
I love how jobs just take their sweet time to interview you.

It’s like I’m working a dead end job bussing tables and breaking my back while I drain my savings but no worries, get back to me next week when you’re back from PTO to interview me. In the meantime ask me to send over my resume again in word format. Or pdf format. Without my contact info. Oh and yes, when you finally do interview me, please let it be with four other people I’ve never met before! Spectacular!


What We Are and What We Are Not


Getting my bonus soon, and don’t know where else to go to rant.

I have been at my work for 5 years, and only eligible for a bonus twice. My understanding of a bonus should be almost the equivalent of getting paid twice, and my first one was almost that. Have just been told my next one, in a few days, will be so much less, and after taxes it will probably be much less, than the number I just got told. I didn't already spend the money, I'm living pay check to pay check as it is, and fully dependent on my credit card when my check account is almost empty. I had so many plans for what I thought I was getting, and now I am completely wrong, and so internally pissed off. I feel better knowing that there was absolutely nothing I could do on my end to get more, my efforts would not have made it more or changed…


How have you responded to manager/boss asking “Do you want to be here?”

Assuming you would like to keep your job


What job can I get being so under qualified?

I make $18 an hour, and my OT is about to be cut. I’ve been a GM of a restaurant but only for one company for about 5 years. I want to make more but am so inexperienced and under-qualified. Going back to school is out of the question—I can’t afford it. What kind of jobs can I get as a 29 yo mother of 2 that has no experience outside of fast food? I hate it here.


Portland’s Magic Tavern becomes 2nd unionized strip club in the U.S.


For those looking for a job….good luck

Work sucks and no one wants to commit 9 hrs to obey someone else's commands…This is when companies cut the numbers, now the unemployed trying to remove the barricades and come back to the workforce. Jeez, this is ridiculous 🤦


Work bitched at me for needing to attend potential cancer appointment

A couple weeks ago I was experiencing issues with one of my breasts. Went to the GP about it who fastracked me for a cancer referral appointment. Hospital asked me to come in for the appointment on a day that I was in work, to which I told work that I wouldn't be able come in because of this appointment. Both managers were relentlessly pissy about it with me and still bring it up occasionally. Thankfully it wasn't cancer or anything else sinister, but fuck me.


Job wants me to pay for my own background check from the local BCA office 40min away— “they only accept cash”

I got a job offer today for a local kids enrichment program. I work as a nanny and was just looking for some side income. Interview went great, seemed really promising. Then I got the email with the offer letter and background check details. They said to go to my local BCA office 40min away and purchase my own background check, reminding me that “they only accept cash.” A couple things: -it’s illegal (at least in my state) to have someone pay for their own background check -they are providing childcare and are only getting state level background results, not federal, other states, or sex offender results. For people working with ages 18 months to 12 years. That is so alarming to me. Especially when their website reassures parents that they do “a level 2 background check” on all staff. Why is the childcare industry, in particular, rampant with this…


Am I an employee or an independent contractor?

looking for legal advice. ​ I'm currently working for a US company remotely from Mexico. ​ My current employer has always made us sign a contract in which we state that we are not their employees but in fact, we are “independent contractors” in which they as a company are our clients and not our employers. ​ Every time a yearly review comes up, that is the meeting in which we are supposed to “negotiate” our salary for the next year, they are always confirming that we are their employees, therefore, we do not have a right to a reasonable payment and we should just be thankful that they pay us enough for our 8 hours work. ​ If according to the contract, I'm an independent contractor providing services to a client, am I not supposed to have the right to put a price on my services? and if am…