
Future colleague damaged my car and lied about it. What should I do?

I work in a building owned by the city with two organizations inside. We share a parking lot. Last year a staffer from the other organization did a hit and run on my vehicle. It was witnessed by our administrators and there was also obvious paint transfer. My license plate was the primary casualty and being from out of state it was a unique color of paint matched perfectly with my damage. She lied to the witness, myself, and insurance about the damages. At first ai just wanted an apology but when she said it didn’t happen I felt I had no choice but to report. For what it is worth, myself and three other staff witnessed her hit and run ANOTHER car a month later and she was accused of it a year prior without being able to prove it. This is a pattern. I’m getting an offer letter…


Should I start looking for a new job now or wait?

I'm seeking some advice regarding my current situation. I've been at my current job for almost two years now, and I must admit that I genuinely enjoy what I do. Unfortunately, our organization has been facing a series of mass layoffs recently. What's puzzling is that these layoffs don't seem entirely necessary, as each time one occurs, the company's stock price surges. But let's not dwell on that for now. My initial plan was to begin searching and applying for new positions around December. This timeline was aligned with the moment when my spouse is expected to receive her state license. The reason I've been holding off is because we rely on the health insurance provided by my current job, and my spouse's job doesn't offer healthcare coverage. However, once she becomes licensed, her income is expected to increase. Now, I'm torn between whether I should start my job search…


Bosses cheating at fantasy football smh

Not sure if this belongs here but I'm so annoyed. My workplace has an NFL survival League with a $100 buy in – basically you pick a team to win each week and if they don't, you are eliminated, and you can only pick each team once per season. Well last night Kansas City got upset, so three of the higher ups got knocked out. If you don't watch NFL, Kansas City was last year's champs so it's not like these picks were made by accident, those three just didn't keep up with football news to see that the other team is looking really good and that one of KC's stars is injured and another is sitting out for contact negotiations. These three play every year too so it's not like they don't understand the rules. The league is now starting next week, giving these three guys another chance. Now…


What exactly is the breaking point for us?

I’m in the US so this is mainly for those living here. When the hell do we decide enough is enough? This isn’t an attack on anyone and I don’t mean any disrespect but how long are we supposed to put up with all this shit? What has to happen for us to do something about it? It doesn’t seem like anything is getting better going forward and the politicians and government that are supposed to be here to help us clearly don’t give a fuck about us. They just want the money and all they do is lie. We actually vote for them because they make promises to ensure change is coming and then of course, nothing happens and we do it all again every few years. They show time and time again that they don’t care about us, healthcare is a joke, most people are constantly working to…


The owner of Green Bean doesn’t believe in a living wage and sent this message to her employees (all of which are resigning on mass)


Help cheat on logic test for new job

I'm currently interviewing for a job that will be about 50% increase in pay, and 7 weeks paid vacation. But god damn do I have to jump through every loop in the book. First a vibe test, the week after it was a coding test, then it was a personality test and next week it's a logic/iq test. I'm not sure what form it will take, is it shapes, words, I don't know. But I do know, I can take it from home. Is there an ai that can help me? If its text based obviously chatgpt, but if its shapes, is there an ai I can feed pictures and then get help? If anyone wants to tell me its unethical, I don't care, I just want my money so I can retire.


How do I get an employement reference?

I'm currently working for a big engineering company and due to a low wage, I want to apply at the competitor. How do I get my boss to give me an employement reference for my past 1,5 years of working without them knowing I would like to switch to the competition?


Two of my eight coworkers are covid-positive, and at work. Our boss pays minimum wage, and won’t offer paid sick days. None of us can afford to take time off.

Meanwhile my boss has multiple houses, and a brand new high-end luxury vehicle, and only comes to work a few days a week, for a few hours a day. I'm actively looking for another job, and encouraging my coworkers to do the same, but we're all stuck here until we can find something better. I hate all of this.


Some alternative jobs to consider?

During my life I've held several summer jobs but focused the majority of my time on studies and friends. After finishing my Bachelors degree in tourism management. I had a full time position in a logistics sector which was like 90% remote but very stressful (as the industry can be), especially because it was during the pandemic. I worked there for a year and a half, freelanced on the side but after leaving my full time job a major depressive episode started which I took control off only barely 6 months later at the start of this year. During these times I tried to find a good paying job and stumbled upon another logistics position, so I went there, but my social anxiety was so high that I was forced to leave during the probation period. That made it clear that logistics as a career are out of the question…


Work problem surfaces

I (33F)work at a pizzeria in which I started off as a driver, but made my way to the kitchen. I have been trained in three positions at my job. The third being a server. Lately, it has been super slow at work and we don’t make enough to match up with labor. So the managers started cutting people. I volunteered to help as a driver for the possibility of more hours, but I was part of the group of people constantly getting cut. This started to annoy me because I am “full time” but work less hours than full time requirements and less hours than three of the part-timers who work in the kitchen. What really started to bother me was that one of those insiders is brothers with one of the managers, and the other two are his friends. This manager would call one of them on their…