
Update on coming in early

In my last post several people commented about things that could happen if I come in early unpaid. I was able to get it done through a zoom meeting and it was really just sharing feedback I received with stuff like body language and taking initiative when I’m still new. It was in a conversation not so much a lecture, and it only lasted five minutes so no harm no foul. Now it’s back to work as usual


Want to downscale my hours. How do I do that?

Hey antiworkers, An antiworker here. I work 40 hours aka 5 days. Ideally would like a real raise. On the other hand I would do the opposite – lower my working hours and keep my current pay. How do I negotiate that?


Why can’t we do anything?

Why can’t we do anything to fix it, as a whole how do we reach more people to make a solution happen? People always talk about how things need to change, other more extreme people say a revolution but none of this happens. If anything it feels like although we’re making so much noise about the situation but we keep getting further away from any actual resolution. When is the breaking point, when do we start? I understand we have unions and protests but it seems like all that is having minimal effects so far, how can we actually organize to make a change for ourselves to be able to live again.


I want to quit my £30 k a year job to be a YouTuber.

27M here. I know the title sounds kind of silly, specially because there is still the general misconception that being a YouTuber is not a real job and only 14 yrs old teenagers do videos for YouTube. I work as a Field Engineer for a Telecommunications company and have been at it for over a year. While the job pays well and the company is great, I've been feeling like I'm sidelining my dreams. This has led to increasing feelings of depression over time, reaching a breaking point after a year. Consequently, I've been consistently late to work for the past three months, struggling with motivation. My boss surprised me by being understanding when we had a conversation about this issue. However, now I feel a sense of guilt for leaving, as if I'm being ungrateful. On top of that, I'm uncertain about whether I can sustain myself financially by…


update to previous post

i quit and my (ex)boss blocked me (: hopefully i get my last two paychecks at some point but i guess we won’t know for a while! it’s over $500 so it better show up in the mail. last post:


Friend was just let go because “it’s just not working out”

Downfall is she’s an accountant and being fired makes it difficult to find another accounting job. Just crappy how they expect a notice…..


“WFH is not a substitute for childcare”

It must be a requirement in the job listings for manager positions to be a hypocrite. The managers at my company are infamous for going on shopping sprees, to the gym, or hanging out in their backyards with their company phones next to them so they can pretend they’re working. We hear their kids running around the house during meetings. The reminisce on the times when we worked in the office and they brought their kids to work with them. But when it comes to those of us below them they have no grace for parents with small children. It’s in our employee WFH agreement that “WFH is not a substitute for childcare. You aren’t required to have outside childcare but there must be someone else at home to take care of your child so you aren’t distracted from your work.” The managers in my department sent out a mass…


The Great Gloom? U.S. worker happiness is eroding at a record pace. And health care pros most dire of all

The Canary in the Coal Mine? Are workers' attitudes predictive of the upcoming fall of American culture? Will American capitalism capture new markets when it inevitably has to embrace empathic practices to earn marketshare?


Human Resources has way too much power

In context of Canada, I think HR is given way too much leeway and influence over the organization. For example, I work for a large company and are in a fairly senior role with lots of senior managers and directors reporting to me. The HR assigned to me has 5 years of experience and is less than 30 years old, yet they sit in all career planning meetings and has a say on everyone’s bonus and most of my report are 3 levels above this person. It just occurred to me when they came to me the other day and wanted to discuss one of my reports performance. My report has 4 direct reports who each has a team of 5 to 8 people working under them. So this HR person wanted to discussed performance of someone who was managing a team of 27 people and has 23 years of…


“I can’t micromanage when my employee eats and it’s subverting my authori-tayyy.”