
Corporate America wants women to be single and childless.


I caught my thumb head of a boss in a months-long lie.

A year ago, I (29F) was “rewarded” growth and opportunity for being assigned to our company’s largest and most expensive project. While I’ve kicked ass, I have grown incredibly miserable over the last year due to the never-ending stress and sexism that’s found working in this particular project group. A few months ago, I worked up the courage to meet with my supervisor and share I was burnt out and extremely uncomfortable with the work environment, and requested a change as soon as possible. He seemed to sympathize, and shared he would talk to our senior director about a move for me. Later that day, he gave me a call and shared our senior director agreed they would move me, because they don’t want me leaving the company. After that, nothing happened. I checked in periodically, and they were “still thinking of options.” Well, a week ago, our senior director…


My hands were bleeding and Starbucks Manager refuse to let me go home.

During the dry season, all Starbucks Partners at my store had dry hands. Since I have larger hands, mine were more severely affected with open cracks from the dry skin. My knuckles, wrists, and fingertips had numerous open cracks. I contacted my doctor, and he advised me to use medicated lotion, gloves, and bandages. One day, my gloves broke around noon, and there were no backup gloves, lotion, or bandages available because everyone had used them all. I continued working for another 2 hours, and blood started leaking from my dry cracks. I showed my manager the blood flowing from my hands, like a scene from a horror movie. Her reaction was indifferent. She looked at me as if I was an idiot and told me to use medication. I explained that there was no medication left. After checking herself, she suggested I simply wash my hands and resume work,…


Actual good news

So I’ve had a awful time looking for full time employment I (M 24). Did have a full time job working for the city I lived in, I was let go due to very sketchy and misconstrued information (or lack of caring to hear the truth) I just today finally got a call for fulltime employment after applying to 70-80+ plus jobs over the last 14 months. I really just wanted to make a post that it does get better if you just keep at it eventually and godwilling people just catch the break they need to get a fresh start.


I have a 12 hours flight with my new team coming up and our head is organising seating so that we can all sit together and work on the flight.

PSA: Not every moment of your waking life needs to be hyperoptimised towards work.


Effectively banned from talking to other employees (on break), understandable but huge morale killer

So on friday, my leads tell me the the various associates have complained, when I'm working in the breakroom/ smokers cage, they don't want me talking to them, so I'm not to talk to people when they are on break. I get people cherish their breaks and rather decompress than talk, and me being socially inept I don't know when to stop rambling (also will acknowledge my voice is quite annoying, but i can't help that.) But my side of things is I spend 5-6 hours isolated in the parking lot, all my other coworkers get to work around people and often step aside to have conversations, while I'm outside talking to myself (watch its the next thing I'm coached for.) picking up trash, so of course I want to interact with the few people I see. Again I get it Im not mad at the other associates its their…


Just told that two of my team members will be laid off and replaced in a cheaper country

I've been with the company for around ten years, and it's gone through many business models and CEOs in an attempt to make a profit. The most recent push is to eliminate the more “expensive” employees in the States and backfill them for cheaper in another country. This now includes two of my team members. One specifically infuriates me. This kid has been working for the company for nearly 15 years. He started as an intern in college, and this has been the only job he's had as an adult. He's incredibly talented, changing multiple departments and gaining numerous skills. This job is his passion, and he's excellent at it. When I came on as his manager, my primary problem with him was getting him to stop working long days and weekends. My manager gave me the excuse that the product he works on is going away, but when I…


My grandma thinks complaining to corporate will solve anything

I’ve worked a few jobs in the past few years (all wide spread “chains”) only one that I worked for was not corrupt in some way (All the others verbally berated their employees, stole money from employees, stole money from charity, underpaid employees, etc…). I live with my grandma(trying to move out while I’m in community college) and every time I’ve quit a job she’s always said that I either need to tell the manager why I quit or that I need to complain to corporate and tell them about the corruption going on. I might just be too cynical however, I believe that most places would know about the corruption, and even if they didn’t they wouldn’t care about a lowly employee complaining about it. Instead they would probably just threaten legal action or something like that.


How did you escape burnout?

Looking for advice from anyone who has managed to navigate their way through burnout. I’ve just resigned from a job I once loved. It was great – until it wasn’t. Bad management, inadequate training, general arseyness from colleagues dealing with the same stress. Structural changes led my workload to becoming heavier and heavier – and even though I was working from home I find myself unable to switch off at the end of the day. The ‘Sunday dreads’ are unbearable, and I can barely get anything done during the week without someone interrupting me to ask me to start something else. I’m totally burnt out. Normally, between jobs I’d be excited about maybe planning some travel or looking for a new opportunity for more money. But the stress from the last year at this job – I feel totally overwhelmed and unable to make any decisions on what to do…


How does this even happen?

Throwaway account for obvious reasons. A recent post prompted me to share my story because I don’t know what the hell to do. I’m making more money than I’ve ever made and there’s only enough work to take up about 8 hours in a week, maybe less. So I’ve been screwing around with my phone or reading books most of the time. It’s unreal and while I can’t really complain, it’s not what I’m used to. So I’m doing what I never thought I would do, which is consider looking for a second remote job. For those that have done this or researched this, what did you take into consideration (i e how not to get caught)? Obviously I’d like to keep my original job because it’s not super difficult and I can pay my bills without hyperventilating. Edit: I’ve had this job for about 4 months.