
Bob Iger has basically taken disney/espn on strike for higher wages from Spectrum


Company likes to talk about employees behind their back.

I have been employed by a company that works with recovering humans with addictions and alcoholism. I love being able to help the clients we work with everyday, even if I don't do any clinical work. This past week I have been out of office, very sick with multiple trips to doctors and an urgent care. A fellow coworker of mine, bless their heart, let me know that one of my higher ups decided to speak on my behalf during a meeting I wasn't able to attend, behind my back, telling them they need to fill my position immediately as I was planning to find another job. This was something she overheard in a conversation over a month ago, where I was burnt out and overly stressed from my job. If I were to get another position, I was going to give them 3 weeks notice and help train whoever…


will 401k withdrawal affect pending Unemployment claim?

just lost job a few weeks ago and made UI claim the same day. Tracker is still yellow awaiting processing. If i withdraw my 401k will that affect my UI? and will i have to report it to UI as income when certifying for payments?


Why do people claim that having a union will result in lazy and unproductive workers? Literally the opposite in my experience.

I first started working for a non unionized warehouse, most workers seemed unhappy and grumpy. Who wouldn’t be, pay was low and management sucked ass. People would work their hardest to not work. Shit barely got done and management was very inept. I barely worked as well, I spent 3 hours working and I pretty much slept or watched movies in my car. Now through my uncle, I got a job as a clerk in an unionized warehouse. And literally everyone is working their ass off, most people are lifers and we’re generally happy and in a good mood almost everyday. Warehouse workers here start at $25/hour and top off at $39/hour with pension and great benefits. When there’s no work to be done, people would clean and do other tasks. Even my supervisors and managers would do the grunt work. At my old job, management refused to do any…


At 7 in the morning someone knocks on my door… Its my boss

He says “Hey Dude i have bad news. We had to let you go. Please give me your work laptop and your office key. We learned from our past experience, that its better to make it really quick without talking or anything. Its sad but you will get over it.” He hands me the canceled contract and leaves. Apparently the company lost a lot of money and has to let go many people especially the ones in trial period. Nobody warned me or said a single word. I was there for 5 months and my onboarding was already finished. My friends at work were extremely confused and sad. Im still getting paid for 2 weeks and then im jobless and need money from the government. Next week i would have vacation which i already paid for. I now have a gap in my resume because its impossible to find a…


Worker ants are born with a full time job already, no breaks and no overtime pay

My boss recently said it out loud at work “nobody wants to work anymore, that's why we should all learn from nature, ants in particular always taking pride on hard work” That shit just rubbed me the wrong way so i went on to watch an entire documentary about the ant life cycle “So the new workers are finally born and ready to help the colony at all costs. For the rest of their days they will live and die to protect the colony” Ohhh this bullshit got me madddd watching that damn queen sitting on her ass while the peasants work work work work work no overtime and no breaks if reincarnation is a thing the punishment for most bad people would be coming back as a proud member of the ant family


Retracted offer letter

I interviewed for a remote job three times, went through their typing test and all the other crap they wanted me to do. The interviewers were positive, assured me I was their choice. Yesterday, I got an email with the offer letter and the questionnaire for security clearance attached. Nothing would load. So I emailed the sender. Three hours later, she called me. She said that a person who had not been included in the interviews chose someone else. She had sent the offer by mistake after being unable to make a change in the technology in which the offer email had been generated. My heart dropped. I told her…that is a terrible mistake and serious problem with your technology. I am hurt by it. Then I sent her an email stating she and her organization had made me cry, something I rarely do. I also told her to fix…


fuck this obligation i feel

I'm falling for all the shiny little benefits they're dangling in my face. I wanna leave but I'm all depressed about not making it to my birthday PTO. Isn't that crazy? I've barely made it half a year in this job because the stress has me quivering every day and I'm afraid I'm gonna get sick, but I still wanna stick it out for my birthday pto. This sucks.


Mandatory meeting in place of my lunch break

I’m a relatively new hire at my company. It is remote but they freaking love forcing corporate culture regardless, so I’ve been invited to this stupid “executive lunch” today where I am expected to have questions prepared to asked the executives to “learn from them”. So stupid. Didn’t wanna do it. Tried to decline since I was sent a “cordial invitation”, but found out it was mandatory. Kinda got over it cause they sent me a $25 doordash gift card to get food for it and I like free shit. Here’s the kicker. I get a 1 hour unpaid lunch break at 12:30 and this thing is at 2. Just found out I am supposed to skip my break and clock out for the mandatory meeting at 2 and take my unpaid break during this stupid fucking meeting because it’s being touted as like a good thing for me to…


Sick of being asked to cover shifts

I'm a lifeguard at a pool in a gym. It's a small pool, so there's only ever one person on duty at any time. I started about a year ago and quickly became my bosses #2 because I am a fairly hard worker. I recently got made full time and work 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. We have about 15 employees on staff who work 1-2 4 hour shifts a week. And somehow at least 2-3 times a week I'm asked to cover all or part of the shift for the person after me, or I'm asked to come in on my days off. I don't want to work a 12 hour shift, nor do I want to work 7 days a week. I did that all summer since most of our staff is college students who were gone all summer. Now that they're back I don't…