
How many of you work at grocery, but can’t afford to shop at your store?

I always tell this to customers who ask me where things are. I don't shop at my work because I never could afford to, even at my capped 28 hours a week. It's such a cruel irony CEOs know but don't care about it.


Easy way to reduce emissions.


How to make it through every grueling fruitless day until I can get a new job?

I've been with my employer nearly 15 years. Doing good, steady work, it doesn't make me want to pull my hair out and scream every day. Until last year, we have a new boss. I've worked with her the whole time I've been employed here and thought we got a long fine. As soon as she started her job last March, it's like she's doing everything in her power to get rid of me. My workload hasn't changed, I'm still doing what I've always been doing, but now I'm being told “performance issues, here's a letter of instruction, blah blah blah.”. (I work for state government so it's really difficult for them to get rid of permanent employees). Got another letter of instruction today right after I came back from my annual leave, like they spent the time I was gone trying their damndest to see what else they can…


Why put in the effort?

I have been working for this company for just under a year and a half. A few months after I started, we almost had a 100% turnover, but I stayed and did the work of almost 5 people and doing so much out of my comfort zone. When more people got hired, I helped train and guided almost every single one. I’ve continued to help other as much as I possibly can. I’ve had almost the longest tenure here, which honestly should tell me something. Today I found out that someone else got promoted. I mean, you’d think I would learn by now. This has happened at almost every job I’ve had: I’m recognized as one of the hardest, most reliable workers, but someone else always gets credited. This is the last hit I needed to get myself to begin doing the bare minimum required. I’m officially done trying.


Alleged inappropriate behavior outside of work with boss complaint

Apparently someone in my workplace has made a complaint to HR that they saw me and my boss kissing at a bar. HR had my boss go to their office to talk about it and the end result is HR offering me a different position on a different shift. My boss said he completely denied and told them there was no way that ever happened. The problems I'm having is that it never happened, not even in the slightest, it was a blatant lie by someone anonymous. I don't even have a vehicle right now to go to a bar, and I haven't had a vehicle in almost a month now. I have also been diagnosed with a failing gallbladder and liver lesions about 5 weeks ago (surgery on the 11th), so I literally can't even drink. Why would I be at a bar? HR never talked to me. Only…


Review I got today- my first day back from vacation

I came back after a week of vacation to this review and a 1.7% raise. Also I had the same amount of days off before he just put them into one category. I basically help run the agency. There are two full time employees ( me and him) and his brother in law is part time for no reason and isn’t licensed his brother in law is hourly and makes more than me per hour if you do the math. It doesn’t really matter to me bc im going to nursing school next year and he doesn’t know. Im quitting in January but im waiting for my commission check and I’ve used all my vacation for the year and don’t want to pay it back. Thoughts?


WARN Notices

Im not sure if this belongs here but Warn Notices are supposed to give workers 30 day notice of pending layoffs. Just Google Warn Notices and your state to see if your company is on the list. I did it for my state below and you can search for your company as well. CVS is on the list. ​


Boss thinks I’m superman

I currently work in a popular hardware store in the US (Not the orange one) while I work through college. Now it hasn't been too bad, but I recently finished the season at the garden center there. And it's slowly turned into me working everywhere in the store. Today, I walked into work and the front end manager wants me to work fulfilling online orders. I was scheduled to work in the outside garden center. So I ask the store manager if he'd rather me work outside or fulfilling orders. He looked me dead in the eyes and said “both, and inside garden” my jaw hit the floor. He expects me to work three sections by myself. I could really use some advice on what to do next.


Is there anyway to recover some of my 401k (cashout) from old job without an eviction notice?

Been with this company 6 years and they decided to “move foward with seperation” after one of my employees damaged a car doing something outside of policy. wasn’t anything i did but anyways i was in charge of him. ​ anywho is there anyway to get any of the cash from my 401k (fidelity) without a eviction notice?? ​ I havent found new employeement so i dont have anywhere to move it but i would like the extra cash for this uncertain time… ​ thanks for any help with this


Govt/FAA thinks we’re making 6 figures?

TLDR; Work at an airport making $17 an hour and a simple mistake can lead to a $30k personal fine by the FAA/TSA. Work for a major airline as a baggage handler (a LOT more tasks than just handling bags). I find it mind-blowing that if you misread a catering truck and sign off/are set up by TSA, you are PERSONALLY fined $30k as well as the airline being fined $50k. Does the govt not realize these baggage make $35k full-time before taxes? It's really sad in my opinion.