
Time Card Fraud

I'm going to try to make this post as painless as possible. I worked at my job for almost 2 years and was recently put on a 60 day probation for taking phone calls on the job. These were long calls, I admit it was wrong and I let them take the time out of my paycheck. Then they gave me a form to sign that says if I mess up at all, it can be cause for termination. This included taking phone calls (rest breaks excluded). A month later, I come into work and I'm fired for “time card fraud”. I was really confused and asked what that meant and my manager was very vague about it. I didn't want to be there any longer so I left without any further questions. It was bugging me so a few days later I emailed one of the upper managers and…


As a minor about to start working fast food, anything I should know?

I'm only working to get extra money as I don't have rent or bills to pay.


Did they do anything illegal

So my old job had very bad management. It was restaurant and was kind of forced to be a dishwasher, because my boss only let women and gay man (no hate fyi just confused) be waiters for some reason. In the first few months I worked there. I was forced to do the whole restaurants dishes including kitchen prep dishes, by hand in a big 3 part sink. He would constantly come back there and tell me I wasn’t going fast enough and that he was going to fire me even though they would all just dump everything in one sink so the sink would get super fucking dirty, nothing would get clean. He would constantly threaten my employment in really passive aggressive ways like “if you can’t go fast, you won’t be able to work here anymore” or “do you even want to work here anymore”. He would say…


RIP to anyone who has had to use profile advantage.

Currently seeking employment and this is now my second time in under 2 weeks encountering this website for a background screen/on boarding process, both with FedEx and Mastec and my God it is awful. I am truly saddened by this mess. It has cost me decent opportunities. HR nor the AI service agent on the website itself are of any assistance either. Nobody wants to have functioning programming or even be flexible enough to take information down in another manner for a bypass. Here's to hoping myself or anyone else has to deal with that kind of pain. Cheers.


help!! how to handle odd management & training?

i’ve made a post here before about how things have been going in my new hybrid position. unfortunately, things have gotten worse and i fear that i’ll be let go after my 90 day probation. i don’t know if that’s really irrational right now since i just passed my 30 days but i feel that things aren’t getting better. the training i’ve received here has been incredibly different from what i’ve had to previous jobs. having been trained and then jumping straight into the tasks while here…you’re trained on different things and then they bitch at you for trying to help after learning. not to mention the clear favoritism for my colleague and the fact that they have me sending in daily status reports. those reports were only made because they didn’t properly communicate what they wanted me to focus on. i feel like a lot of the issues i…


Fired due to calling out??

So yeahhh, I started a new job 3 weeks ago as a financial coordinator at a dentist office. I am super aware of my 90 probationary period….. Tuesday i ended up calling out because i wasn’t feeling to good at all. Went to my DR to get checked out & also to get my Dr’s note. Wednesday i was off already so that does not count so Thursday comes around , its 1:00am & i started getting sharp pains in my abdomen, TMI but i had horrible diarrhea & constantly throwing up.. i couldnt eat or drink anything without puking. Unfortunately I called out that same morning & my coworkers texted me to “feel better” this time i went to the hospital because i was in horrible pain so i called out. My manager told me to get another dr’s note for my absent days so i said okay. Dr…


2 months ago my director approved a week of PTO. Company handbook says “unused PTO forfeited upon departure.” Should I still be paid for that approved PTO if I gave 2 weeks notice?


Job advice- retail/dispensary

I recently took a job in the dispensary industry and i love the work but am extremely dissapointed in the behaviour of my company. I guess the TLDR version is: Is the dispensary industry just the modern day fast food/service industry???? So i will try to keep this short but basically i got hired as the “lead security” of a dispensary. Which on paper seemed like a cushy gig for a little less money than what im used to but i was ok with. Essentially they pulled a fast one on me. The job description i agreed to for less money sounded good but since day one ive been running the whole store in an “assistant GM” capacity. Only noone is talking additional compensation or even titles(id rather have the compensation). Normally i would just bring it up and press for more money. Im not scared to interact with managers.…


I took a new job and it’s already been a shit show

Lately I’ve been jumping from one bad work environment to another. Recently got hired for a really small co. Took it and a pay cut cause the last place I was working at was super sketchy and is probably going to get sued to oblivion. New co seemed straightforward and easy. Except I was hired during the busiest time of the year and i was completely on my own with only two days of training. And my job requires me to wear many hats. It’s like doing four little jobs but each one can overwhelm. It was stressful and exhausting. None of this was helped by the fact that my manager (who is a decent person who works hard) doesn’t explain things well. And then expects me to drop everything at the drop of a hat to help them with other responsibilities. Then they get irritated when I seemed overwhelmed…


They win

Im 3X years old and have a bachelors degree in biotechnology. I live in Florida and im unable to find any job that pays more than $17 dollars an hour. Ill never buy a house or anything to live in in this state. My parents bought the house i live in 20 years ago for $150,000. Now it is worth $600,000. I only exist because my family has a successful business and know if they dont help me I will be homeless. Ive spent months applying for jobs, not just in the field i work but everything ranging from bartenders, laboratories, manual labor and things im not even qualified for. Ive had a handful of interviews, no offers. The place I live has a large population but no well paying jobs. The competition is fierce and all the people moving here only makes it worse. My family business “gave” me…