
Why do companies buy Workday?

It's a horrible piece of software, the usability problems are so bad that it wastes tons of time, and it's pricey. I've always assumed it's a “golf course deal” with an executive who never has to touch it and has a PA for that, but surely they are aware of its reputation or have a team evaluate before making a large invasive purchase?


Unpopular opinion: This sub is anti-work in its sentiment but pro-work in its effect.

This is just about my observation that whenever someone actually contemplates or even attempts an escape from working, most people in this sub react with negativity and a myriad of reasons why this a very bad idea. There have been people posting who actually succeeded to free themselves from work (usually through frugality and some sacrifice) and the reaction was mostly very negative, like „what about a medical emergency“ or „I wouldn’t want to live like that.“. Then there’s been this guy or gal who pondered if he or she could live off 2.000$ rental income, today, and again, instead of being supportive and thinking of ways to make it work, everybody’s coming up with reasons why it won’t work or why it is not enough and the person in question needs to keep working. This whole thing feels like the crabs in a bucket scenario where everybody’s frustrated but…


The Conservative Plan to Take Over the Country


Distressing news from Byju’s! Reports suggest they are planning to lay off 4,000 workers. Let’s stand in solidarity with those affected and hope for the best during these uncertain times.



Stole this from face crack


I’ve been put on PIP..

It's come out of the blue… my anxiety and stress are out of control… no idea what going to happen ️


How to bring up a wrongful termination (ADA) in a job interview?

So I have a job interview in about 12 hours and I have been aggressively preparing as I have ADHD and autism and have a tendency to overshare. However, I am really struggling to find the appropriate way to answer any questions regarding my previous employment. If I’m not truthful, I’m afraid that I will be seen as disingenuous, or that I’ll slip up and share that info at a later date and cause an issue for myself. On the flip side, if I’m truthful, I worry that there is no good way for me to explain what exactly happened without it sounding like it’s in bad faith. For context, I was fired from my last job because they took away a very minor (literally only a couple of minutes) scheduling accommodation when we had a manager change, resulting in me violating company policy by being tardy constantly. When I’d…


Asked to stay for a double, then fired by manic owner who was being an asshole all night. Left crying and they told me they would give a letter of termination for unemployment, when asked and never sent it. Can I legally stand outside their restaurant with a sign that says don’t support thisSHITHEAD


Hey you, person who has been with the company for years and found out you get paid less than new hires.

Yes, you are being taken advantage of, and yes it's not fair. Guess what, nobody there gives a shit what you think. Nothing you can say will convince the company that they should stop taking advantage of you. They do not care about fairness. They do not care if you feel bad. They do not care if you cannot pay your bills. The only thing they care about is making the most amount of money off of your labor that they possibly can. Every day that you stay at that job while trying to imagine the combination of words it will take to ~convince~ them to give you a raise to the base market rate for your skillset, is a day where they are laughing their way to the bank. They have 0 incentive to pay you another dime when the current arrangement is so slanted in their favor. The…


Update: I ended up quitting my boss.

Despite the fact that this is probably what my boss wanted, I had no choice but to quit because the work environment got more and more hostile. What tipped me over the edge today was when I stood up for myself as my boss was verbally berating me over something that I did not do. I basically told him to either “prove that it was me who did this or fucking leave me alone because I have actual WORK to do”. He hung up on me and then literally 5 minutes later called me back like the petulant child he is (this is a grown ass man in his late 50's) yelling at me to “fucking listen or find a new job” and proceeded to tell me how I have no right to tell him how to act and that he would fire me and claim misconduct so I can't…