
Being Forced to Join the Company Bowling League

How honest are you supposed to be during a job interview? I just want to tell the interviewer that I want to be as invisible as possible in a repetitive job. That I have no aspirations to be promoted or put into management. That all I want is to learn how to do my job, do it to the best of my ability, and be able to make enough money to take care of my pets and pay bills. I don't want to be innovative or make friends or do any extra stuff like join the company bowling league. I just want to know that every day I can go to work, make it through my shift, go home, and be as invisible to the world as possible. I won't ever be the employee of the month. I won't ever be the best employee, but I hopefully won't be the…


Why are some people so bitter when you are talking at work when you are working the same speed while talking?

These people are usualy coworkers who want to be your boss or middle management. Today I was talking to someone (temp worker) because it was quiet for 30 minutes and i decided to chat him up and the middle manager whispered under his breathe only for me to hear to go faster. I was still working the same speed. Another time there was a few minutes left and I was done cleaning and I chatted with someone for a minute and a half but one person passing by saw me talking and hissed at me to wrap something. My work is not a fast paced environment, as long as you get stuff done at a reasonable time you're good. There are some people that are so bitter. And you know what these people end up talking a lot more than me. I am usually super quiet and focused and I'm…


Why does Amazon do this?

So I work at Amazon. Nothing to terrible I work upstairs sorting your guy's stuff into robots. About 2 months ago me and my family got into a car accident. I suffered a concussion and had to rest for a month. Made a good but partial recovery, I almost fell off the stairs due to dizziness, so now I have accommodations but Amazon isn't letting me work at all. First I had to submit an accommodations request, then it took a week. I went back in the next week, they said they lost the request, so I had to submit another request. Had to wait another week, this time however, they didn't lose it but said that none of the information was on it. Which was weird so I filled in the blanks and they said it's taken another day for it to be processed. Then just this morning I…


Need help imagining a new way of living

I am burnt tf out of corporate life where all of my actions roll up to making more profits for already super rich people. I make way more money than I should based on how meaningless my job is. I can't keep up pretending to care about metrics and profits and big name customers' happiness. I feel like I'm in a pan that's boiling and everyone is sedated, and also infected with fear and greed. I regularly daydream about quitting my job and being a farmer or community cook for the unhoused. Every month I secretly give a lot of my paycheck to native groups who are working on land rematriation, and to other mutual aid causes. Sometimes this is the only thing that keeps me going, knowing my money is going somewhere that's actually good for the soil and the people of this earth. Instead of working in the…


Can you get fired for calling out sick

I called out sick right after I asked for a transfer which can take up to 2+ weeks , if I don't use my sick time I will lose it , policy states after 3 consecutive days sick I would need a note , I've only been sick for 2 days Site supervisor says ” don't worry about coming back to the site” Can you get fired over this ?


Work pushing back on pre-approved medical wfh, asking for detailed health info. Is this legal?


The Death Of A Company (Very Long)

This is kind of mega long but 100% real. I have been a locksmith for many years. I am good at what I do and smart enough to figure out issues that come up. The setup. I was working for a 24-hour mobile locksmith company in the largest city in our state. When I came on there were 2 guys who owned the company and one other mobile tech all working out of one of the owners’ garage. We all ran our own vans with a company cell phones and being the new guy, I worked the night shift. The owners and the third guy ran day the day shift. Usually the night shift was 6pm-6am. We were paid a small hourly wage and a commission on jobs. This was great because I ended up performing thousands of dollars on vehicle and house unlocks, making keys for vehicles, rekey houses…


Now that’s what I’m talkin’ about!!!


18 Holes of Hell

Back from April to August 2015 I worked as a groundskeeper for a private golf course. This particular golf course is known for hostile work environment. The owners and managers of the golf club are known to be emotionally and verbally abusive to me. One of the managers Savage had both hips replaced. He takes it all that on us as if we caused it to happen. He has a lot of anger issues. Here are some of the things they have said and/or do that is considered emotionally abusive both to me and other employees. – Savage relies on fear and intimidation. Savage comes up behind him and scares me while I was in the middle of work. I jump as I get startled, and he didn't care. He gives me orders for certain tasks after purposely scaring me. Whenever Main Boss or Savage come up to me, they…


I worked 8 hours OT a few weeks ago and wasn’t paid for it. What should I do?

My coworkers and I all did 8 hours of OT a few weeks ago but weren’t paid properly for it. We’ve all brought it up seperately with our manager, but so far he has told us the best he can do is give us half a day off. I’d much rather be paid, though. Is it too late to do anything about it? Can I report anonymously? I like my job a lot and don’t want to rock any boats (but I want my pay, goddamn it).