
All I did was compare wages with some coworkers


$1.50/hr pay CUT

I was notified at the beginning of my shift that my pay was going to be reduced. This is because I transferred stores and districts 6 months ago. So the pay is “different”. This is a billion dollar company might I add. They are not doing this because they can’t afford it, they are doing it so they don’t have to raise the wages of my colleges. So why didn’t this happen when I started? They said it was a “hiccup”. They asked me to sign a form, I refused. I’ve also sent in a form for Reduced Wages (partial unemployment) This happened at the most inconvenient time, I moved to a home, rent is $3,000/month and my S/O has been unemployed for 3 1/2 months. I’m putting every extra penny in savings so that we can at least keep the lights on an extra month. Because this happened at…


How close in comparison shitty jobs are to prison

That’s a real prison, most likely a county lockup


Too much mental gymnastics

My store manager presents himself as a guy who likes to make jokes. The thing is, he makes 'jokes' that are clearly to point out a problem with me and when I ask him to clarify he says “I'm just messing with you.” 100% he is serious but follows it up by saying it was a joke. It is obnoxious because he has mentioned mistakes I've made and always says it was just a joke. He is completely serious but when I ask him to explain what he is saying he just says it was a joke. Every time. I'm honestly just waiting to get written up so I can contest it by saying “Every statement or comment that has ever been made is replied with “I am just messing with you.” There is no reason to believe I have done anything wrong. I think he knows that. All I…


Is there a way to live happily with our work?

I'm basically a broke college student who lost their job a couple months ago, and I'm now working for Doordash. Doordash doesn't pay any bills, especially since my time is filled more with trying to destress and figure out my life rather than slave away at a job that just builds up more stress. I was hoping gig work was my thing, but the unpredictabilty of it just doesn't work for me. I've tried applying to remote jobs, but most of those require tons of experience or degrees, neither of which I have. At this point I've almost given up on working for this economy but I need money just so I can live.


Boss is asking for statement from therapist

Just wanted opinions on a dilemma my bf is having at work. So to preface, he recently received a raise & was switched from hourly to salary for work. For the last few years, he has worked half days on Friday morning because he has therapy appointments. So, upon receiving this raise, he communicated that he would still need to be off work Friday morning, and asked how that will work while being on salary. His boss explained that it’s fine & he would make up the hours somewhere else during their busy times. They agreed on this arrangement & he has been working this schedule ever since (around 1 year.) Recently, just through casual conversation, she found out that he was no longer doing therapy Friday mornings due to his therapist being on maternity leave, and that he now uses that time for his side hustle. (He shouldn’t have…


Autoworkers on Strike Are Skeptical of Both Trump and Biden


As applicant #1760, what do you think my chances are that they’ll see my résumé?

Also, I wonder if fully remote jobs are highly desirable?


First legal Cannabis union voting on strike.


People would enjoy their jobs if they had decent people as managers and supervisors

A lot of people who supposedly “hate” their job, don’t actually hate their jobs, they just hate their superiors messing up the experience for them causing them to believe that they hate what they’re doing. Some managers I had were pretty cool, but some are unresponsive to their employee’s needs. Some are downright bullies which is sadly all too common.