
I feel guilty for relaxing most of the time while WFH

I WFH 99% of the time. There are days where I don’t have tasks to do so I end up watching training videos or webinars on the product that I manage. During these down times I’m often horizontal on the couch with my laptop in my lap, but most of the time I’m scrolling Reddit or doing things not related to work (like right now). I still get work done when something comes my way, but I do feel somewhat guilty that I’m essentially getting paid to goof around. This is a fairly new job for me and my previous jobs have been more task-heavy. But since I’m managing a product now, I don’t have as many tasks as my previous individual contributor roles. I think I just need to get used to having a lot of down time and not feel bad when I goof around because I do…


Manager didn’t believe I was sick.

Back in the 1980s when I was a teenager, I worked at a popular fast food chain. I had a stomach flu, but the manager didn't believe me and told me to come in or I was fired. After about 1/2 an hour working in the food prep area… I felt the nausea building, so ran up front and (in front of all the customers) vomited all over the managers front side. I said, “I told you I'm sick.” Half the customers left and the manager said I could go home and rest.


Positive post for once

Are there any areas that you feel like are making some progress as far as better work conditions? I'll start: Businesses that close on Christmas Day and Thanksgiving Day. I worked in restaurants for ten years, and always dreaded the holiday black out period for requesting off. It was just a given that you'd be at work on Christmas or Thanksgiving. I like hearing about corporations that have closed on those days in recent years. I know damn well they're not doing it out of the kindness of their hearts. I'm guessing that it just was just a losing battle to get staff to work those days instead of just straight up quitting. I believe that is a case where workers finally one. We are not putting up with missing out on holidays with our loved ones anymore. Another one is the number of businesses I have noticed who have…


Why do companies do this? It’s so obnoxious..

The following is an excerpt from a second interview request. I've already taken a traits test, where they tell you there are no right answers. Is this not complete overkill? I can do the work, and I won't be an ass. It's no wonder companies have trouble hiring. ​ “The next step is a 60 minute virtual interview with the Hiring Manager and a member of the team. (Please turn on your camera)  They will further explore your alignment with what we are seeking, which is a team member who is… Highly committed and aligning action with our mission, values, strategies, and goals A leader of the people around them Challenging and leading others to become better (behaviors & results) In possession of or can quickly acquire business critical skills & abilities You can expect more questions related to your behaviors and results. They will dive deeper into the critical…


Boss gaslighting me daily. My job is threatened when I ask them to put things in writing, so that’s NOT going to happen. Switching jobs ASAP but looking for recommendations as to what to do about it in the meantime.

Once I get a new job, I'm going write code to automate my old job, give it to their competitors for cheap/free, starting with the most desperate companies in the industry and working my way up. I've done it before, and previous employers downsized or went out of business over it.


I walked out, now can’t find my ambition

I worked for a soul-crushing corporation for a year and a half. I walked out 1 month ago. Never walked out on a job in my life until now. I was really ambitious and making great strides in my career prior to this. Now I’m feeling like I don’t even want to work at all. I need to get a job to support my family but I don’t even want to work in my career field anymore. Has anyone been through this? I can’t seem to motivate myself to seriously apply for jobs even though bills are looming and my savings are dwindling. How do I snap out of this fog and get myself employed again?


Thoughts on Uber Eats as a Takeout Server

What little patience hasn't been clawed off me from this horseshit job goes straight into this goddamned corporations pocket. I'm a minimum wage takeout server and the overwhelming majority of the orders I deal with are from Uber or Doordash. These orders, which range from one item orders to complicated >$150 orders with all the customizations you'd be embarrassed to ask for in someone's face, are always untipped. It's not even that customers are cheap—which I deal with anyways from regular orders—it's that Uber Eats has no option to tip the workers. This means I'm slaving through Uber Eats permarushes for $11/hr untipped and still expected to complete all of my usual tasks. On top of that, this place is understaffed to hell, so I'm essentially working two-person shifts alone, drowning in Uber Eats tickets, dodging thrusted phones because some drivers apparently have no experience interacting with humans. Not to…


9/15 paycheck bounced, replacement check held until 9/25 , was told to not cash 9/22 paycheck due to no funds, then laid-off and not given my final paycheck due to no funds. This is in California.

What can I do to get my money from someone who says they don’t have any?


How to tell your boss you’re going home.

This seems to be a hot topic so here's a step by step for anyone who's really not sure how to do it and protect themselves. Check your local laws about recording audio/visual. If your in Canada you have one party consent so as long as you're part of the conversation you can record to your heart's content. This will be your best friend. Also check your country/state health and safety codes. Normally its got a big no no for handling food while ill, especially vomiting and diarrhea. Put your phone on record. Fuck if you're ever talking to your boss and you think they're scummy record it. Tell them you are leaving. Do not ask. Your wording should be something along the lines of “Hey Boss I'm not feeling well and I need to leave now.” If they argue with you simply repeat that you are not feeling well…


I keep praying I get sick

It's that time of year again where everyone is getting sick. I'm not doing anything to prevent it. I'm letting it hit me full force so I can take some time off and get a fucking break so I can breathe. Sucks I'm praying for the flu or covid to get out of work. I've been applying to new jobs constantly for over a year and I've heard nothing. The job market is fun.