
I need part time work, is Amazon really North Korea on US soil?

I know this is an anti-work sub, but I'm coming in with the mindset of not killing myself for extra money. I'm fortunate that my primary remote job isn't that bad, and I have friends at work. I haven't worked a retail job in quite a while, I'm 30 years old and so used to office gigs. Does Anyone have part time job ideas where it's minimal work. I'm only trying to get an extra 20 hours a week; a lot of these employers want me for 30 hours, wtf. Amazon pays better, but I hear horror stories about minimal lunch breaks and unfair hours.


Pay poor people 60% less. It’s good for them.


British people some of the least work focused in the world. That’s what I like to hear!


Make sure to keep your priorities straight!

So I worked at a nuclear power site. One day, I asked one of the maintenance workers – the guy that emptied the trash cans if he could give me a new trash can liner. Trash can liners cost I would say approximately one or two cents. His demeanor, which had always been friendly and positive changed to an angry scowl. He said ‘If I have to change every single blanking garbage can liner every day I’ll never get any work done.’ So I said ‘no worries man you don’t have to do it all I’ll bring one in’. So he angrily changed the liner. I didn’t think any more of it. They next day, I got called in by the Director of engineering… The Director of engineering! I thought she wanted to talk about the project I was on – instead she got very serious and said, ‘did you…


nervous to email in my resignation. only been there for two weeks but got hired for payed internship. someone tell me to pull the plug.

i’ve only been there for two weeks and i have never worked a worse job. dislike the managers and the policies and the way of communication. im not even out of training and they are putting me straight into things i told them im uncomfortable w. i just got word yesterday i got hired for a paid internship that is for something i Actually want to do w my career. im on the schedule to work tomorrow/this weekend but i just wanna be out of there. i already have a very cordial and professional resignation letter written. someone tell me to pull the plug lmao


Scotland plans 4-day workweek for civil servants and private sector


Is my job pushing me out?

I have had a job before where they didn’t like me, simply didn’t like that I wouldn’t come in a snow storm to cover a managers shift that was 30 minutes away from where I lived. They would lessen my hours and just be horrible to make me quit but they ended up firing me because I threatened to go to HR because the managers husband texted me and called me and harassed me for not covering her shift. So I have experience with the pushing out. I just got promoted to Store Manager and I got my first evaluation the other month since I have been here for over a year! And it said that I needed to “work on being a manager better” because I complained about my assistant and the fact that we have brown recluses in here and they won’t get a professional in here to…


How much am I “worth” to employ?

DISCLAIMER: I am firmly anti-work, find capitalism to be soul-crushing and the root of most, if not ALL evils in the world — however I am not part of the 0.000001%, so my ass is (unfortunately) working. That said, I've struggled to not become entirely exploited by job positions in the past — I put much more out that I'll ever get back, even if the pay BLOWS. I'm thankfully at a point where I know that my time is valuable, but I just don't know *how* valuable. ​ How much am I “worth” to employ? ​ I always get stumped on this question when employers ask, and I would like a second opinion as to what someone who doesn’t know me thinks I would truthfully be ‘worth’. ~1 year retail ~2.0–2.5 years food (barista, line cook, keyholder, host) ~0.5 years research / research assistant ~2.0–2.5 years athletic / country…


Is this job worth quitting and pursuing my small art business full time?

I’m a little nervous posting here since im a first time poster. i work as a “medical receptionist” (in quotations because i do so much more) and i make $22 an hour off the books in NYC. although my job title is receptionist, i also do private and insurance credit card processing for the doctor’s spouse’s office (billing), administer tests (technician), and personal assistant tasks. i was promises to be put on the books after a “probation” period of 3 months. i have been here a year and a half. i know off the books is ideal for some people, but with benefits hanging over my head it is definitely not ideal for me. i have a lot of health issues that have gotten worse since working here and i could really use decent insurance because medicaid always finds a way to deny the medication i need to live comfortably.…


Finally in a position to screw over my employer and I’m giddy with excitement

Three months ago, my old boss decided to get out of management. He is a rockstar at my company so they made a new position for him that was a lateral move (same pay, no longer has any managerial duties). His replacement was an internal hire, a guy on the same level as me that I’ve worked with for the last two years I’ve been here. He was honestly the most ideal pick for the position, but the issue is that once my old boss took on his new position, they (upper management) decided that the new one wouldn’t be taking on ALL of his duties. They’ve now forced several manager-tier tasks onto me with no pay raise mentioned. Two weeks ago my new boss told me he needs an in-depth write up detailing EVERYTHING I do. Including the new tasks. For my non-managerial duties/day-to-day tasks, I’m the only person…