
Sing “Solidarity forever” whenever you go shopping at Walmart

Just got done there, every employee I walked by I sang “solidarity forever, the union keeps us strong” I suggest we start doing that at all corporately owned businesses


Should I ask them to just conduct the interview over zoom ?

I was invited for a second stage interview , at the employers office Last time I went there it was a hassle because I paid a huge amount in travel expenses to get there , right now I don’t have the cash to spend more on travelling Should I just make up some excuse , and then request the 2nd stage interview be held on zoom? I know it sounds bad… but I usually end up paying a lot to attend these interviews and they end up not offering me the job IMO it just makes more sense What do you guys think


The ramblings of “successful” person

I'm one of the lucky few who just kind of stumbles through life without a plan, and things still work out. I currently work two jobs, one in the cannabis industry and one part-time planning anime conventions. I also own my car (fully paid off) and my house (I have a mortgage with a 3.5% rate) Between those jobs and having a roommate who pays a bit of rent (significantly lower than rent in my area), I end up making about about $70K, which is nearly double the median worker's income in the Midwest, where i live. It has allowed me to pay off debt (I only have student loans and a mortgage) and save a 6 month emergency fund, which could easily turn into 7 or 8 if I cancel all of my streaming services, gym membership, and meal prep subscription. In theory, it looks like I have my…


Overworked office workers

I had discussion this morning with my wife about how her coworker even if not expected to check his workphone (see yes expected) should probably check it. It reminded me a bit of this article although it is not apples to apples. There should be better ways to stop this extra 20% of overwork.


My brain gave out because I didn’t quit.

Sorry, I'm going to keep things vague and changed some details and outright left stuff out for my own sanity (also please keep in mind I'm not American so my healthcare and benefits are different). This happened at a non-profit organization. I was fairly newish to the organization, but I was well experienced in the field. One summer I started a new medication, my doctor wanted to monitor me to see how I tolerated it. In the fall I was handed 3 big projects at work. I was assigned one subordinate to assist with one of the projects and I briefly had an intern for another. Every doctors appointment he'd ask me how things were going. I'd tell him, then he'd ask me to follow-up in a month. This went on for about 6 months. Over time I started to struggle with my mental health from work-stress as I was…


Company Laptop: Return or Nah?

Say you leave a publicly traded company that you worked for remotely. The computer you’d been using has been fully setup by IT to run a ton of their programs and whatnot. The company initially reached out to get the computer back, but was acquired shortly after you left and stopped correspondence. It’s been a year. Is it possible to wipe this computer for personal use? What are the risks?


Remote Job wants to have a team get together. Can’t afford to expense anything and it’s on us to pay for food/drinks.

I have to pay for room upfront and won’t be reimbursed until after the trip. Cheapest Flight available is paid for. Would you go?


Employer cut my hours and now I’m short $200 for rent any tips or helpful resources?

Hey guys I’ve been struggling to come up with $200 for rent. Any tips or ideas? I need it in the next two days. I was forced to quit my job and definitely ended up in a shitty situation. I won’t be hired until the 25th!


can’t even get part time retail work.

i just recently moved to a new city and i did not expect finding a job to be so difficult. i’ve been looking for a part time job while i get my feet on the ground in retail or similar, and i can’t even get places to respond to my resume. i have experience in some of the places i’ve applied for and crickets. i had interviews scheduled for a more “grown up job” and they forgot about my interviews both times (you can see the post i made about it in my history) and never returned my call so i turned them down (they never responded to that email either). i’ve applied to at least a dozen places in the last month. i have a bachelor’s degree (which i was always always told would be a near sure way for me to secure jobs) so apparently i’m overqualified for…


Why are we returning to work from the office?

Why on earth are we going back to the office? It's been crystal clear during the 2020 pandemic that remote work works! Why waste our precious time and hard-earned money on traffic jams and office rents just to sit in front of a computer we can easily access from our home? I mean, come on, remote work skyrocketed during the pandemic, showing that we can be just as productive, if not more, from our rooms. I had a meeting on teams about that we are going back to the office to have a hybrid work from now on, no discussion, they are going to see if you went to the office with your badge from now on is this being discussed? I don't see any benefits on returning to the office, also its so much better for the environment as well, what the fuck is happening … ​