

I’ve applied to 80+ jobs only to get three interviews, all of which have been scams. I’m so tired and don’t want to go back to food service. Feel like my degree was a waste of time.


Arkansas hospital sued thousands of patients over medical bills during the pandemic, including hundreds of its own employees | CNN


Just a polite reminder

Your coworkers, boss, and HR are NOT your friends, buddies, family, or pals. There are some out there that I'm sure are an exception, but for the bulk of us, keep this in your mind when you communicate anything with anyone at work.


My work is paying the new guy $1.50 more than me and my coworker and more hours. How would you guys handle this situation?

I work at a dispensary in Canada that is dangerously understaffed and desperate for workers. With the new guy that makes 3 of us. Any less than 3 and they can’t even operate everyday until the expected time. I have the most seniority although I’ve only been here a month. Me and and another guy whose been here for a few days less than me both make $17 an hour even though they had an Indeed ad that said $18 that they took down but I still have a screenshot. There’s nothing special about the new guy, he has no dispensary experience only management experience but so does my other coworker. Plus the new guy told me he has a bunch of rental homes, he’s a literal millionaire who doesn’t need the money. Keep in mind in Canada your employer can fire you when you’re under 3 months with no…


Why do we subsidize companies instead of workers?

Maybe this is a stupid question, but why do we subsidize for example the pork industry rather than increasing the spending power of the consumer and letting them decide? Our tax dollars go to subsidizing all sorts of things, but it seems a big backwards. We give the companies money to make stuff more affordable for us. Why don't we just give that money to ourselves, or better yet leave it with us? Honestly asking because I don't know much about how subsidies work.


Just got laid off by overgrown trust fund babies whose hobby is running businesses into the ground.

The title is the TLDR, that's pretty much it, but if you want more fun details, here you go. I was laid off yesterday (third round of layoffs in a year) by my boss who is one of those SUPER old money with insane generational wealth. She married someone exactly like her and they spend all their time starting businesses and killing them slowly with incompetence. I've only been there two years but they've already killed at least 7 businesses they've started since I've known them. Of course it doesn't matter to them because they have endless amounts of money to play pretend -entrepreneur from now until they die. Part of it is genius, though. They create companies for ancillary services for our industry (don't want to get into specifics there), and then they create crappy companies and require them to use those services. So they line their pockets directly…


20 minute therapy sessions, 2-3 sessions per hour, I don’t think it’s good client care, I quit, attempted to give notice, and they said just to leave that same day instead.

20 minute therapy sessions, 2-3 sessions per hour, I don’t think it’s good client care I recently attempted to give a 2-3 week notice at my employer. They are a telehealth company. They changed the rules from one hour sessions to 20 minute sessions. They wanted me to do 40 hours per week and every hour see at a minimum 2-3 clients per hour. That means I would be seeing 80-120 clients per week. I was a salaried employee. Already had upwards of 60 clients. Attempted to give my 2-3 week notice, but when I emailed them with the notice and talked to them they stated that I had to leave that same day that I quit. Didn’t even give me a chance to say goodbye to my clients or do any transition. My boss claims she will reassign the clients, but my agency only has 3 other therapists, everyone…



Hey everyone.. I just need some advice. What do I say when my company is pushing yearly goals and constant continued education… I need to think of three things and I used to just fill stuff out like “get this certifications” or do this or that but the older I get the more I’m just like… fuck this I have no goals I want to do tickets, new projects and go home my goal is to not be here. I work in IT so I get pressure to do certifications which I have tried but I am just very bad at standardized tests and they aren’t cheap so I don’t wanna waste my money or time… failing one again.. Any advice would be appreciated… I’m just trying to work and go home and NOT think about work when I’m home…


My HR rep may have knowingly lied about me to my boss


Migrant Roofers

My boyfriend and I are currently renting a townhouse at an old HOA neighborhood (Florida). They are undergoing a major roof renovation. This morning while working on the roofs it started to pour and thunder. The Latin migrant workers were all trying to seek shelter in odd places outside. My boyfriend and I offered them shelter in our home and towels. But they refused. I think they were scared of getting in trouble? I feel so bad