
My pre-employment time-off was denied after HR says there are no isssues.

I just started on my new job but before my onboarding process when they asked for a start date, I told HR that I can last week of August BUT I have already a vacation scheduled & will be gone for a month & specified the dates. I asked multiple times if there will be no issues or concerns via our email communications and was told, the “program has accepted your start date.” On my first day during onboarding, I asked again in person just to be sure, “Hey, I just want to be sure if there are no issues about my vacation.” HR responds that she gave the dates I disclosed to the program. Later that day, training supervisor asks new hires if we have pre-approved time off and says they honor those and I was asked to email him the dates. The following day, I just confirmed if…


My company is blatantly underpaying me in my promotion to a higher role. Do I stay and pad my resume with experience, or jump ship and step back down?

TL;DR Company promoted me without a raise, citing my low years of experience. Do I keep doing my promotion until I have enough experience to get paid significantly more for the role somewhere else? Or do I put a lot of effort into finding a new, higher paying job at my last level? First off, before I explain anything, my driving goal in my career is to get paid more for the same amount of hours that I'm selling my labor. Preferably, I'd do this in something I'm good at, somewhat contributes to the betterment of society, and is at least tolerable if not my passion. Eventually, I hope to cut down my hours to some kind of part-time consultancy and spend most of my days living out my relaxed countryside homestead dream. Please bare with me as I have to be a little bit vague just in case my…


Contract offer has some ridiculous terms

Just made a throwaway for this. I recently applied for a relatively low level tour job in a major city on the east coast of the US. I was interviewed and received a contract to sign, however some of these clauses are ridiculous. First as a contractor I get paid $25 per (3 hour) tour and an additional $25 as a bonus that accrues and that I can cash out once every three months. If I am in “breach” of my contract – ie if I quit without 30 days notice – I forfeit all my bonus payments. Another breach of contract is if I am unavailable to work on 24 hours notice even after I've set my monthly availability. So any travel risks me losing half of my meager income and quitting pretty much guarantees this. It sucks cause it seemed like an interesting side job but I can't…


Books on Unions/Labor history in the US

Does anyone have recommendations for books to read up on unions and labor history in the US?


A job description that reads like it’s for an entirely different job

Checked the emails at work today (I’m a care worker with people with intellectual and physical disabilities working in a direct care role) and for some reason there was a job offer mailed out industry wide for the role I perform. Now I know this was just a ‘send this on to anyone you think is interested’ type thing, not a threat to my position (I’ve been here 20+ years) so I almost deleted it. But then I decided to read through, to see how it described the job. It was full of new speak, catch phrases, empty jargon. But most importantly it literally didn’t describe the actual job. Which explains a lot. Because although they employ 300+ direct care staff every year, almost every time I encounter someone with less than 1 month of experience, they are utterly confused as to what is expected of them. Cooking? No one…


New CEO, Owners and Execs came to visit..

We were fed pizza and later on we found out the small group of VIPs got fed BBQ, you cant make this shit up.. lol


Manager taking tips

Hi! I was wondering the legality of what my manager is doing. I work at a coffee place in missouri. My manager is also the owner (she bought/opened it as a franchise) she had been taking our tips whenever there is a mess up. Like we make the wrong drink and it goes to waste however much the drink costs is taken out of our tips. Sometimes she does help out as a barista and covers if someone calls out, or it get really busy. I was wondering if this was legal? Everything I can find says it is illegal but I was wondering that since she also sometimes helps as a barista she would be entitled to some amount of the tips.


Does anyone else feel like their current role was a waste of time?


Nursing crosspost. Nurse gets painful traumatic sexual assualt. Apparently expected to just show up for her next shift.


What was your breaking point?

In my last position, I was so burnt out, from 3am emails, no time off, the lack of support from my supervisor, the constant stream of new projects, but what sealed the deal, the last nail in the coffin was a dead weight employee gave notice. I was polite and said, thank you, then proceeded to have a meeting with my boss, and said let's celebrate. However, instead of celebrating, we needed to have meetings with HR over the next 2 weeks about what went wrong and how we could have salvaged this employee. I gave notice before dead weights last day.