
Work hard and you’ll succeed they said


Thoughts on “Hours are given based on performance, you interview everyday”

I work in a state where they can legally fire you at any time with no reason and you wouldn't get unemployment. I feel like this is saying if you aren't perfect then we will cut your hours or possibly just fire you. They just were hiring and are always below labor for the day. Like we should run at 20% and we are at 9%. So we are running the store lean and could use another employee for our workload. The GM is very young. I want to confront him on this, but probably won't. I hate drama. This is a job in food and beverage just above “flipping burgers”. I can totally find another job within a week if I need. They are hiring everywhere around here. I really like what I do and the people I work with. I even really liked the GM up to this…


Thoughts on “Hours are given based on performance, you interview everyday”

I work in a state where they can legally fire you at any time with no reason and you wouldn't get unemployment. I feel like this is saying if you aren't perfect then we will cut your hours or possibly just fire you. They just were hiring and are always below labor for the day. Like we should run at 20% and we are at 9%. So we are running the store lean and could use another employee for our workload. The GM is very young. I want to confront him on this, but probably won't. I hate drama. This is a job in food and beverage just above “flipping burgers”. I can totally find another job within a week if I need. They are hiring everywhere around here. I really like what I do and the people I work with. I even really liked the GM up to this…


Promoted W/O Pay or Position

A little backstory: I was offered a promotion two years ago and declined it under the guise of not being ready. The reality was, my personal life was falling apart and I saw the writing on the wall, a promotion was not going to be a good idea with the shitstorm my life was about to turn into. My leadership was clued into my personal issues about two weeks after I turned down the offer and we wryly joked that I’d made the right call because I needed to focus on family. Two months back, I was promoted to a higher level of management with the promise that “The Discussion” was coming. The Discussion was supposed to happen last month but kept getting delayed because of reasons. I read a book recommended by corporate leadership (Radical Candor) and because of that book I finally grabbed the bull by the horns…


Promoted W/O Pay or Position

A little backstory: I was offered a promotion two years ago and declined it under the guise of not being ready. The reality was, my personal life was falling apart and I saw the writing on the wall, a promotion was not going to be a good idea with the shitstorm my life was about to turn into. My leadership was clued into my personal issues about two weeks after I turned down the offer and we wryly joked that I’d made the right call because I needed to focus on family. Two months back, I was promoted to a higher level of management with the promise that “The Discussion” was coming. The Discussion was supposed to happen last month but kept getting delayed because of reasons. I read a book recommended by corporate leadership (Radical Candor) and because of that book I finally grabbed the bull by the horns…


I quit! Culty “company culture” oriented jobs are just as bad as any other.

For the last year I worked for a tour operator that is known for its ethical approach to travel and has a charismatic leader-type that founded the company and whose philosophy is widely celebrated by the company. He has written books, directed a documentary, and has a Ted talk. Everyone who works here knows his name before they start, and he kinda has a cult following. I was excited at first. The company has some great perks, like work from home, a yearly allowance for travel on their tours. Benefits. A ball pit, a slide, and a beer fridge in the head office in Toronto. The pay was just okay, but I was excited to work somewhere that seemed much more tolerable than many other work environments. I was enthusiastic, and I was a top performer in sales and earned a promotion into a more administrative role after 6 months.…


The Tonight Show Allegedly the Toxic Show


High school transcript problem

I’ve been offered an awesome job and was excited to start… until they INSISTED on my high school transcripts specifically. College transcripts though, which I do have… they don’t care about, but high school is a deal breaker. Below is what they emailed me. “Upload your high school diploma or transcript with the graduation date. Accurately input ONLY your high school or GED education into XXX. You can contact your high school or state department of education for records. If you have a GED, you can go to You may also email your proof of education to XXX as soon as possible.” Has anyone else experienced this type of scenario? It’s just odd to me and I’ve never had a company rescind an offer due to my not being able to obtain them… which wasn’t from lack of trying.


I’ve been being micromanaged so much now that I’ve returned to the office and I need to vent.

Wasn't sure where else to post something like this, but I needed to vent. Started working a great job in 2020 for a pretty major Triple-A game studio. We were full time work from home until April of this year, when we were asked to return to office 3 days a week with no chance at contesting or being able to continue working from home, DESPITE me being able to get all my work done as a video editor. Anyways, I sucked it up even if it's a 2 hour commute for me there and back. For the entire time I've worked here, I've never missed a deadline for a project or had any issues with management… But now that I'm back, I've been being micromanaged to all hell. If I'm not at my desk, my manager wants me updating my slack status to say so. If I've finished a…


Work injury.

I work in manufacturing; third shift. Last night i took a razor blade to my left thumb. It is a pretty bad cut; got me pretty deep and right at the edge of my nail bed and across the pad of my thumb. Someone from work took me to the emergency room, spent 4 hours getting stitched up and waiting around. This isn’t the first time I have been injured at work so I knew the drill. My boss picked me up and spent the entire drive back telling me I wasn’t getting a raise next review because of my failure to be safe. Get back to work to talk to HR and fill out paperwork, while the entire office openly complained about me inconveniencing them. Now I’m not one to miss work. I like to be productive but more importantly; I like to be paid as do my debtors.…