
Imagine we had “Rate My Professor” for Bosses, Managers, CEOs

It would never work for a slew of reasons and due to managers ability to punish those underneath them for negative feedback. But it would be amazing to hear the reviews of specific managers before I take a job under them.


should i quit on the spot?

i work at Acme in produce. I make $14.13 (min wage). my job is to cut fresh fruit and make bowls and trays, sounds fun right? An inexperienced coworker didn’t clean up correctly and for the next week i was left with a literal infestation of gnats. Everything i touched had a cloud of gnats coming at me. they were on the walls and ceiling and i have to work in that environment, cutting fruit that attracts the flies right to my face. We have 2 compost bins that are supposed to be emptied 3 times a week. the company that owns the bins always skips days and i’m left with cardboard boxes for fruit waste, that i have to take to the dumpster. this happens often. When they get a shipment of bad fruit they give it to me so i can “pick out the good pieces”. Everything is…


Any Unlimited PTO Success Stories?

We all know unlimited PTO is a scam. Are you taking advantage of it to it's fullest? Do you have any prepared talking points if management inquires about or pushes back on your time off requests? Give me courage to take another vacation.


Looking For Advice: Raise Request Denied

Background: On my 5th year work anniversary, I wrote a lengthy, professional email to boss and his boss reminiscing and detailing the ups and downs of my time at the company so far. At the end of the email I requested a market rate adjustment as (go figure) my salary has not kept pace with inflation and my skills had grown significantly. After hearing nothing for over 6 weeks my manager informed me that HR had denied on my request. Their reasons were: “Not appropriate at this time” “They believe my compensation is “competitive” at this time.” “HR does a year review to determain market rate adjustment.” “HR uses enterprise resources to determine market rates that aren’t available to you pesents.” “HR doesn’t entertain “out of band” raise requests as this would be a “slippery slope”.” Seeking advice: How do I proceed from here? I will of course be looking…


When hypothetical ABC company fires an employee, and the employee qualifies for unemployment benefits after being fired, does it hurt ABC’s bottom line?

It's my understanding that unemployment pay comes from ABC's insurance, so when former employees are temporarily living off govt unemployment benefits after being fired from ABC, does it affect the ABC's bottom line? Does ABC lose money because of it? Or do ABC's insurance premiums go up every time a former employee files for unemployment benefits?


Anybody else have a coworker who plays favoritism and gets cocky if you ask a question?

I (28M) am the new guy at work. My trainer (50?F) used to talk to me when I came to work. I'd ask how she was doing and she'd reply. She taught me how to do some things but I didn't pick it up fast and then if I asked a question she'd pop off “This old lady knows what she's talking about but you don't want to listen.” As of recently she's completely changed. She doesn't talk to me hardly. She doesn't even say good morning to me but she does everyone else at shift change. I almost feel invisible now. Today I was going to restock some things and she pops off at me “You were gonna do that? Yeah right. I already ordered it unlike you boys.” Talking about my other coworkers like it's a dick measuring contest. I know she takes psych meds and recently came…


Salary range

Dumb question: If a job ad lists a salary range, does that mean that's the range that they will pay on the first day, depending upon the candidate's qualifications, experience and negotiating abilities, or does that mean that the top end is the limit of what the company will ever pay someone in that position?


My boss tried using my pay against me

My boss sat me down and told me that I’m not doing ‘enough’ work at my job. Told me that I make more than the store customer service teams and that I should ‘carry that’. Incredibly ironic, given that those roles pay $1 less for incredibly easy/slow work (not an assumption, I’ve done it. If the store isn’t busy, neither is their customer service) For context, I’m a service coordinator on the back end of the business. But I’m also the parts coordinator AND the only person in the service department at my location. So all reports, calls, part orders and receiving, etc? Done by me and only me. We have one tech that we send out for in home service calls, and he’s having some medical issues lately so he’s taking a lot of time off. So that means I call every customer to reschedule them. Some of which…


Final update: new boss is upset I’m resigning and relocating to a new state. She is requesting I write a manual on every step I take to do my job in 2 days. How can I professionally tell her no?

Click here for my previous post. Let’s get into it. Due to legal advice and reasons I’m not able to post any communications like I want to. If and when I get the green light, I’ll post. As many of you have guessed my old boss did not handle my departure well. From what I’m told she is still struggling mentally and emotionally. Basically taking it out on anyone and everyone. My typical day in my final week consisted of meeting after meeting where she would rant about me negatively to the whole team and create unreasonable demands to add this or that to the “manual”. I want to be absolutely clear, I never created a manual and I intentionally told her no every chance I got. She took it as far to demand i change my original resignation in my exit interview. This is where I lost all my…


Can we talk about the lack of intelligence in this sub?

Everyone is up in arms for minimum wage increase but it seems everyone is failing to realize that corporations are just going to adjust their prices to be able to pay us more. Do you see the infinite loop? Are all of you taking crazy pills? The road to salvation is not printing more money for everyone but by actually changing policies and changing the way the system operates. This movement is so blind its insane at this point