fired but some others have said to put in my 2 weeks now? I’m just lost in this whirlwind and could use some advice from internet strangers, do I wait it out and hope for the best on Monday?


How can I get past the company’s vpn so I can watch YouTube at work?

Not sure where else to post this hoping someone more tech savvy can help. I work at an AT&T call centre and they have their own vpn to us from going on YouTube and all that. I found some sites to play unblocked games but I want to watch videos. I tried adding vpn thru chrome extension but that didn’t work any tips?


New at work and I’m feeling iffy AMA

Started a job mid August as a temp and my supervisor, her 2 golden girls and several other coworkers are treating me coldy, putting pressure on me, isolating me and excluding me. I suspect they want me gone but I’ve done nothing wrong except be respectful and work. AMA and well find out if there are red flags at play. • They will not address me directly even when I’m standing right there. They won’t use my name referring to me as “him” or mispronouncing my name and give instructions meant for me to others who then proxy it to me. • They avoid looking at me, greeting me, acknowledging me or even saying hi. • Barely any help, instruction or supervision unless it’s some minor criticism, mistake or nitpick which they do constantly with no positive feedback when I do good but always for the slightest fuck up. •…


Conduent Data Entry Clerk?


I have hope, and I think you should too. Here’s why.

I’ve been looking around, and it's clear to me: many of us are blind. We see AI, like a tool – a fancy calculator, maybe. But that's not the end game for the big shots like OpenAI or Google. They’re not just playing the short game with tools like ChatGPT. No, they're setting up for a much more lucrative game: AI-powered agents that autonomously will seek the goals of our corporate overlords taking what once upon a time were our jobs. People say I'm anti-job, and they're right. I am, and I am worn down; slogging through the daily grind, yearning for the weekend. For what? So I can pay my bills and do it all again? This 9-to-5 culture, where our worth is tied to our paycheck, isn't living. It's merely surviving. Maybe these AI agents are my ticket out. Maybe they're our chance to break free.


Hours Cut — Need Advice!

Help! I've found myself in a weird grey area! My entry-level job recruited me a year ago and I signed on to my role with the agreement that they would be flexible with my school schedule. It's been a year and I've asked about pay raises a couple of times, each time being met with hostility. The first time was when I was given extra work, the second time was after my first annual review. I had my year review and no talk of a raise and when I questioned that — it resulted in a meeting two weeks later with my boss and the director of operations notifying me that my hours would be cut. Apparently, they didn't like my tone and they think they're doing me too many favors by being flexible with my schedule. For the record, I didn't have a negative tone. I speak directly and…


Im being bullied and sexually harassed at work day in and day out. Im tired and not sure what my options are.

I am daily being bullied and harassed at work both sexually and non. I have documentation proving this that i only recently started saving. This has been going on for over two years now from day one. Im not sure what my options are. Im overwhelmed and stressed. I gained almost 50 pounds just working at this job. Please help…


Unsure how to proceed with my new station’s manager

this happens in Germany, but I appreciate your input. I'm a nurse there. New manager because I changed stations at my hospital system, not because the station got a new manager 90% of the employees at this station are women, including the manager. This is relevant: 4th day of my job at this new station. Manager saw me working and walking fast (because Im working) and the first thing she says after calling me is: 'more smiling'. It is beyond me why this woman would think this is acceptable behavior and if genders were reversed and I said that to a female coworker, Id already be out of a job, period. I thought I was there to do a job. Before you say 'quit', well' id like to, but my system is the best paying one in a 100 mile radius and I need the money. It is what it…


I got yelled at by the head of HR

Quick background to this, the HR at my company is also the legal team, so it’s a bunch of lawyers trying to be HR specialists (you can imagine how those two don’t mix). Anyways, my company is 3 days in the office (2 days when I first joined, then they increased a week after I joined). I live 77 miles away from work, and it takes me 2 hrs to get to the office by car (SoCal traffic). I’ve been tactical here where I try to schedule off site meetings closer to where I live, which counts as going into the office. I always explain to an HR associate when I do this, giving them the name of the person I’m meeting, their company, and business purpose. The good thing is my job is very client facing, so the meetings I have are legit. Whelp, the VP of HR/legal called…