
Walmart lowering wages for many of their employees despite strong sales growth and a 52 week high stock price

Walmart lowering wages TL;DR – It's a great time to be a Walmart executive. The nation's largest employer is making more money than ever, mostly due to the soaring price of groceries and the company's emphasis on selling those groceries to often captive consumers in rural areas who have few other choices. To celebrate, those execs announced wage cuts for most of their entry level positions like shelf stockers and online order fulfillers. Predictably, Wall St. loved the move. Investors drove the company's stock price to a 52 week high, likely improving the bonuses of many top Walmart execs who are often receive a majority of their compensation in stock grants.


What ya think?



I’m a server in a state where minimum wage is 12 dollars. I started a new job that I really like so far, and don’t want to cause any problems. Got my first paycheck today and my hourly rate for training (not serving) was 8 dollars an hour. I didn’t get any shared tips while training, so for the hours I trained I literally only made 8 dollars. Is this even legal?


Company Committing Fraud

Hi guys, On my throwaway for obivous reasons. I work at a company in the transportation industry and have learned that they are performing clear cut “Fraud, waste, and abuse” I would like to become a “whistle-blower” but am not sure where to even start. I was hoping you fine people may be able to point me in the right direction or share your similar experiences. I am in Illinois. Thank you!


I did everything you’re supposed to do, and still got screwed.

I worked in a professional field with a local municipality and basically washed out. I couldn't pass my certification exam to save my life. So under the advisement of my immediate supervisor, I quit with two weeks notice. I did this because since I couldn't pass the test, they were going to fire me and the entire municipality has a strict no rehire policy if you're fired. It doesn't matter if you're trying to go to a different department of the local government, you're out forever if you get fired. So to keep that in my back pocket I gave them two weeks and peaced out at the end of the year. Here we are 9 months later, i go back to my former director to ask for a professional reference for a new job. He wasn't in office so I left a message. My former immediate supervisor told me…


This was a real job listing, in 2023…


Why am I so stressed whenever I do something wrong at my job?

I ended my teaching career after 3 years to do something that made me not want to die. I can feel the cortisol release every time I do something not the way my boss liked it or when I need to send a mass email. I need to get over this but I can’t think of anything besides affirmations. Most of the time it’s not even me doing something wrong it’s just my boss being stressed that he’s behind or doesn’t communicate well so I either fuck it up or need clarification because I’m new to this industry. I’m afraid to ask questions. Any other recovering perfectionists?


The supervisor from a former job still acts like I’m a subordinate

I work for a municipal library in NJ. I started a job at a new library about 9 months ago. However, since we regularly meet with other staff from other libraries for training, meetings, or professional development, I frequently run into someone who was my supervisor at my previous job, with whom I didn't have a great relationship (hence why I left). Frequently during these meetings, I'll find that they're talking over me or offering patronizing advice. I got particularly upset because I am actually the leader of a local organization, and this person very publicly contradicted and chastised me, and effectively tried to have me removed from my post. When I sent them a private email expressing how I felt, they forwarded it to my current supervisor, encouraging them to discipline me for overstepping. They also cc'd several other people I work with, as well as members of my…


Worst Coworkers: ‘The Red Flag Raisers’

These people drive me up the wall…. Example, you all sit down to hear about a new project, and as the scenario is explained, these people will interrupt or make it their mission to raise red flags “I think X might happen which would be really bad” or “this specific thing could be really difficult”. They imagine that they are being wise contributors to the process, but in reality they are just fountains of negativity. They are never the most productive, they rarely take on the hard stuff because they are afraid, and at worst they shove off work to others having already demonstrated their value proposition by merely shouting about a potential risk that may not may not come to be. A Red Flagger is usually accompanied by other symptoms such as: brown nose, work avoidance, or easily overwhelmed.


Last year my team made 80m EUR profit, in comparison to an average team profit if 300k

I've now been asked to make 30% of my team redundant due to cashflow issues – that's 15 people who I'm responsible for.. done nothing wrong and have far exceeded expectations. I've put myself forward as a director for voluntary redundancy in a trade off to save the roles of my team. Its been rejected as they require my skill set and “competency” to drive the “recovery” Wtf