
UN envoy links temporary foreign worker program to ‘slavery’


My journey to escaping corporate life. A rant/plan

I grew up in a city but spend most of my time in nature. Think woods, small river streams, cornfields etc. My school life was near the harbours, my off time in nature. I fucking loved it. I could never decide what I wanted to do growing up so I switched multiple educations until I got to HR as I found out I wanted to help people get better. In between colleges I worked as a cleaner, logistics guy in a big warehouse, appliance delivery, food delivery etc. I loved being outdoor and going places, rain or sunshine. Due to my HR studies I got a job in the doompit called “the corporate world”. At first it felt easy. Bantering with coworkers, A/C in the summer, heater in the winter. But then, after about 6 months, the masks came off and I was burdened with piles of work, new rules,…


PTO Severance on Termination

Recently I have parted ways with my job, it was mutual but the official verdict is that I was fired for no call no show. Maybe I could have ended things in a different way, but with how things were going I needed my daylight hours to find somewhere else to work so this is where we are now. My question is that in the employee handbook that all employees were obligated to sign, there are two sections that are of concern: Any unused accrued PTO will be paid to an employee upon termination, whether voluntary or involuntary, as long as the employee has passed the 90-day introductory period. I have about 60 hours in PTO accrued, so this statement makes me think that receiving my PTO as severance pay is all but guaranteed. Which leads me to.. This Employee Handbook is not a binding contract between the Company and…


How do you give formal answers when the interviewer is just so informal?

Sometimes I feel like the interviewers dont want me rambling on and on but then at the same time I dont know how am I supposed to showcase my experience ?? All this interview prep videos and tips are SO FREAKING FORMAL. I am honestly done interviewing.


Extremely discouraged about employment – advice?

I was raised very traditionally: “work hard, respect authority, get straight A’s.” So I apologize if this sounds naive or silly. I’m still working on breaking out of these habits of fitting into society’s idea of work. I’m brand new to the full-time workforce, after working lots of part time jobs through college. These jobs were mostly customer service based, teaching, 1-on-1 counseling, or assignment-based. I did pretty well at these jobs and always considered myself a good employee. At the bare minimum, I always showed up on time, improved on mistakes, and communicated well. In my personal life and hobbies, I am told that I’m very reliable, consistent, and hard-working. So to have such a tough time in my first full-time job has been surprising. A few years back, I decided to switch to healthcare to make a bit more money. I’ve been working at my current job for…


Imagine being 15 in Arkensas and this happens to you. – 18-year-old gets stabbed in Winnipeg Olive Garden

The parts that got to me were that she skipped high school activities to work in an Olive Garden (probably at minimum wage).


Uncoordinated office and poor management with raise question

My company has never been consistent with raises, there's no predetermined outline for raises. They just throw a number at you every couple of years after you ask for a review. I normally ask what I need to do to help me get to that next step, which then they Pikachu face and are like what do you mean you are performing great and oh it's been a few years since your last? Followed by saying they didn't realize and bumping me up (because calenders and yearly reviews are hard for a 12 person company). Got a raise beginning of year ($2) with the preface that I would be getting another in 6 months because of added responsibilities and wanted to see how I performed. It's been 9 months with no word (probably forgot, typical) should I go around asking again? Or is it best to just let it be…


UK Is this discrimination?

OK so the story is, due to winter meaning less footfall into the place I work. Staff are urged to work 4 days instead of 5 to basically keep jobs and reduce spending in the company (local family run firm) I opted for a 4 day week and as per asked for sundays off so my days off would run Sun, Mon, Tue. Work wed to Sat. I have worked wed to Sun for 7 years. Now my manager approved my sundays off, however the stand in manager on Sunday has kicked off, pretty much spitting his dummy out that I have been granted this. But another member of staff has been granted it no problem. So now my days off have been switched to Mon, tue, wed. I can't help but feel that I am being unfairly treated, even discriminated against. I asked for sunday off to spend more…


How pissed off should I be that my yearly review is 3 months pass due?

I keep getting strung along about how it's taking such and such long because so and so hasn't done this or that. I was suppose to get a review in June and still getting empty promises about having one “soon”. Am I being unreasonable for being upset? How much more time should I give them before I really say something?


The letter “K” is not an appropriate response in a professional environment.

I absolutely cannot stand when managers say this. Had to use some vacation time for an emergency with my wife. I call my boss and explain to him the situation, let him know I’ll need to use vacation time for today and that I’ll be back tomorrow. After 3 or 4 sentences of explanation I get “K” followed by silence. What the fuck? I tell you my wife has a medical emergency I need to deal with and I get a one LETTER response? How insensitive can you be??? This is the same guy that asked me what I was working on for the day when I called him from the hospital as my wife was in labor…