
I might get fired because I pushed back on my management canceling my time off for my mother’s funeral

The week after I got the news that my mom died, I put in a request for paid two weeks off to my manager. She approved it through the program we use to put in time off requests. I knew that I needed this time to go out of town, so all of my funeral plans are based on these two weeks, and I made that very clear to my manager in the email I sent her. This was about a month ago. She called me into her office yesterday during my shift to tell me that they “cancelled” my two weeks off because they’re understaffed. I was absolutely shocked. The first thing I asked her was why she didn’t tell me this news sooner. I sat there explaining to her that I needed, NEEDED! these two weeks for my family. She gave me the whole manager bullshit tone with…


New Manager trying to tell me to quit because of my availability

TLDR because this post is pretty long: My new manager is trying to make me redundant because he doesn't believe my availability “suits the store” despite it being completely okay under the old manager, and with me meeting my minimum contacted hours, I need help to try and keep my job as I cannot afford to lose it. Heya everyone! Just for a little context before I begin, I recently got a job (Customer Team Leader) at a UK Co-op food store (doing shifts for 5 weeks), the manager that originally hired me has now transitioned stores and a new store manager is now working at ours. I will be starting University later this month. When I was being interviewed for the job, it was agreed upon that I had to work a minimum of 16 hours a week to fulfil my contract, however I also stated I can only…


new job ghosted me for 3 months now after working only 3 shifts

so i was hired at this retail perfume store as a part-time job and i had only three 3 hour shifts. they told me they would give me an actual schedule (instead of just asking me to come in on a certain day like the usually do) the following week. fast forward it’s been three months and i’ve heard nothing from them. they haven’t contacted me, texted, or scheduled me for a shift since then. i also found out that a girl i know started working there recently and apparently has been given a lot of shifts. i’ve been searching for a part time job ever since i noticed they weren’t given me shifts, which was like two weeks after, and no luck as of now but i’m just really pissed at the unprofessionalism. and they don’t even have a reason to fire me because i worked there THREE times…


I am incredibly lucky and I feel guilty about it

I am very antiwork- love this subreddit. I rage against the machine all the time. However, 2.5 years ago I landed a tech job at a company that has actively taken care of me which has made my life so fulfilling. I got this gig in Nov of 2020 so the pandemic was still out here and I believe due to that and due to the need for tech rising I got lucky and landed this gig. It’s been the best job I’ve ever had, especially after spending 5 years in food service. I finally paid my dues, got the experience I needed, and got a cushy tech job that I’ve been dreaming for. I have amazing health insurance which is great due to my slew of health issues, equity, I work remote and have the option to go into the office whenever I feel like it, my team is…


What are the rules for COBRA?

I've been at my company for almost 10 years, and done everything right. Just finished a huge contract that STARTED those 10 years ago and was constantly extended because DoD clients are idiots and incompetent. Company just changed to a new insurance plan on Sept. 1. If I give me two weeks notice this week, am I eligible to keep that insurance for a while, realizing my premium will need to be paid by me? I'm just worried that there is a loophole company will try to squeeze through to keep my off the insurance since it is SO new. Can anyone help? I will need to COBRA for a few months to keep getting some injections I need for MAT (opioid dependency). I haven't used any illegal substances in 10 years, it's documented by my clinic. ANY help would be appreciated, before I have to start researching the Dept.…


Financial Coordinator & recruiter let me go after working at their company for a week and a half

Ok I’m not sure where to put this but hear me out. I (28F) worked part time for a while until I found something that I became interested in when browsing jobs online. It was an insurance coordinator position that includes paid training at an orthodontics office. I thought that since I like billing, I’ll might as well apply for the job and see if I get it -cuz hey, you’ll never know.- I got an email from a recruiter who works there and she wanted to do a Google meet interview which I was okay with. After the day of the interview, I thought it went well and then got another email from her asking when I can come in for an in person interview (which was part 2). I scheduled one with her and then for the day of the in person interview, I was introduced to the…


I’m so annoying with job listings and applying for jobs

title just to get some bs bot email back saying ‘while your resume is impressive, we’ve decided to pursue another candidate’. Don’t even get the decency of a real 2 sentence email.


The more I get paid, the less work I am expected to do

It's kind of awkward for me making this post given where I am now, but I feel like I should share my perspective. My workforce journey started with me dropping out of college and working at a pipeyard through a temp agency at 19. It was dangerous, back-breaking labor in the sun from 5am-5pm 5 days a week. I got paid $10/hr. From there I got into food service, delivery driving, and finally got my first office job as a debt collector all while teaching myself to code. After some career pivoting, failing upwards, and stretching of my resume I eventually wound up in tech support which led me to landing my first dev job. All that to say that I feel like I've taken a whirlwind tour of our shitty labor economy to wind up here and I've never been so conflicted. I've done manual labor, emotional labor, tedious…


They can walk all over me, but they made her cry so now I’m mad.

Starbucks may have violated my Partner's Labor Rights by denying her transfer request due to her pregnancy causing holiday scheduling conflicts. We are consulting legal to figure out our next plan of action… HOWEVER, I would prefer if the company just came out and did the right thing, honestly. I have too much on my plate and I don't have the energy, motivation, or money to fight off the World's biggest coffee company.


They want an experience of 12 years and want to pay an entry-level salary. What the hell?