
I knew one way virtual interviews were a joke but IF I landed this job it would have been nice pay increase, regardless I hope whoever sees my message has a wonderful day.


Taking holidays after surgery?

I have no idea if this is the right place or not but here we go. I’m casual, been working with this company nearly a year. I’m booked for surgery and will have roughly 1-2 weeks off. I’ve been eager for a holiday to see friends but I have a reason to believe that this will be seen as a “holiday break” to the 7 people I work with. How can/do I book for holidays if nobody can cover me? I work with older people who’ve accumulated weeks of sick leave, RDOs etc and it’s not been an issue for them. I work warehousing with millions of product and yes, seven people. Australia.


How do you prepare when you have a feeling you are going to get fired?

I work for a real estate firm as an appraiser and my job is basically to look at properties and tell the company how much the property is worth. Me and another co worker started at the same time and our probationary period is almost up in 2 week. As I was working today, I herd my manager mention that he has a few interviews to do for this week for our department . Between me and the other co worker, I tend to be a bit slower with my work but I don’t make a whole lot of mistakes. The other coworker tends to be a bit faster with his work but tends to make a few more mistakes than me. It’s kinda hard to explain but every time someone makes a mistake, it cost our company a few thousand dollars so make it a point to be as…


Got laid off and now I’m a bit lost right now

Towards the beginning of July I got laid off and I am now coming on 3 months of unemployment. This is the first time in my young adult life that I've been truly unemployed in the past 5 years. It's been a rather jarring and depressing experience thus far. I wasn't that social to begin with but now I don't really go outside much besides for a run and groceries/errands. I don't feel comfortable spending money on anything besides rent and food yet it's still kind of debilitating looking at my bank account. My savings are alright and I'm getting unemployment payments but it doesn't feel right to have a decrease in my account every month. Idk, the thing that sparked this was a job rejection I got yesterday after I had I thought I did an alright interview for. I keep looking for jobs but there are virtually no…


Is this glassdoor review too bad? Will I get in any legal trouble? (UK)

Just left one of the most disgusting jobs I've worked with no notice and now am looking to seek revenge by leaving a glassdoor review. How does this sound? “First of all, the company is a health and safety disaster. They try to appear to be very on top of health and safety, but neglect the extremely dangerous production area, where the few people who work there are suffering from allergic reactions and health problems. The production area is run by a supervisor who is unintelligent, simple-minded and not certified for the job. They make you work like a slave, at an extremely fast pace – which feels like a disaster waiting to happen in the dangerous conditions of the mixing room. Often times, I would accidentally have gotten chemicals on my skin but would feel too pressured by the supervisor to have time to wash it off. On some…


unpaid employment in current is tough now a days.


Got to experience disability discrimination

I work(ed) for a native American tribe and got to experience first hand how awful unbridled capitalism can be. I worked for a casino that would actively try to fire people with disabilities. They've fired numerous people who are legally disabled by writing people up for rules that didnt exist. During March of this year I was snowed in for 3 weeks with power and Internet going out constantly, I ended up with over 90 inches of snow at my house which in southern California is unheard of. My work sent out a notice stating that people in the impacted area would not be penalized for missing work, except for me. I was the only person singled out to be fired. I managed to keep my job through that some how, but then they started giving me worse positions even though I was more qualified than my peers, they'd give…


Company Demanding I Claim Company Laptop on my Insurance

The company I work at gave me a new laptop this year. I take it to work and home in case I need to work on something at home. I have it stored in my laptop bag. My car got broke into and my laptop bag got snatched. I was originally just going to pay for the damages to my car out of pocket since the cost to repair is only a couple hundred more than the deductible. I got an email demanding that “You will file a loss of property…” regarding fixing my car and also for the laptop that got stolen. Is this legal? Ethical? Is the company able to garnish my wages or take any adverse actions against me in this situation?


Am I able to do anything about this?

So long story short, my place of work is extremely disgusting. These are just some pictures of the deli where they prepare food for customers. Not even of other places that have worse/similar issues. I’ve gone to my GM about this many times and nothing has changed, if anything it’s gotten worse because she doesn’t have any sort of discipline or punishment for people that don’t do their work here. Often times I’m coming in for my shift and the maintenance person from the shift before me didn’t even clean the bathrooms, or our showers are dirty and used but they put them all into clean status before leaving, or the trashes outside are overflowing because they won’t change them before leaving. And the shift manager isn’t any better because she constantly says everything is done and won’t go and check people work like she’s supposed to do. I just…


Feeling bad for not liking my job

Hi everyone, I am an elementary school counselor and I'm not really happy at my job. I don't hate it, but I definitely know that it's not for me. I did my school counseling practicum at a high school, and I loved it. I felt so fulfilled during my time there. Unfortunately, they aren't hiring right now. I thought that I would be fine with elementary as I knew that I had the patience and skill to handle the responsibility but now, I just feel so unhappy. I can't help but compare high school counseling with elementary and I find myself missing working with older students. I feel guilty feeling this because all the students and staff love having me around. As a matter of fact, nothing is really wrong with my job. Pay is decent. The teachers, staff, and my fellow counselor are all kind and welcoming. I am…