
Doing other people who get paid more’s job

I'm a temp A coworker tried to convince me that her coworker was making me do her job I didn't think so. I didnt mind. Simple task, really, she was supposed to help our coworker because her stall is the busiest The next day, that same coworker, after telling me I finished my work asked me to help her I was miserable. It was scorching hot in that room and I was doing her (hard) work for an hour. She said she “couldn't” do it because it was painful for her. It was painful for me too. I didn't mind because she's an older woman and if she's in pain, I wanted to help She was my higher up and in charge of me after the manager left so I was afraid to speak up. I think, if the task was going to take that long and be that challenging,…


Partner got bait and switched

My partner applied to work in IT for a finance company that manages 401k for other companies/employers. When they interviewed they were basically told they would be working from home doing over the phone support until a physical office is set up. My partner is not happy with their job. Is it legal for a company to post a job listing for IT only to hire my partner on as basically customer support?


What the f*** is going on right now…

What’s happening to the job market? Why is everything a huge mess right now? I’ve been trying to search for answers but everyone’s opinion is different So why do you guys think the economy is so bad right now? I’d like more insight


Forced to take PTO?

I have been sick since Sunday and took PTO on Tuesday and Wednesday. (Monday was a holiday). My supervisor allowed me to work from home on Thursday, but isn’t allowing it today. Her reasoning is that I need to rest and get better! However, I am doing that and want to work so I don’t fall behind and can stay occupied while at home. She still said no and told me to use PTO. I find this completely counterproductive and like my choice has been taken away. Either come to work in the office being sick or use PTO instead of allowing me to work from home. I’ve been a supervisor since January and continuously feel like my choice and say in matters isn’t being taken into consideration. And of course, other employees are allowed to work from home frequently and upper management does whatever they want. Not sure what…


I am not lazy for wanting more!

There are so many people out there working their damned hardest, and asking for more is not “asking for a free lunch”. On top of that.. Nobody is self made. And if you think you made all your money working for yourself you're full of shit. The tools you used were subsidized by other people's labor. People who are all being underpaid. The loans you got were from banks scalping people. The entire system is rigged to encourage sociopaths. Until the work of the many is lining the pockets of the many rather than the few, we all deserve more pay!


Have you ever not shown up to work to punish your manager for being disrespectful to you?

This is coming from an employee perspective. But I just feel like this is something that should happen more often. If a manager or boss is rude or disrespectful to any employees, the punishment for them would be that they should get no help the next day. Think about it, if an employee is rude or disrespectful, they get sent home for the day or fired, but management gets away with it. I also can’t stand when people say that’s just how management is. Do managers and bosses realize that employees are the ones who help them keep their business going?


Fired At A Really Bad Time

I have been working at company (let's call it Y) for about a year and a half. After the first year, I noticed a lot of people getting bonuses even though I never received one. The company itself is very small and does not have management/he and mainly works with a few select people having clients and the next group (mine) working on tasks for those clients. I usually kept myself busy doing whatever work needed to be done while also learning as much as I can because I was new to the field. I decided to ask for a raise after a year and a half, showing up everyday and doing good work (according to project leader). When I asked the CEO, he sat me down and proceeded to rip into me stating that I never do any work and haven't contributed or learned enough in my time at…


I can't help but feel now that the “back to the office” propaganda that swamped our feeds has largely failed, the new tactic is to demand. Also, since when was the BBC propaganda for the CEO-minati?? Office work for the masses is a bygone relic of the 20th and early 21st century surely?


Should I stay or should I go????

Okay so I work at this job I hate. It’s horrible. Turnover is high, we’ve gone through so many changes in leadership since I’ve been here (not even a year BTW), the team morale is so low, my workload is heavy & generally, I am just sick and tired. I’ve been applying for other jobs and have some interviews lined up. I know you’re thinking “what is there to tell you? If you want to leave & it’s that bad then leave.” Here is where I make it hard (literally myself, my brain & an old manager who is my mentor of sorts). The place is awful, but I have this old manager, turned BFF, who mentors me through Corporate. I am a sensitive person & I let things in more than I should but I’m also very respective to feedback. Actually I love feedback. Who doesn’t want to be…


Am I the only one who thinks “fast-paced” and “ability to multitask” is just a fancy way of saying “we’re understaffed and you’ll be overworked?”

It seems like this is written somewhere in literally EVERY job posting I see. Hell, I’ve even had bosses say “this role is very fast-paced and if you can’t handle it then you’ll never be successful.”