
Low key threats found in the back room of a random Lowes.

Maybe this is meant to be a joke, but also like, fuck you? I don't know it rubs me the wrong way, but I'm in a bad mood today.


A school principle treated me (37m ) like a child.

I put in my resignation today at a school I work at so I can work in a different school. I work as custodial staff at this establishment and I am constantly praised by both teachers, students, and other staff. Which is nice and I at least know I am doing well because of this feedback. During my evaluation, I was 100% doing within guidelines and was told to keep up the good work. Now fast forward to today. I was helping a new employee to get herself situated for her first day. I even offered to put in extra hours to help her with the permission of my boss. Everything was going smoothly and she is an older individual so she doesn’t move as quickly. Which is fine. He starts his warpath by seeing me help her.. which I had permission already to do by a different principle. That…


Frustrated – Medical Leave

I am having knee surgery in a week and a half. I have submitted and had my leave approved, I'll be out for three weeks. Because I will be out longer than 3 days that are not for vacation I've had to submit for leave approval that was approved. The frustrating part is that I have accrued enough vacation and personal time to cover my entire leave and still leave me time available to cover another week if needed. The company that handles our leave is telling me that for the first two weeks I'm good to use my accrued time, but the third week I've got to use my short term disability. If I do this I will lose 40% of my income for that week. I think it's ridiculous that they are telling that I can't use my accrued time for 100% of my pay for the last…


Employer illegally refusing to pay for Job Activity, because I might Rob a Bank?

So recently my coworkers and I were instructed by management, in the middle of a workday, that we would have to drive to a different location owned by our employer; And pick up equipment that is required as part of our job. They insisted that the reason we would have to clock out was to avoid liability. After receiving advice on another post, I decided to speak with my manager, and ask if I would be paid for that time (which also will include overtime to a small extent) and was directed to HR. My HR manager clarified by stating that the reason for having us clock out was that the company did not want to he liable; That they had no way of tracking where we went after leaving the office, and that for all they know I could go and “rob a bank”, and they did not want…


Support UE sanitation workers standing down in North Carolina!


I was doing an internship, boss wanted me to buy crazy expensive clothes for a mandatory work event

Hi! This happened years ago but every time I remember it I still get upset. I was still in college and doing an internship (6 hours per day) to gain some work experience. This was a “paid” position if you consider what he paid an actual salary. The company imported sophisticated medical equipment, think entire PET scanners and the like. It didn't manufacture anything, it was just buy the thing in one country and sell it to a local hospital, that's it (managing transport of course). At some point the boss/owner of the company, paid some foreign specialists to teach us all, the entire staff, about some new equipment for early cancer detection. I was the only person who understood the entire course, so the boss wanted me to go to a medical conference to explain the equipment to doctors and hospital directors that would attend. This was a 5…


You want the team to volunteer during their normal shift, but not get paid? Tell me how that works out for you.

So I've been in leadership for a long time, but I've also worked my way up. Started as a dock worker, then drove MHE, and earned my leadership stripes and have been having a great career. I'm in logistics and love it. Anyway, we have an initiative every year where we asked the staff what things they'd like us to do. Community Involvement was a big call out. And in my opinion and easy win. We could do a few in-house food drives, things such as that. But instead leadership started to push towards going to a donation site and volunteering our labor. Again, that's fine. And they wanted them to do it during their shift. GREAT! Off site and getting paid to help out those in need. But, of course, they wanted the associates to do this off the clock. I argued that it is the company volunteering our…


Indeed suck.

So recently i was asked to review an old job i had 2 years ago. The job was a fencing company. They are a hire and fire kinda deal. They hire you and then fire you before the 90 day period comes up so they do not have to pay any benefits or health insurance. But they do it in the most scummy way. So i wrote my review telling the truth about the job and indeed rejected my answer because it was too mean acording to them. So i guess people on indeed are lied to all the time. Who would have guessed why no one wants to work anymore.


Negative sick time

So I have been at my current employer for five years. A new job has kind of fallen into my lap and I’m fairly certain I’m going to take it when everything is finalized. Unfortunately I am really deep in the hole with my sick time with my current employer. What will happen when I put my two weeks in? Will I set up some sort of monthly payment plan to pay it back?


I don’t have a good sense of how much I should be paid

I’ve worked this retail place for 6 years and I only make $1.50 more than new people. I am pretty good at what I do. The only thing is that I’ve ALWAYS been part time because I’m still a student, sometimes only working one or two days a week. So I’m not sure how it works for getting raises when I don’t work nearly as much as other part timers and definitely not full timers. But I’ve been loyal to the company as much as a student can be. How much is it realistic to ask for when I ask them for a raise? I really, really don’t want to quit. I want to make this work if possible because I am autistic and I’m good at what I do there and it’s a quieter, low-stress job. I’ve looked at indeed in my hometown and school town and the only…