
Just started a new job… any tips?

It’s been a while since i’ve moved jobs and am curious what your alls advice is, started at a retail store


Former Wells Fargo executive avoids prison time for her role in fake-accounts fraud Another one avoids jailtime. Jail for us but not for them! What has changed since 2008?


Boss didn’t pay me overtime for a week I worked over 40 hours. Just discovered why my pay rate is what it is.

I built and manage a TV station and make $17.10/hr. Yeah, I know my pay is absurdly low for my line of work, but I have a reason for staying despite the pay. I was a salaried employee for a bit earning around 35k/yr. I went through something devastating in my life and could not come to work for a few weeks. They agreed to keep me on and said to come back when I was ready. They're typically pretty great people. When I got back, I told them I don't think I can manage a 40-hour work week anymore due to what happened and they understood, so they put me back to an hourly wage. They told me I'd earn $17.10 “because that was close to what you were making before.” Turns out $17.10 x 40 is $684, the minimum a person has to make in my state to…


Come in Sick, No Matter What

Picture says it all. I’m in disbelief.


Dirtbag fires coworker who saved him on 9/11.


Two weeks notice tomm.

Could use some words of encouragement as tomorrow I will be giving my notice after 20 years with the company. I honestly just can’t handle the retail pharmacy toxic work environment anymore. My boss and I are close but I have no idea how she is going to handle this information. I am the one she relies on for almost everything. I don’t even know if I’ll be able to get the words out to tell her I’m done but I know deep in my heart it’s something that has to be done. I stand at work sick to my stomach thinking that this can’t be all my life is meant to be. So yeah, advice and hype appreciated.


Boss told me to go home via coworker

My boss gives shit instructions. And maybe I’m not the best at following verbal instructions, but this isn’t the first time this has happened. Long story short, I apparently misunderstood what was said. My coworker went to clarify the instructions because we both thought our boss had said two different things. During this clarification, my boss also said they would have sent me home had I personally asked for the reclarification. Today was the first day of a big event so I understand my boss was stressed. But how am I supposed to want to still work there after this lol??


Manager from a potential job ghosted me and suddenly texted two weeks later?

Recently met a man who is GM for a nearby restaurant and offered me a serving job. I went in for a working interview and he said to let him know my availability to start training. He ghosted me after that and I was annoyed but whatever. Then he texted me yesterday. I feel like it’s extremely unprofessional and also ridiculous that he would reach out or expect a response weeks after ghosting me. I wouldn’t want to work for someone like that anyway.


Imagine we had “Rate My Professor” for Bosses, Managers, CEOs

It would never work for a slew of reasons and due to managers ability to punish those underneath them for negative feedback. But it would be amazing to hear the reviews of specific managers before I take a job under them.


should i quit on the spot?

i work at Acme in produce. I make $14.13 (min wage). my job is to cut fresh fruit and make bowls and trays, sounds fun right? An inexperienced coworker didn’t clean up correctly and for the next week i was left with a literal infestation of gnats. Everything i touched had a cloud of gnats coming at me. they were on the walls and ceiling and i have to work in that environment, cutting fruit that attracts the flies right to my face. We have 2 compost bins that are supposed to be emptied 3 times a week. the company that owns the bins always skips days and i’m left with cardboard boxes for fruit waste, that i have to take to the dumpster. this happens often. When they get a shipment of bad fruit they give it to me so i can “pick out the good pieces”. Everything is…