
It seems like there is sometimes a double standard for employees that have children and don’t have children.

I don’t have kids. I wish I did, but just haven’t gotten to that part of life yet. It seems like all the bosses that I’ve ever had make special exceptions and rules for people with kids that I’m not given. I have no problem with these exceptions. Family is more important than work and they should be the norm. But, for example, if a co-worker has to pick up kids from school, take them to the doctor, or attend one of their games/recitals – they are always out-the-door when they need to be. It is understood that is a priority for them. However, those same exceptions aren’t given to me. Oh, you’re volunteering tonight? You’re attending a class tonight? You have a date tonight? Sorry, man, this has got to be done right now. Ugh.


I quit my awful job today

So I just quit my job at wingstop, I’ll give more context. So I had been promised a promotion two months ago and I never received it. Come to find out they promoted two people that hadn’t even worked there as long as I have. One of them that got the promotion has been blatantly disrespectful to me and other coworkers and even customers. The store has received multiple customer complaints about her and they just still allow her to be a manager. I was being overworked and strung along because my GM knew I was still going to do the work in hopes I would get promoted. I had been belittled, disrespected, and berated by coworkers and managers. I even got sexually harassed at work by a coworker (yes I did go to HR and get him fired but still not okay.) But today was the last straw. I’m…


Urgent help … Stay interview

I have a stay interview and tbh I don't have any answers prepped. I am in a constantly evolving role as it is and generally just content. Ideas for answers like what I like or don't like about my role or what I want out of my career?? I really just want to do my job and “go home” and also wfh full time. That and money lol Again, I'm generally just a content person so usually having nothing to say is a good thing but I'm trying to find something to say. I don't want them thinking I want more challenges somehow.


What are people here’s opinion of the “suburban bubble”?

Is this the dream, or are people put off on this and want nothing to do with it anymore? Growing up and entering the real world you’re told you lived I a bubble and that’s not real life. But it’s an amazing childhood, and I would be lucky to provide the same to my family.


“Boss is tired too? Daily challenges and jokes for bosses!”

Hey fellow anti-workers! As a boss, I have always felt very lucky to lead a great team, but bosses have their share of troubles and anecdotes. Today I want to share some of the things I’ve experienced in my role as a boss and also hear other people’s perspectives and stories Endless emails: Your inbox feels like a battle every morning. People Issues: Recruiting and retaining employees can be a challenge, and sometimes we need to act like a “psychiatrist” on internal issues. Unreachable: Sometimes, a customer or supplier’s phone number seems to be “missing.” Sleepless nights: Whenever there is a big decision or problem, there will be moments at night when you cannot sleep. “Company Party”: Our boss's “party” usually involves a video conference in front of the computer, sometimes in pajamas. “A bunch of cat lovers”: We treat our employees like our own pets because we love them…


Am I in the wrong? (Employee vs contractor)

I recently quit an online fitness coaching job where meetings were “optional” but if I didn’t show, I wasn’t a “team player” yet I was not allowed to charge for the meetings, I had report cards done on my check in work, had a multitude of other tasks that were required of me that were not in my contract and the owner refused to pay me for, I got paid time off but was only allowed to take two weeks off a year (an employee benefit, but I was a contractor not an employee), and many other things that legally would have made me an employee, not a contractor. YET, I was still classified as a contractor so the business didn’t have to pay payroll taxes on me. Anyone else have this experience? Side note: when all of this was brought to their attention, I was told “it’s part of…


Is the professional world really that bad?

I am a college student currently studying accounting (fwiw, I go to school in Michigan and work in Chicago). I see all these skits on social media about bosses overstepping boundaries and disrespecting personal time, I have had pretty good experiences in working various jobs with my time and money being respected (public and private sector, hourly and salaried) and only one boss who was bad (he got fired for accounting fraud). is the professional world really this bad?


Boss would rather risk lives than pay sick leave for covid

Good morning yall. Allow me to rant for a minute, if you will. I've been living paycheck to paycheck for the past year while working 2 part time jobs. Obviously in the state of PA part-time does not entitle you to any benefits– the includes sick days. Fortunately, I managed to contract covid over the holiday weekend to minimize missed work. The symptoms kicked my ass, but the fever broke and I was no longer bed ridden by the time the work week resumed, but I'm still testing positive. One of my jobs has minimal human contact, and the other job is nothing BUT human interaction in a medical office setting with very vulnerable patients (including elderly and immune compromised.) One of my bosses has been pretty strict about not endangering our clientele, ans refuses to let me work while I am still testing positive, but understands that I depend…


You really need to be unemployed in order to be properly sick

I've been missing work sick for this week and while they're sort of understanding, theres a definite undertone of feeling pressured to come back in even though I'm still feeling horrible and could get other people sick at my work if I went in. It's been over a decade since I've been unemployed but I'm reminded how nice it was to be sick while not having a job, knowing I had as much time as I needed to recover.


How to improve your day. Or increase the odds.