
Killing us with Cortisol. The deficit in basic love drives the surplus of wealth.

First off, I love you guys. Not the leaders or corporations of course but you. The one who suffers so much yet needs such simple basic love to be their foundation of life. If this foundation was provided by our almighty, leaders in this system that we were told was called the American dream, we'd be more like brothers and sisters, and not Red or Blue. I am sorry that a utopia was at our fingertips, yet taken away from us. Our leaders created a party snow globe, called it the American Dream, then walked in, shut door, consumed more than could be renewed and when all was scraps, they reopened the doors to the party. WHY ARE WE REPRODUCING ON THIS SINKING SHIP?! Our leaders, the ones who make money to HELP us, have long abandoned attention to the very essence of a human. In a time where we…


Remember guys, if the government didn’t take 30% from your paycheck it would equal a 50% raise


It’s been 6 months… I’m taking the free time off.


Need space from abusive boss

I have an extremely abusive regional manager who is racist, transphobic and downright evil behind closed doors. I recently received the first citation I’ve ever gotten at any job I’ve ever had. I want to talk to HR about this because my manager and I truly believe the citation is based on company politics and very undeserved. Will I get fired if I respectfully and professionally tell my regional manager that I need space from her for now? I’m scared I’m in a group that they’re looking to fire and am on thin ice with this citation but I just can’t mentally deal with this woman. Not too sure if this is the right subreddit for this. Please let me know if there are any suggestions for better subreddits or if you have any advice!! I am struggling!!!


Killing us Cortisol. The deficit in basic love, is key to having a surplus of wealth.

First off, I love you guys. Not the leaders or corporations of course but you. The one who suffers so much yet needs such simple basic love to be their foundation of life. If this foundation was provided by our almighty, leaders in this system that we were told was called the American dream, we'd be more like brothers and sisters, and not Red or Blue. I am sorry that a utopia was at our fingertips, yet taken away from us. Our leaders created a party snow globe, called it the American Dream, then walked in, shut door, consumed more than could be renewed and when all was scraps, they reopened the doors to the party. WHY ARE WE REPRODUCING ON THIS SINKING SHIP?! Our leaders, the ones who make money to HELP us, have long abandoned attention to the very essence of a human. In a time where we…


Ah yes a pizza will ‘Theoretically’ pay my rent!!


Owner threatened to take legal action against us because we spoke about our boss and the conditions of her being fired outside work?

I work at a small,family owned restaurant. It recently changed owners about a year and a half ago,and since that,it has been hell. An aunt,mother,and daughter bought it. The daughter was the manager. She is the worst boss any of us have ever known. She regularly screamed,cried,and cussed in front of customers. She berated employees. She had intense mania,and could go from loving you one day to screaming and having you cry the next. She ran that restaurant into the GROUND. We had horrible reviews on food,lost our entire kitchen staff 4-5x,and in addition,we frequently were told that we may not get paid the next day because we were so broke. Towards the end,she’d never come to work,and claim that she was doing bookkeeping. Which she never was,because after she left,we found that she hadn’t paid taxes or done books in a year. In addition,she also tried to make us…


(vent) apartment flooded yesterday and manager was annoyed and all he could talk about was how my other coworker was all alone to open the store

yesterday morning i called in 30 mins before my opening shift because my apartment flooded. while i know 30 mins isnt really a lot of time to find a replacement, i obviously wasnt planning on the sink pipe bursting. i feel like most of me and my moms belongings getting absolutely drenched was a bit more important than a 3 hour opening shift at a grocery store. today i went in and manager asked what happened yesterday. so i told him, and showed him photos of all the water everywhere. he seemed annoyed about me not going in. “[coworker] was all alone, why couldnt you have just come in?” like, if it was that important, why couldnt manager had come in instead?? mornings are usually pretty slow anyway. i didnt even tell him that the night prior i hardly slept because i was so nauseous and in pain from a…


Some companies don’t even want to pay for their BS pizza parties anymore


Whenever I have to go to work