
Dismissed after 4 years

I'll keep it short if possible, Iv been working for a massive security company (UK) for the last 4 years as a CVIT driver never had any issues, no write ups, then I transferred to a different site as the cost of living was to high in London, within 2 months I got a first and final and then dismissed 2 months after that. I successfully proved in my dissmisal meeting I complied with all working procedures and my contractual obligations, however the new site was fuming I wasn't taking “adequate” overtime I was hitting 45-48 hours per week over 5 days and my contract stipulates 39 hours per week anyway my evidence fell on deaf ears, I appealed it, proved my case again and they changed the reason for my dismissal and I again made them look like a fool in the meeting but still wouldn't re in-state me…


Oops wrong interview.

I’ve been off and on looking for a better work place for over a year now. My current job isn’t hard, but I think I can get better pay somewhere else in a much less toxic environment. I’ve had over 20 interviews, no hire. I’ve worked with well every recruitment firm in the greater Atlanta area. Some interviews are fine, some are a joke where the interviewer cracks jokes the entire time, and others just straight up lowball. I recently had one that I drove an hour into the woods for, just to have it cancelled while I was enroute, and additionally the interviewer was on vacation anyway. This latest one I feel tops all of that. After my last interview, I was of the mind that I’m not driving anywhere, we can do a video chat. A recruiter asked if I would be up for interviewing at 12 noon.…


Does a company have to upscale your pay if you received max salary and they increased it since hiring date?

Question is title, I’ve been here for 2 years and received $60,000 upon hire. I now make around $66,000 after my 2nd yearly annual review merit-based raise but I just found out new-hires are now receiving $62,500 as max pay. I requested upscale and seems they’re denying it and stating my pay is appropriate. Is this normal/legal/appropriate? HR danced around my question and kept saying they can’t disclose others salaries but that’s not what I’m asking. There was a max pay, I received it, they raised the max pay, my 2 years here now feels undervalued despite my regularly scheduled raises. I feel like it’s a straight forward question but they keep avoiding answering it directly and telling me my pay is appropriate and people get hired at different rates and they can’t disclose that information—but it’s easily viewable online as well it just so happens that a newbie disclosed…


Got fired because i did not want to do Onsite Support alone 5 days a week at a hybrid working company as a DevOps Engineer

The only reason they wanted me to do support was because i had a background as IT support before transitioning into DevOps. It was the whole DevOps team's job to deal with onsite support when it occured & my team works from home 99% of the time. But they wanted me as a newcomer to sit at the office 100% of the time even tho my main role was being DevOps. The main reason behind me accepting the role and turning down other ones was because it was a hybrid workplace where i could choose when and where i wanted to work. But couple of weeks in they changed the role which made me question my role at the company and that got me fired. Sucks a lot…


Sometimes I really hate what I do

I work in the marketing industry and have to be polite, professional and respectful to some people on a daily basis, who feel it’s acceptable to respond by treating me with total disdain and blatant rudeness. I often feel like all I am doing is allowing constant narcissistic behaviour to go unchecked I wish I could say what I really think…


Boss ghosts me for almost half a year, turns out it was cause he only wanted girls working

I’m a guy 17 years old working at this snow cone place that had just opened (I applied before it opened) and I was honestly having a good time there made friends with the coworkers (who were also all underage or 19 at most) and just outta no where the boss (guy probably mid 40s who’s also the owner) stopped scheduling me, I thought it was just a one week thing and brushed it off but when he kept not scheduling me I texted him asking what’s up and he didn’t respond and I just assumed I got fired even though he never said I was. (this was my first job I got on my own) Well fast forward 4ish months I get a text from one of my coworkers (girl 19) who got my number through the work group chat telling me she quit calling the boss a creep…


Quit job- they want to train my replacement for free

Just wanted to get some information and feedback on my current job situation. I have several managers who have made my working life very unpleasant- always wanting more from me, very aggressive in any approach, telling me to be “nicer” to other employees as a solution to problems when I ask for help, disregarding and not notifying a sexual harassment incident against me from another employee and the biggest reason- refusing to hire any other women on our team of 15! I am 1 girl out of 15. I knew I wanted to quit a while ago and quietly have been checked out for some time. I gave my 2 weeks notice in last Wednesday and wanted to just quietly keep my head down and work my last few weeks and get paid out on my remaining deals. I am in a 100% commission based job. A few months ago…


I got fired for making a joke that my boss overheard, and now he’s lying to everyone about it. Advice?

So about a week ago I started working at a local restaurant in the area. The pay sucked but I figured hours would make up for it. Well, turns out the owners were another problem. I started working same day as a friend of mine. We both worked at our last job together so we figured this job might be a step up and we would be able to get more fair hours. Problems started first day so I shoulda seen the signs. Apparently there's 3 people that all own the place (2 brothers and 1 I assume is a friend) They never communicate with each other so it's common to get told different things by different people. They never gave me or some other people a code to clock in, so I never logged my hours, and yesterday I made a tongue-in-cheek joke about working a full 8 hour…


My job paid me $1000 short

Sorry if this in the wrong sub i just want advice. I just saw that my pay stub seems to be around $1000 short. I looked at my timesheets for the 2 weeks that I was paid for and it doesn’t make any sense. I get $20.25 an hour and worked 56 hours one week and 40 the other. After calculating overtime I should have been paid around $2000 before taxes. I was paid $1060 today. Also before anyone asks, my job has not authorized me to see my paystubs yet !!! :)) great right There is a meeting today and i am definitely bringing this up. Other than threatening the department of labor, is there anything else that I should say? (i live in VA if it matters) I am reaching out to reddit for help because i always see the best advice on here. thanks guys


Cant wait for the blame to fall on us for the faults of the senior team

I am really annoyed, anxious and frustrated. In the mid of august we had a new system demoed to us by our partners and the CEO told us they need to discuss this with the customer and determine if we should prepare the system to their liking and demo it to them also. I even chased up the senior team and they told me until the CEO tells us something, we aren't to do anything. So I was like great.. And then this week the CEO got angry that nothing got done on that project, only to be told by the project manager that she told us she would arrange a meeting with us but never did or told us when the project should start, and one of the team lead is going on leave next friday so now we are even more restricted with time to get this sorted…