
Is taking a pay cut for a less stressful job, with better benefits, worth it?

I've been driving 45 minutes to and from work every day, up a mountain that gets significant snow early in winter, which is coming soon. I don't like my current job. Everyone is miserable. But I make good money. I was contacted today out of the blue from another company I helped train staff on and was asked if I was open to work. It's a 15 minute drive, full benefits, with a group of people I know I like. However, it's a pay cut of $4. Would you take the cut to make the positive changes or keep trudging through for that check?


Why do I even care?

I just had my boss tell me part of my work was mediocre. Some of my work is office work but it climaxes in action and execution, so some days are very very long and some weeks are very touugh. We are in the busiest season. I just got finished recovering from a tough weekend where I had to pick up action from a team member, as well as execute my own work the next day with 3 hours of sleep. I almost feel like I'm drowning. Everyone keeps asking for more and more and stuff always piles up from clients while I am away (while I'm doing the “execution” part of my job). We have a project coming up that I've taken the lead on (because the other person fell off and they were allowed to) but even though one of my materials have been the same for the…


Why do I even care?

I just had my boss tell me part of my work was mediocre. Some of my work is office work but it climaxes in action and execution, so some days are very very long and some weeks are very touugh. We are in the busiest season. I just got finished recovering from a tough weekend where I had to pick up action from a team member, as well as execute my own work the next day with 3 hours of sleep. I almost feel like I'm drowning. Everyone keeps asking for more and more and stuff always piles up from clients while I am away (while I'm doing the “execution” part of my job). We have a project coming up that I've taken the lead on (because the other person fell off and they were allowed to) but even though one of my materials have been the same for the…


Retail stores use this sneaky trick to discriminate against older employees


Retail stores use this sneaky trick to discriminate against older employees


Retail stores use this sneaky trick to discriminate against older employees


Boss is neglectful, confront or not?

I started an entry level salesperson position 2 months ago, I graduated college in late April, so this is my first full-time position ever. I’m getting used to the grind, I get along with basically all my coworkers, I enjoy my workspace and I enjoy what I do, so in general it’s fine, but the main issue is with my boss. I work in minor league baseball for reference. He is extremely neglectful, and there’s so many examples of it that I’m basically tired of already. Wasn’t trained in new CRM system for a whole month, asked him 6 times before he finally did, and he didn’t train me thoroughly enough. Had to ask 4 times to be put on call rotation for salespeople (really important to bring in call in groups). Got a call-in to purchase single tickets (I usually deal with bigger groups), so didn’t know how to…


So when are we scheduling a full stop on work?

I don't see any real progress being made until as many of us as possible just walk out of work all at once. I know the reasons why not (food, medical, housing, etc.) but it's just discouraging that the biggest impact we can make requires us to give up our basic life necessities. What's the next biggest step we can take? Revolution needs to happen yesterday. Just looking for some inspiration and even a glimmer of hope that the working class has any say in their future.


How do you guys manage to work more than 5 days a week?

My schedule might be changing to work 6 days a week and that's not something I think I can handle. I have no idea how people have time to gym, clean, do hobbies and spend time with family or just have a normal life outside of work. How do you do it?


What’s the most frivolous thing you’ve ever gotten in trouble for?

If you're wondering what I mean, here's the example that sparked the question. My boss keeps writing me up over email formatting issues. Not the quality of my work, not because of any complaint, no. Just a few (internal) email formatting issues and they're thinking about firing me. Recently they even wrote me up because I pointed out that an email didn't go out to anyone, and they said I should have fixed that sooner. I say I'm happy to fix it, and that I just need to know who to send it to. They replied that I should know who to send it too. They don't explain further. I still have no clue who I'm supposed to send it to.