
UAW leaders reveal that auto workers in Germany make literally double (around $67 an hour) the highest paid autoworkers in the US make.


Workplace Feud Safety Concerns

Hi, first off I am aware that I am in a toxic work environment. I do not plan on quitting my job, this is really good entry level work unfortunately. I am browsing for other, safer jobs, but do not know when I will get a new job. I work at a retail location where we share an address with a direct-ish competitor. Same products, different niche. Anyways, the people I am primarily talking about are my boss, A, and our neighbor, B. B is an alcoholic. When he is on a bender, he turns off our utilities, tips over and damages products, and yells at my boss. Today is one probably day four of his bender? Anyways he shut off the utilities so I could not continue my necessary duties, but I can do other things and also turn it back on assuming he's not watching. I went to…


An Manager wrote me up not reaching Sale’s Goal

Hi everyone this is my first time working as a retail store and I have no experience what through out the most but I want to rant something that feel really nonsense, I work for this company just a couple month and starting a new month my manager start have one on one call meeting , they talk about our store has to reach the number of sales every month if it goes bad will get constructive feedback and leading to write up. After the call finished the next day is my day off they wrote me up and giving me a warning I have to make the store number goes up or else it will get them in troubles. Any ideas and advice should be appreciate.


There are folks that think the economic collapse is mad max and economic oblivion. This is not right the economic collapse is really going to be neo feudalism of lords and ladies and serfs

A new form of feudalism in which wealth is going to be concentrated in the hands of a tiny minority of ultra rich people surrounded by a vast horde of poor people. Many of whom would have been classified as middle class before but now their standards of living have collapsed and they are forced to live hand to mouth and work 5 jobs and barely scrape by. The economy has already collapsed. These days you need a bachelors degree to apply for jobs that don’t need them. That’s how crazy it is. At one time one paycheck took care of a family, bought a house, two cars and a two week vacation to the Grand Canyon or Florida. Today you need $75,000 to rent an one bedroom apartment across the country. Most average homes in multiple cities where the jobs are in the neighborhood of $1 million dollars. I…


Is 7am-4pm a long work day?

I interviewed for an office job and they mentioned that the hours are from 7am to 4pm not including my 35 min commute. Feels like it's such a long work day.


Just received an in-line promotion, how to respectfully ask if there’s room for negotiation/increase in the raise

So I got a 10% raise on an in-line promotion from a policy change that added in a new promotion for the same job that I’ve been doing, but it’s for people that are more experienced and are taking on extra tasks. I was told today that I received the promotion and it includes a 10% raise. So I’m the excitement I was like “okay sounds good.” For in-line promotions like these, is there a good, respectful way to ask if there was anyway to have gotten a higher percentage raise? I just wanna make sure I get the best raise possible while I have this opportunity here. Thanks in advance for any advise.


I dont wanna be a wage slave and that’s it


Ah yes, how does destroying half your week and working yourself to death for 42 hours sound? And a $1000 sign on bonus?? That doesn’t seem like a red flag whatsoever!


Just got a new job (current one claimed I’d use my degrees, but never did). I asked ChatGPT for a letter. This would be cathartic.


It starts in high school…