
My company told me I must be in the office 5 days a week

Starting Monday. I am currently a home based worker doing one day a week. I live in Manchester and the office is in Blackpool, I don’t have a car. I also have a puppy I need to look after. I need a new home based job and don’t know what to do, any suggestions welcome please help me I will get fired next week.


Hired as a Server, being kicked back to the Kitchen

Deleted my last post but spoke to my manager. , i was hired as a server/bartender for a new buisness thats been open for a month and a half. I've know the owner personally for a few years and spent a 9 hour day helping him unpaid last year to help get his 'dream' started. They've had plenty of staff turn around since the start, I was okay filling in the back of the house to help him succeed. Now Performance reviews are coming up, and apparently im more “suited for the kitchen” rather than server. I want to note I've been the only server to work both in the kitchen and Bar, even though “everyone will know both”. I've worked near 50/50 shifts and with mangament changes and front house changes I've been trying my best to catch up. I feel taken advantage of. Out of the orginal staff…


HR Playing games, looking to eliminate OT, and won’t increase salaries

So I work for a nonprofit/government type organization, not the usual for-profit company. I’m part of a very small team, but it’s one of the organization’s primary divisions. We’re currently at a staff that’s less than 40% of what we should be at, so everyone in our team needs to pull double or triple duty to get the work done. While everyone except our manager (who works even more hours than us) is hourly with OT, we pull non-exempt hours. Recently, HR has demanded we stop using OT unless absolutely necessary, and they keep shutting my manager down when he tries to push back. He’s also been trying to hire people to fill our open slots, but HR takes so long to hire that the candidates inevitably take new jobs. The biggest problem is that the work we do really should be classified as exempt work, and we’re getting paid…


Seeking Advice on Crafting a Delicate Email

Hello, fellow Redditors, I hope you're all doing well. I find myself in a situation where I need some guidance and advice on how to write a delicate email, and I thought this community might be the perfect place to seek some valuable insights. Here's the situation: I've been asked to draft an email responding to whether or not I wish to continue employment as a teaching assistant. Ideally, I want to keep the job just until I can find something better, but I need to express it in a way that says I'm totally, passionately in love with this job and this place (LOL). Recently, I've found myself grappling with the ever-persistent balance between asserting my boundaries at work and maintaining a healthy work environment. There have been moments when I've felt pressured to take on tasks that were not in my job description, from people that are not…


A lot of overly physical jobs are due to not having proper equipment

I have had a fair amount of physical jobs. Warehouses, factories, and construction. One thing I've tended to notice is jobs that pride themselves on being super physical are either A. Lacking equipment, B. Have Poorly thought out production flows. Rather then using conveyer belts, forklifts, carts, etc they just throw a bunch of manpower at a problem. People constantly get injured, or it slowly wears on you until you're basically disabled. The employees will talk about how you have to be super strong or tough to work there. I worked at a tire distribution center for awhile. The pickers would bring the pallets to the trailers. Then we would stack them one by one into the trailer. It just seemed incredibly inefficient. Why not just put the tires on pallets, or in bins then onto the trailer? These places also can never keep a full staff.


Coworker talking shit

I caught my coworker red-handed talking shit about me in a common room and confronted her about it. She is the type of person who I suspected would gossip or be in a work clique and this confirms it. I walked in and she went silent although I had already heard her shittalking from the hallway. I told her if she wanted to say something to me say it to my face and now i realize the person she is. I emailed my boss and HR about the situation. Any advice on what to tell HR when I inevitably get called into their office after the weekend?


Work as a Social Problem

Does anyone else feel that work is the largest social problem, yet the least recognized? People often spend half (if not more) of their waking hours working. But many jobs are unfulfilling and provide very little benefit to the employee other than a salary. A salary which is mostly spent on physical survival (eg. food, shelter, clothes, gas) so they can continue to work. Let's say you write banking software. How much benefit do you personally get from your labour? I'm certain theirs a plethora of BS jobs that provide very little benefit to the employee, employer, or society. I would argue that work is the largest contemporary constraint of freedom. A worker has no or little control on when the work is done, how it is done, how long they work, or where they work from. Many white collar (maybe blue too?) spend 50% or more of their working…


Would anyone here ever consider organizing?

I've worked in architecture/interior design for over ten years now. The pay isn't awful. I'm certainly not rich, but was able to buy a house with a little help from my folks. Now with the mortgage and house repairs, I am no longer able to save like I used to. My bigger issue is that the working hours in architecture are insane. I am often working ten hours a day minimum, and when deadlines are looming, it's not uncommon to have to work to midnight or later. The work can be fulfilling, but is often very intense. At the end of the day I'm burnt out enough that all I can do is eat dinner and fall into bed. Then I wake up and do it all over again. Weekends are dedicated to grocery shopping, cleaning, doing repairs on the house. And then the cycle starts again. This type of…


2 week notice or completely screw them.

In my position I'm in control of basically the entire facility. Usually when I take more than a couple days off a colossal problem always comes up. And dealing with living things, this could be very bad, like close the facility down bad. Over the last couple months my boss has been basically doing nothing. He tries to dump all of his managerial stuff onto me and another co-worker. Of course, since they're friends he gets the easy task that look good for his career and I'm stuck with the grunt work. Lately we've been having a lot of problems and I've shown my boss the issues and back them up with data and academic research to prove my point. Since it makes the other guy look bad, he just tells me there's no way that could be the problem. I'm talking about multiple meetings and even fights with the…


Was just unexpectedly let go from my salaried posistion, baby due in two weeks, and I have no backup plan.

I used to find decent jobs without looking too hard, but ever since I moved to Illinois a little over a year ago (for love), I have had the hardest time finding work. I have done housekeeping, Walmart, and soul crushing distribution centers just to get by. That is, until I finally landed a decent job in the industry I know well (food and beverage) about four months ago. The position was the food and beverage manager for a resort, so I was overseeing a busy restaraunt, a cafe, an indoor bar, an outdoor bar, and a pool side shop. The pay was a little on the low side for that amount of work (45k), but I accepted it gladly and without complaint, because it was the first job that my significant other and I would be able to scrape by on with one income. This was important because we…