
Solidarity With Striking UAW!


Planning when I should put in my 2 weeks resignation.

I have a new job lined up already. I start in about a month. I'm just pondering when I want to crush my management's soul with my email. I'm not gonna admit that I am the best employee, but I know for a fact that I'm pretty good at what I do compared to the rest of my colleagues. Management knows. My colleagues know that as well, and they have told me that they'd nominate me for the best employee award if it came down to that. But we have too many concerns and issues on our floor that has been escalated to management. Yet management does not even bat an eye at trying to resolve those issues. They're literally concerns that affect direct customer care. Like most other jobs, we are overworked, understaffed, and micromanaged. I want the best for my colleagues, but I want this company to go…


“Benchmarking” tests are actively discriminatory.

They're another reason HR departments are toxic bullshit. I applied for an inbound calls job. I was short-listed within a day and offered the tests. That's when I knew I was fucked. I have serious performance anxiety. The tests were as follows: The usual highly transparent and “no right answers, toxic positivity required!” Personality test. Passed because I know these HR companies only hire yes-men. A language and comprehension test. Answers were timed. High score. Mathematics test with little hidden gotchas hidden at the bottom of each illustration. I missed one and only noticed it halfway through the chapter of questions. Also had timed questions. Average score. A data analysis test. It was literally this: 10110- O11II1 – 10110- O11II1 2025552 LLYXYX – 2025252 LLZXYX But these are seven to twelve other lines of data like this, most of them longer and you have sixty to forty seconds to guess…


PBS Two Cents video on the state of Unions in US

Unions are trending…and ending? PBS – Two Cents Despite a pro-union President in the White House, union membership is at its lowest point since the 50’s.


A Question of Terminology

So, I have been chatting with my neighbor for a while now. He's a socialist, but he doesn't know it. For the longest, he was hardcore red. Trying to shake things up and make a change. The whole time, he was agreeing with what I said: better wages for working folk, medicine for everybody, the whole shebang. I would avoid buzzwords while chatting with him, like socialism or anything else that would set off the propaganda machine that he was used to. Tonight, while explaining the struggle, I found straightforward language that could appeal to what seems like anybody: Workers VS Suits. Once I put it like that, all the puzzle pieces fell into place. Old guard and philosophers know bourgeoisie vs the proletariat. He knew the struggle we've all dealt with. Maybe it's time to update the language and make it accessible: Workers VS Suits. What do you think?


Update to my last post: I didn’t walk out with the others, but I should have. My boss is back on her old nonsense after crying, promising to change and begging for another chance. Don’t want to make for a super unpleasant week – looking for opinions on my resignation (and a push to hit send lol)


Supervisor kept me 20 minutes into my lunch break (pooped.myself)

Asking for friend, I will say the story as them. I work at a public school in CA, my supervisor scheduled a meeting with me at 9am but came at a later time right before my break. They go 20 minutes into my hour lunch break, I say that I need to use the restroom and they continue to hold me letting me go soon after. This caused me to have an accident and it’s been bugging me all day. What should I do? Side note this supervisor doesn’t like me and has made it apparent.


IT Guy at Work is Such a Dick

I totally get it, he tells everyone he is on the spectrum so I definitely factor that in. But he is suuuuch an asshole. I have a lot of experience with computers. My mom was IT and a network administrator, I had an email address when literally the only other people I knew with an email addres were my brothers. I built HTML websites when I ran my own business (yes, I'm aging myself ) So I usually just fix my own problems when they arise. I faithfully follow our instructions and sign ot of our vdi when I'm done for the day. But my assigned laptop overheated and wouldn't come back on yesterday. This dick stomped over to my desk this morning and grilled me like a fucking detective. His smell is so bad that it makes me nauseous and he was like, right over my shoulder, I had…


My brief stint as a manager

I didn't have anyone else to tell this to and didn't want to forget. And this seemed like the appropriate forum. A few years back I worked for a company that was very closely tied to agriculture. So if Ag was doing good, the company was doing good and if Ag is doing poorly, the company is doing poorly. It was also very Ag like and common to utilize their workforce in a cattle type of way and when times got rough they would cull the herd. First step was to let go all the temp workers, but attempt to keep them on the line by saying when things pick up they will hire them back. Second step was to start pulling back hours, less than full time for some and no overtime at all. Third step was to start dropping days, going to a furloughed 4 day work week.…


Biden says UAW should fight for 40% pay raise in Michigan strike visit