
Unnecessary Requirements

I keep having a posting sent to me from a job I walked out of a year ago. Employers never seem to learn. First of all, the salary is listed as 15.50-$26.42 when this woman wouldn't pay me more than 16 dollars an hour. Secondly, they keep saying a “Drivers License is required” but there is zero driving involved. No one wants to work anymore??? Or are employers just making it impossible to do so and be able to afford to wake-up everyday?


20230926 – Least I Could Do

I for one am looking forward to this season.



My situation is common (I think), but no one seems to give an answer that I've resonated with irl, so what better place to seek resolution than here – right?! So, to cut to the chase, I'm currently working for a finance company as a business analyst, after several years of working for the same company. I started out in an entry level data entry job, worked a few more jobs in various departments, became a team leader and then eventually landed where I am today. In a way I'm proud of the way I've been able to develop myself and managed to achieve various promotions to get to where I am within the same company, but at the same time I'm extremely consciously aware that I'm not valued (at least monetarily) as much as I should be due to the fact that I've been an internal hire, as opposed…


Aitah for asking for a hazard premium

I've been working for a fire suppression company for a little over 7 years. They didn't have any pre requirements for employment, and moved me up through the ranks faster than most companies. At 1 year, I was given a vehicle and company tools/equipment (I still supply my own handtools). But I was also given more responsibility than I ever asked for. At my 5 year mark, I doubled my entry level pay. Now at 7 years expirence I'm expected to preform extremely dangerous tasks with no help and often no supervision on site. Everything from pipefitting attics to running scissor lifts in warehouses but often completely by myself. A little background about the company. Has been operating for over 20 years Small family business, 7 employees total. Never laid anyone off. Does pay vacation, holiday, and sick time but no investing options. Appears to be going downhill fast. We…


Nothing to do at work, any ideas on how to pass the time

I just started a new job, i move around to different clients, never staying for more than 2 weeks or so, and I havent done any work so far, I cant work from home (yet) so at the minute im stuck in the office reading wiki articles and smoking to pass the time. Is there anything else I can do to pass the time that makes me look vaguely busy (no solitare)


Religious nut supervisor story

I (18M) have been working at a non-union electrical company for the last six months (since March) as an electrical trainee. My first ever supervisor (who I sometimes work with now and then), is a super nice guy (I’m gonna call him Kevin- he’s about 23-24M), but he gets on my nerves at times. He’s a hardcore Seventh-Day Adventist, and he does a lot of things that I think are unprofessional: telling me I can’t celebrate Halloween because it’s “the Devil’s birthday party”- telling me not to eat pork or mix meat and dairy (he literally got upset with me because I was eating a bag of pork rinds on my break), got mad at me for working on a Saturday “it’s the sabbath, you shouldn’t be working then!” and he threatened to send me home because I said “Jesus Christ!” after getting shocked by accident. I even explained to…


Working an isolating dead end cleaning job. On the verge of a mental breakdown

Just wanna say that I will be walking out of this job shortly. I am completely isolated every night and it is truly affecting my mental health so bad. I made some terrible mistakes growing up and now at age 30, I am realizing how horrible it is to work here. Shitty pay, toxic demeaning isolating environment, only co worker is a 70 year old woman who does nothing while I'm pretty much doing 2 jobs in 5 hours. My mental health has never been so bad. I never want to sweep or mop floors ever again for the rest of my life. Used to be 10 workers at night and people my age so at least I could not feel so alone. Now there's no one and I feel like a total loser. Every day I wake up with extreme anxiety, regret and stress. I will be walking out…


Apply for your own promotion

My brother was offered a promotion in his current department to perform the same job he's been performing for years. Instead of just giving him HIS promotion – he has to jump through hoops. First they had to post his promotion/new job internally AND externally. Meaning coworkers are pinging him and asking if they'd be good fits for the role… Then he had to have a phone call with a recruiter. Now he has to interview with the team he's already working with every day…. for his own PROMOTION. If his boss wasn't constantly letting him know it's his position – why wouldnt he think he could lose it to a random applicant or internal applicant. This is one of the reasons you interview for jobs and never hear back. What an ENORMOUS amount of wasted time and effort on the recruiters, HR, management, applicants (internal and external), and for…


Just got offered £10/hour for a London office position.

Just a bit of a rant, I'm feeling a little deflated. Last week I went in for an interview for an administration position on a property management company. My roles would include basic office running, calls, emails, rent follow up etc. This office is ran by two partners, they did not want to introduce any workers as that may 'dilute their work ethic and high level of customer service'. However they have now become so busy they are forced to bring in an employee to help. They manage around 100 properties and have been successful since starting with only one, according to them. They were impressed with me and want to hire me. I have previous experience in similar positions before, for around 2 years. (Not a huge amount, true.) Monday to Thursday 10am to 5pm, another couple hours on Friday. 30 hours a week. Wage? £300/week. Yes. Below minimum…


I work in a unsafe workplace and my coworker took their own life

Throw away for obvious reasons. I work onsite, far away from home, in what could generously be termed a prison camp. I've been deemed unfit for work there past two weeks because I was foolish enough to admit I had mental health issues wrt to going to site. Today I found out that one of my co-workers killed himself in his room. He was early thirties, a nice person. He had a wife and friends. He shouldn't have been in the position where his only choice was to kill himself alone in a horrible little room. I had to find this information out myself, no one was going to tell me. I've been crying all day. What's the point in any of this. We feel all smug and like we've grown and achieved something better in the past century but people are still destroying their bodies and minds for multi…