
No right to be sick

Basically that. Under a Spanish consultant contract – got real sick, will need surgery. Informed the management about surgery, and even said I could work remotely during recovery. “You don’t have the right to be sick under your contract. If you do it, it is a break of contract.” I hope I don’t die. The last days were extremely tough.


Being penalized for not meeting expectations listed on document I wasn’t given or told about, I think they want me to quit so they don’t have to lay me off next quarter

I wrote some background for context and it went on longer than intended. To skip to the meat go to the 3rd paragraph. I work in research and data analysis for $21 an hour. The amount of work we do for the pay is of course ridiculous but the job has been good, it's remote and I like my team. I adapted well and my feedback until last week has been 100% positive and I either met or exeeded expectations. That's important. My duties consist of using individual research and content-management platforms to curate information for clients, a lot of research/analysis, data entry, coding and clean-up, various ad-hoc projects, writing newsletters and e-mail blasts, and spending the prime of my life in Excel. I was also supposed to “own” certain reports but it kept not happening because everything that was meant for me to take on the client decided they…


Feel like giving up

I (25M) have been working hard physical labor at events for over 5 years. I kinda like it, but the shifts are way too crazy; this week i'm waking up at 4:30AM to go to work, next week i work UNTIL 3:30AM. Pretty sure the week after that will be early again… All this with often only one day off in between. On top of that we only get about 2$ an hour extra at nighttime, while at other places you get 150-200%. Didn't really expect myself to keep this up for 5 years but here we are. Now i got the feeling i'm about to burnout if i haven't already. If i have to do anything besides sleeping next to work i really have to force it. Also depressed but probably was depressed before i started there. Aside of all that the scoliosis in my back is getting worse…


My friend reported racism and now is being retaliated against.

Hi everyone, I'm writing on behalf of my friend, Jackie because she doesn't have Reddit and doesn't want to download the app. So on to the issue, Jackie verbally reported her coworker Toad (not a misspelling) because Toad had made a racist comment against two other coworkers, Jessica and Maria. Jackie heard all of this in the break room and decided to report it to the supervisor Andrea. Now Andrea is buddy buddy with Toad and obviously wants to protect this piece of garbage/the company. So, Andrea is looking into Jackie's work performance like most stories I've read on here and sent her an email stating that she had implemented policies and spoke to the other parties involved. Here is the thing, Jackie had told me that she spoke to the two women prior to receiving the email and they just don't want to say anything in fear of losing…


Cabela’s is a thinly veiled credit card raqueteering scam. I work for them, and am sick of their corporate greed ruining most of my waking life for their preposterous sales quotas. This company is awful.

Some actual quotes from my management team designed to pressure us into being disingenuous pitch artists for 8 hours a day: “Even if you heard them say no five seconds ago in another department, you have to find a way to inform them about the opportunities that Club provides at some point during your customer engagement” “Don't mention that it's a credit card up front because you'll get shut down. Instead mention the points they will receive for paying with a club card, and the card's current interest rate, because if they're smart they'll know what that means.” “The words 'credit card' should be avoided as much as possible. I find it's best to mention it being a mastercard when they're already at the terminal applying, because the pressure of already being in process tends to make them go through with it” “Be sure to remind customers who already have…


Whether you’re a contractor or an employee, learn to say “no” and practice every time someone pulls shit like this.


Oof this is America.

What does everyone think?


Is talking about pay ever prohibited under any circumstance?

I work at a US based tech company with just under 100 employees in a fairly niche industry, but I am certain they are bringing in many multipl millions a year and they are pretty established and recently got funding, so I don’t think they’re a startup anymore. Despite being firmly anti-work, I love my job and it’s one of those rare times an employer is genuinely willing to humanize and empathize with their employees. I am paid more than well and I feel seen and heard by management 99% of the time. Today however, my team was told by HR that their policy is not to discuss compensation with other teams because our team makes more due to our bonus structure. I looked for a bit online and on the NLRB website and couldn’t come to a conclusive answer as to if this is legal or not. HR didn’t…


My decoration got taken down

Typical soulless corporate BS. Customer cars I serve get handed a paper. There are 30 papers to a bundle. The bundles have little paper loops keeping them together. I collected my loops between Memorial Day weekend and Labor Day and made a huge ~45ft paper chain secretly in my locker. I added to it little by little each day usually about 8-15 more little ~2 inch links. We've been crazy busy and understaffed, but “the show must go on”. So this shows about 250-500 cars of people I personally served each day, and roughly 8100 cars over those 3 months. This is also a rough low-ball estimate because many of the paper loops break and I can't use them. Anyways I decided to hang up the big paper chain in the break room. I got 3m hooks so I wouldn't cause any damage and I put it up on my…


Hour Changes, Screaming Matches, and Other Stories

So for further context, here is my previous post So after the whole fiasco with scheduling and the Pantera concert, my boss said he was going to cut everyone's hours. As of Tuesday, he had me scheduled 6 days a week through to the end of October, including a shift on my fucking wedding day, which I had told him about several times. I planned to ask about this is a calm manner, until I got to work today. For this portion, I'll refer to myself as (DF) and my manager as (M) I walked into the shop and prepped for my shift, only for M to start yelling at me M: You're not working six days a week, that's bullshit, and I never scheduled it DF: Yeah, you did. (At this point, I showed him the schedule on the app we use) M: No, I fucking didn't. You're not…