
Maybe I’m lazy but man I just wanna work and go home.

I read a lot of stories on reddit about the job market and culture, and I just don't want to be bothered anymore. I work two jobs, one at a burger king , the other as a federal contractor for a military base . I wish I was fucking kidding. I don't know wtf I'm doing, and I feel this growing pressure to advance and make something of about to finish two degrees, one in business administration, and information systems. I grew up in the “go to school, get the degree or youll be homeless” generation and I read all these stories of accomplished people with far more experience then me struggling for any job. Then there's office politics, rules, rules, rules, and more rules, annoying , incompetent coworkers, like bro fuck off . I just don't care about this shit. I need money. I like money, but everyday…


New job has had my coworker wait up to 4 DAYS to cash his check, 6 SEPARATE TIMES.

Holy fuck you can't make this up. I just started a new job this Tuesday. Me and my new coworker have been getting along pretty good and been talking a lot out in the field then he hit me with this: Our boss asked him to wait to cash his paycheck he received on Friday the 1st, and cash it Tuesday, the 5th. He said our boss said “no money in the account”. Guarantee you the boss got paid though….after all her brother is the president of the company (3rd generation company). Then he told me it's happened to him 6. SIX. SEPARATE. TIMES. Since he's been there (little over a year) Wtf did I get myself into? I'm definitely gonna play hard ball with this and let them know I will not wait and cash my check on payday. Too bad for your overdrafts. Want to fire me for…


What do career counselors do now, in this economy?

I wonder what the attitude and point-of-view of traditional career counselors is, now that people have wised up to the facts that the Old Myths were always (mostly) false and, more imporant, that they're guaranteed to be counter-productive now. I used to try to get my head shrunk and people would say, “If you find something that is your passion, you'll never work a day in your life” and “don't have gaps in your resume” and “try to build a knowledge base.” But now I can truthfully retort, “Bull dookie, you're lying. The better I am at my job, the worse I get exploited. The more effort I put in, the less reward I get. The more I know, the less I get to contribute.” What do career counselors do now? I would just ask one of them, but I don't go to them any more because I can't afford…


Don’t you love it when..

Don’t you love it when you quit your job, and it’s been over 2 weeks since you last worked and your boss texts you asking if you want to work this weekend. What do you they not understand about quitting (and yes I put in my two weeks before I left and everything).


Manager attempts to tear me down any time I remotely mention the desire to move up and get promoted

My 1:1s over the past several months have been a whirlwind of sentiments and emotions. I am severely underpaid in my role and my manager is well aware of this. She admits often that I am one of her prized employees and how I do great work and people love working with me. However, it seems like any time our discussions veer towards me wanting more, she pulls out arbitrary, one-off examples of criticisms she's heard about me. Keep in mind, she recycles the same 1-3 examples every time. And whenever I ask for specifics, she either can't think of anything in particular or has some completely off-base example of something that happened. Recently, she told me how someone I was working with recently said I seemed flustered when working on a project. I addressed that example and explained to her that there was, in fact, absolutely no issue between…


Criticized for Being on Phone While I have Nothing Else to Do, Sick of Temp Work

Hey all. first time posting here. This isn't as huge of a deal as a lot of posts I see on here, however it rubbed me the wrong way and I needed to vent about it somewhere. I work as a temp in the back-end office of a private broker-dealer. I've been bouncing around between these temp jobs at the same agency since I graduated back in spring of 2020 and have not been able to get hired anywhere despite being a high-performing team member at all of my positions. I just started back in June of this year at a new position at this company. It is a remote position except for one day a week that we go into the office. Today my recruiter called me to see how things were going and to give me feedback from my leadership that was given during their one-on-one. First, they…


The job market is ass and it has cracked its booty wide open and shitting on everyone

I wonder how the recruiters are getting on


Flsa exempt employee getting deducted

As the title says, Medium size beverage company, outside salesman, have a cdl and drive a “short haul 53 foot semi truck” every day. Classified under FLSA as “exempt” The company is deducting pay from employees for “missing/damaged goods” from the trailers that they either just didn’t send or was picked up from a store and returned and they didn’t check in. I was under the impression that exempt employees could not be deducted for that because it’s about quality/quantity of work. Am I crazy for thinking this? Should I utilize the DOL? Does anyone know anything about this or has anyone experienced anything like this? I have jumped through hoops and filled out literal stacks of paperwork to try and prevent my paycheck from being deducted, even though I think that it is illegal for them to do so. But I’m not sure if the FMCSA act over rides…


How hard is it to find a job after being laidoff?

I got news from my mom that my distant cousin, Jackson (23y), worked at a bubble tea shop for 4 years. Now, it's closed permanently and every worker was unexpectedly laid off. His parents are mad that he quit community college and that was his first and only job. He quit because he had a 1.7 GPA after 2.5 yrs in a game development major. He doesn't have much skill, he is pretty chill, and he's an honest worker. I'm just curious on how his future might turn out.


Company requesting “volunteer” work after hours for no pay.

Our company recently went through downsizing and restructuring. Its been difficult and morale is low. Several people have quit recently. So the execs decided that to turn things around, a survey of our clients to find out what we do right/wrong would be helpful. Today they sent out a memo asking people to work for a few additional hours every night next week to call clients and administer the survey. No compensation other than a gift certificate for dinner for the person who makes ghe most calls. Is this as deranged as it sounds?