
My (27) dad died three months ago and my boss (40) decided to make our business lunch about how his parents are still alive

And he asked our business partners if their parents were still alive, how it was difficult to take care of them, how many times they visited them. We're all expats so the topic was even harder for me as I wasn't there when my dad passed away. I had to pointedly look elsewhere to hide the tears in my eyes as they all went about how their parents were still alive. Of course, my boss knows about what happened to me, he was aware. I don't understand why he thought that was a good idea. I feel like the workplace is just so cold and inhumane.


My boss is on their third week of vacation.

They do not put up with nearly the amount of crap that I do. They get three weeks vacation. I get two if they give me permission. Workers rights are there, but no union for a call-center! What a bunch of jerks. That’s my rant for the day. I hope everybody has a nice day though! For those that suggest I get a new job, I am nearly blind in my left eye. That rules out a lot of work.


i agreed myself to work 40 hours as a 17 year old as my first job

i accidentally agreed myself to work 40 hours as a 17 year old i finished highschool this year and have no idea what to study so i thought i was a good idea to start working and get experience and save up i applied to work at mcdonalds got a job interview but got denied so after that i applied to like 10 jobs and got 2 invitation's i ended up at a warehouse job interview they did not ask many questions and went straigh to training me after that i went home and got a call saying that i'm hired its a picker/packer job i don't know if i acctualy want this job almost everyone is much older than me they almost all speak english even tho i live in the Netherlands but the thing is that they pay realy well for my age its a contract for 3…


It’s to your advantage to appear stupid in large corporations

If I've learned one thing over time about large corporations, it is that it's to your advantage to appear stupid. People who come off as intelligent get discriminated against. People who just keep their mouths shut keep their jobs. If you're smart enough to have standards about your work – it means you're a threat to other employees and they'll play politics against you. I endorse this stance publicly on Linkedin (the outdated social network).


Occupational health referral on birthday

Happened a while ago but still annoyed about it all. I’m having some issues with my work and my disability. I’m trying my hardest with it all as I do enjoy the work just can’t always meet their expectations. As such my boss is getting an occupational health assessment to help (but I think it’s just them looking down routes to legally fire me). I had been waitng for HR to sort it for 6 months or so. I booked mon-wed off for my birthday. HR decided of all the days that week to send off the form exactly on my birthday. I had my work email switched off for holiday but I got a text on my private number with login info for the assessment. They knew it was my birthday and could of waited to send it until the day after or day before but decided the morning…


tone deaf bosses

Our team had a lunch with some company executives (who spent about an extra hour of our time talking over us, but I digress…) last week. One of the conversations was talking about how the head of the company owns an island and multiple homes in HCOL areas. I know it’s not them, it’s the head of the company but it felt so shitty hearing that, meanwhile we’re all working 50+ hours a week and are spread thin. At least we’re being praised for having a “lean team”. Hope it’s all worthwhile and you get that second island big boss🤞


I’m at my breaking point with wages/Cost-of-Living in Arkansas


Getting scheduled for 8 days plus constantly

So I work for a hotel company doing nightshift where our contract says we work 5 over 7 days but keep getting scheduled for 8 or more days ( recently did 10 in a row) when I've brought it up the company says technically it's still 5 over 7 as we still get 2 days off on the rota which runs monday to sunday even though those days are split to the opposite ends so we end up doing long stretches? I'm fine with the occasional 7 because having set days off isnt a thing in hospitality but just wondering if this is legal or they are just making stuff up.


Flu spreading fast

Well, I knew this would happen eventually. I took a new job a month back that pays significantly better but no one is allowed to work from home. I went from 100% remote to 0% remote. Sure enough, people are now getting sick. So far it's not COVID, just the flu but I can't help but feel this wouldn't be an issue if they just let people work remotely.


You are Not Entitled to Our Care

You sold our futures to corporations because you were ignorant and scared. You allowed dogma to dominate science and killed millions because it was “the moral answer” to let the degenerates die. You continued to compromise. You ignored our basic education, while pushing us into debt for degrees you promised would give us better lives. Our world is dieing. Our society is dieing. Our planet is dieing. Around the world fascists are gaining power because you're afraid. You cry that we're not introducing children to this hellscape. You ask us to treat our men as drones and our women as broodsows. All so that we can care for you when you stop working. We hold no illusions that the system is going to care for us. We've been let down at every turn now. We will not care for you. You will work, as you asked us to work, until…