
Is it just me or is this work week taking forever!?


Co worker made me quit

I had to take an urgent call during my shift. I was on the phone for (and I’m not kidding) one minute. I know it was wrong. My co worker comes up to me and absolutely abuses me. I apologised to him, and He then threatens to dock my pay because of it, telling me I don’t deserve to be paid the same as him and everyone else. Earlier during the week I came back from our lunch break at 12:46. He pulls me aside and says lunch ended at 12:45. This job involved me handling heavy machinery with a lot of technicalities without training. I made a few mistakes and was chewed out despite not knowing exactly what I did wrong. I really did try my hardest, but it seemed all the good I did was overshadowed by the smallest of mistakes. There was also a lot of bullying…


The “Forever hiring” company.

As the title states, I work for a design and engineering company that is forever hiring. Their strategy is no longer to try and keep people. Rather it is to hire people at an equal or slightly faster rate than their attrition. I signed up with them a few months ago and immediately regretted it.


I’ve just joined my first chef Job and I’m getting treated like crap

So a few weeks ago I enrolled on a chef apprenticeship as I'm very interested in cooking and becoming a chef. The thing is, the person running this kitchen talks to me like I'm incompetent and I've never been spoken to in my life the way she does to me. The place I work isn't too big so it's only me and her on the kitchen. I have worked 3 half days so far. This women's from a different country and as much as I try and understand her instructions, she has a very thick accent so it's hard especially with the ventilators being so loud. Some examples I can give is she'd be shouting at me to do this ultimate feast where its 2 different types of fried chicken, and a load of different sides and sauces all positioned on a tray in a very specific way. I cooked…


Have you gotten a raise in the last 3 years? No? Well, you took a 10%~ pay cut then. DEMAND a raise. Now.

This % doesn't include the price increase in food, rent, etc. Which makes it worse. This is only inflation. Let's assume your initial income three years ago was $100, and each year inflation was 5%. After three years, your income would be: Year 1: $100 Year 2: $100 – ($100 * 0.05) = $95 Year 3: $95 – ($95 * 0.05) = $90.25 Now, you can calculate the percentage decrease: Percentage Decrease = [($100 – $90.25) / $100] * 100 = (9.75 / 100) * 100 = 9.75% So, you took approximately a 9.75% pay cut in terms of purchasing power over the three-year period due to inflation. Now I'm no mathematician. I could be wrong. If I didn't get a pay raise and inflation is at 5%. Now factor in the price of food and rent which have gone up 10 to 100% on some areas. So, I hope…


It could be a hymn of this sub


I’m covering for my colleague and it’s pissing me off!

We’re in HR, specifically in the TA team and my colleague is on vacation this week. I had to cover for her and she assigned everything to me. I don’t have time to eat lunch, I’m buried in meetings, administrative tasks and so much more. I can’t focus on my own tasks and since Monday every day something new comes up. Last week I asked her not to overbook me and said that I can take up to 8 meetings cause I won’t have time for my duties and she actually talked to the manager and said that I didn’t want to cover for her?!? Seriously, I’m so effing pissed, I’m gonna cry!


Is abusing my job role’s refund policy a crime or only breach of contract?

Hi everyone! I hope you're doing well. So, I work with a very big ecomm retailer, and I made some orders with them, and I was wondering if I can get in >legal trouble (I'll be out of the company by next month's end) if I refund a % of my orders. It is clearly stated on the contract that we are not supposed to work on our own account/orders, but I don't see 1. any way they can automatically flag my actions, and if so, then when (IF) they notice, it'd be too late, and 2. is it ILLEGAL? Thanks in advance!


Promotion but no extra pay til April 24??

I was given a promotion at the beginning of this calendar year but wasn’t given any extra pay until the new financial year began in April. I made my feelings clear that I thought this was sly but let it slide due to the fact that it was only a couple months and didn’t want to lose a promotion. I have a meeting tomorrow where I have been told that I am due to get another promotion, but potentially won’t see any extra money from it until the new financial year.. again. So I’d essentially be working a role with more responsibly for fuck all extra for best part of 7 months. Is this bullshit or just standard practice? Should I be kicking up a fuss if this turns out to be the case?


How do i stop giving a shit

I work in a Educational setting that aims to be open to feedback. I am always keen to contribute ideas and speak to students about what they want. We have a suggestions email inbox where they want us to put ideas.. but they are never looked at or actioned. I feel like these simple changes can make systems more efficient. But i cant make these changes myself because im not on the hierachy. I want to be able to stop giving a shit. Not because i dont care abt the students but because noone bothers to follow up on any ideas. I feel insignificant but i love working with the students and thats what makes me want to come to work. Thanks for listening to my rant.