
Company doesn’t pay out leftover PTO. Should I resign with minimal notice?

So I actually like my manager and my team, but I am going in a different career direction so planning my exit. I found out that my company “requests” 2 weeks notice. But they also don't pay out PTO you have left. They don't have to in my state, but I have never worked somewhere that didn't. Obviously gonna use up as much of mine as I can before I notify (you also can't take any after you put in notice). But if I give 2 weeks I will accrue more before my last day. That being said, I feel strongly that I should give less than 2 weeks to avoid leaving things on the table. But that also screws my team who I have no issue with. Probably wouldn't work there again, though. What would an anti worker do?


How can I become a morning person?

Hi everyone, I am not sure if this question belongs here but it’s my first post and I would love some advice. My mom told me that ever since I was a baby, I was a night owl. Trouble getting to sleep at night and would always sleep in. My older brother was the opposite. Now I’m 30 and I still struggle with this. I have a standard 9 to 5 job which I don’t hate but the early mornings are a pain. Most of my coworkers start their workday at 8 with a smile and think I’m lazy for starting at 9. I use alarm clocks, tons of coffee, I work out and try my best to have a healthy breakfast but still I’m exhausted. Sometimes I even sleep through my alarm clocks and get to work late. I’ll work overtime to compensate but still I hate being late,…


My boss suspended me because she didn’t want to acknowledge my request for leave

Title was the basic- my boss suspended me because the 3rd time I came to her with my leave forms she diverted the conversation so I politely said she can sign my resignation notice at the end of the day…. that lead to my suspension. That was 1week ago, I've been the happiest person being away from my toxic work environment where I deal with non stop gossip, lack of structure and I feel I am the only loyal employee- over worked and undervalued. My boss called me today saying she wants to meet and as I'm still on her books I assume she either wants me to continue working or to dismiss me. But I don't imagine she can afford to hire and train someone new right now but I have to prepare for either situation. People who have gone into meetings with extremely irrational & manipulative employers- what…


Vent about the boss from hell

So my boss' boss, let's call him Winston because every time I get an email from him I wince might just possibly be the world's worst alcoholic. Winston decided that this was “Year of the Manager” (yes, we had an hour long meeting to discuss this) and has been basically attempting to either drive us insane or overwork us to death. Some of Winston's Year of the Manager decrees: 1) Managers must preform an audit three days/5 days a week- an audit is when we go out in the field with our employees and inspect their work and criticize every detail. This is a MINIMUM nine and a half hour day (I've had a few 12s from these before) where you're moving on your feet, micromanaging and trapped in a small space. With someone who is VERY unhappy that you're there. When you're done, Winston expects a PARAGRAPH (yes, he…


Started a new job it’s too quiet

I have always worked in busy, shift work environments in the health industry. Always extremely overworked, working extra unpaid hours just to get the work done and in high stress situations. I applied for a back office job – higher pay, much better conditions, time off over Xmas new years and no funny rules about taking annual leave. The only problem is I’m bored everyday – there is zero urgency and my brain can’t hack it. Should I stick it out or go back to my old job? It works out about an extra $7000 annually.


AI Overlords – The next whip crack of management

I saw a video of a coffee shop that is using AI cameras to monitor and quantify how many cups/hour each barista is producing. Therefore measuring staff ‘efficiency’ as an arbitrary value of how fast they can produce a commodity and therefore how ‘profitable’ they are. This totally dehumanises the worker and quite frankly is another step into dystopia…. All hail our new AI overlords – we are truly fucked aren’t we?


My friend just shared with me over tears that their boss asks them lots of invasive personal questions about their past, makes jokes about sending them to a psych ward, and makes all types of rude and discriminatory comments to them, including diagnosing them. This is a Starbucks. What can they do?

I mentioned beginning to record their days at work, (no state law requiring two party consent) what else can they do, comrades? They regret taking this job, feel her boss' comments are racially motivated, and do not feel safe. Who can they contact? Can they sue?


Nevada – Paycheck

Hello everyone! I recently quit my job due to such a toxic work environment from my boss. My boss is being malicious and is purposely making me pick up my last paycheck. I have never seen any employees in the past year I have been there who got terminated or resigned (even with no notice) having to come pick up their last paycheck except for me. I have no company property on me nor did I do anything to violate company policy. My boss is sending crazy emails that it is mandatory that I pick up my last paycheck because I didn’t give my notice and I broke some sort of promise. I have asked him multiple times that I have it mailed and I can pay for whatever postage he has to use, instead I get a response saying it is mandatory company policy that I pick up my…


Just got fired at the end of a 3 month probation for out performing my manager and raising a concern in a constructive way in line with the supposed company culture and values. All under totally fabricated and exaggerated reasons.

This guy couldn’t even look me in the eye and was as white as a sheet delivering the news as he knew it was total nonsense, truth is that he hated sharing my successes and was hypercritical of everything I did and was constantly seeking ways to criticise me. Other team members had also noticed this in out dynamic and had even said that it’s clear this guy my manager is trying to do whatever he can to prove I shouldn’t be there. When I smashed all the performance targets he was shocked and then fabricated reasons as to why i don’t fit i to the environment and how there are hesitancies around my approach to work. I’d developed great working relationships with the whole team and this guy hated the fact i was doing so well. Turns out time spent in a company is more important that the right…


My company just announced it didn’t get more investment and is looking for a buyer

Here we go again. The company I work for, in the financial services industry, has just announced they couldn't get a bridging loan while seeking series 3 investment. Apparently they're now trying to sell to one of the really big banks. Everyone's jobs are “safe”… for now. I'm working on my CV.