
Possible Leverage for Time Charging Concerns?

Given the current wave of layoffs, my U.S. company is advocating for almost 100 hours of training this fiscal year. This covers the standard mandatory courses like anti-harassment, diversity, cybersecurity, and the like. Besides these, we're expected to identify additional job-related training to meet the quota or benchmark. In all my years in the corporate sector, there's always been a separate charge code for training to ensure we don't bill our clients directly for personal enrichment. But that's not the case here, and I've checked, so for training we are using the same charge code used to charge our customers. Wondering if I shouldn't push it and just stash this tidbit away for a rainy day, you know, like having some spicy pics of the boss at last year's Christmas party? ​


Realistic Wealth Redistribution

We do a lot of complaining on here about work conditions and wages but I hardly ever see links about unionizing tenant unionization, UBI, or any methods for actual wealth redistribution! So, I found this thing I want to share with this whole community… It's called Comingle and it's an app Andrew Yang is discussing today on a podcast on Twitter X. The idea is that everyone takes 7% of their paycheck each week and puts it into a single shared pool which is redistributed equally to everyone within minutes. So people who make $400 or less that week will be getting the most money, followed by people who make up to $1500, while the people who make thousands per week are going to have a net loss which is a small fraction of their earnings – hardly noticeable – but extremely helpful to those in poverty or living paycheck…


All my parents do is talk about work.

Every time I speak to my parents the conversation is always about work or money , it makes me want to not speak to them on my days off the last thing I want to do is discuss work related matters , it makes me so depressed.


My boss just shared that I’m getting fired with everyone.

We were in a call with my team and a team from a different company. She went to share her screen, but forgot that a document was open that said “recommendation for termination: (my name)”


Getting Sick Pay is Impossible

For context, I’m 21M and got mono on August 26th. I know exactly where I got it, not a mystery. I let people at work know, went to 2 walk-in clinics, and applied for a leave of absence since I will be gone more than 3 days. To get a leave of absence approved, we have to go through a 3rd party. No big deal. I filled out the application as well as I could and uploaded all the documents I could to support my claim, which was my blood test result at the time. I also have an email from an urgent care stating my mono test was positive. After uploading those documents, the company approving LOAs texted me that they would need my primary care providers name, phone, and fax number (while I was there coincidentally). All of this information was given to them, and I uploaded the…


I think I’m getting let go today because I put in my resignation yesterday.

I interviewed for this job last spring, and it took weeks after three rounds of interviews and an aptitude test. I had another offer, but I was trying to avoid the call center. I told this job I had another offer, and they told me not to take it, they have a role, but it was taking a while to get all the paperwork in order. Finally, they gave me an offer letter right before the other job (let's call it company B) was to start. I should have known then it was going to be an issue, but it's summer, people are on vacations and such, and at the time, the benefits seemed to be worth it. So I start, and from the jump there are issues. It's remote so I have a lot of remote meetings with the whole company/teams. Most of them, outside a select few, seem…


I’m selling my house because my boss doesn’t care.

Context: I work as a technician at a car dealership where I was making $1600-1800 every 2 weeks. Due to business being slow the last couple months I've only been making $1200-1500 and I've gone to my boss twice telling him I can't pay my bills and something needs to change. Fast forward to yesterday, I get a $1000 check and realize we're well over $1000 behind on bills ontop of having to pay $500 in daycare every 2 weeks. So I've told my boss that I literally have to sell our house and move in with my inlaws because I can't afford it anymore and I get absolutely no response from him. Now I'm left feeling like a failure because I can't provide for my family, and I feel stabbed in the back because 3 months ago, I honestly thought he had my back.


Hospital missed our direct deposit today and no one has been paid, what are the laws on this?

This is in California. I checked my account and it seems I wasn't paid today which is a bit weird. Hasn't really happened before. Other people are going into HR to collect their checks since they didn't get it directly deposited. Do I just wait for a direct deposit and file a claim for each day they don't pay me?


For those who work in HR

Who hurt you enough to become an HR employee? And do you have the same problems the rest of us have?


Poop on company time

So my brother in law is pretty much my bosses right hand man in a small office of 5 people.The other day he called me out for pooping everyday half way through the afternoon and I went on a rant. I said: If your bosses car is worth more than what you make a year, you poop on company time. If your boss sends you to do personal errands that aren't work related, you poop on company time. If your bosses house is custom made, you poop on company time. If your boss owns more than one house, you poop on company time. I could have kept going, but he got my point. Anyway, just for shits and giggles, what other reasons do you poop on company time?