
Hey guys, I was “quiet quitting” until I got fired , now what?

So I just got fired and they recommended me to file for unemployment insurance. HR was surprisingly nice. She basically told me they don’t contest the claims, so I think if I use the right words in my unemployed application, I might be eligible for unemployment insurance. Has anyone successfully received unemployment insurance benefits in this situation before and lives in the state of Illinois? One of the questions is below: Accurately report your reason for separation from your job when you initially file your claim for benefits.


How do you guys handle working a 9-5 role?

It is absolute torture to wake up so early and start work. I haven’t worked a 9-5 role since before COVID started and that was only for 3 months until the virus made jobs not come to work. It’s been almost 4 months since I’ve been working here. I barely get any sleep and I am too exhausted to work. I can’t even think clearly while working. I sometimes just stare and zone out. Some of my co workers live more than an hour away commute. Imagine that back and forth to work. Luckily it is only 2 days a week in person and the rest it is remote. Culture of a corporate setting is terrible. Why are there so many higher ups it is like a pyramid scheme. I have to get permission for everything like I am a little kid. My manager acts like she knows everything. The…


Unemployed – I thought I had problems…

2 nights ago a young woman I used to work with was driving on the highway on the way home with her husband, brother, and 2 year old daughter. Not sure exactly what happened but the car veered off the highway, started spinning, and hit a tree. Everyone killed except the woman I worked with (the mother/wife/sister). She’s currently in the hospital but stable. I’m so heartbroken for her. I remember when she was pregnant and how happy she was. How do you even deal with that? It just makes the things I’ve been complaining about seem so stupid. One thing this tragedy has shown is how good people are. Our community has raised a lot of money in short period of time. Despite the fact that a lot of people are struggling right now. Life is good. I’m counting my blessings.


Accidentally left bumper loose on work van.

I work for DHL and today during a delivery I guess I pulled in to deep into the parking space and when I backed out the bumper hit the sidewalk and got kind of loose. I popped back the bumper back in place and well the van had a dent on the other side, but this incident there is a small crack and the bumper will get looser and looser. Now I didnt report that or will admit to it and we send photos of the car at the end of the day and I would say you can’t notice by the photos at all. But I’m a little nervous they might notice or the next driver will have the issue with the bumper.


“You can work every day”

So, earlier this week I got a response from a job I actually kinda wanted. Wasn’t ideal, but the money was good and it’d look good on a resume. Shockingly, I got a phone call letting me know they’d be going a different direction but they’d love to talk to me about any other open positions. I said I’d look it over and give them a call back. This morning I did see one part time position a bit lower on the food chain, but it’d get my foot in the door. It’s a pay cut from my current part time position, but if the hours are more stable it’d be worth it. I called back and asked about the position in question. The person who had interviewed me wasn’t entirely sure about it and said they’d need to inquire. Which is all fine. I mentioned my most important question…


Resignation suggestions

I will hopefully be leaving my current job very soon. Looking for a good way to say I'm leaving other than just “I'm out” My biggest problems are the fact that I was basically lied to about a few different things during my interviews, the GM claimed it was “company policy” to not discuss pay with coworkers, my coworkers are lazy and incredibly rude to other employees, I earn the department the most money and get paid the least, I asked for a raise and was basically told to stay in my lane I could honestly go on 🫥


Am I crazy for not enjoying a job that on paper I should be lucky to have?

I graduated from college last December, so coming up on a year now and I am currently working my second job since graduating. Without getting too in-depth about the roles, the first one was doing sales for a company that made pillows, and currently, I'm doing sales for a tech start-up (basically an SDR). I've been in this new role for about 2 months now and this role gave me a raise from my last job and gave me the opportunity to work from home, which are both great things! I would also like to add that by no means do I truly hate my job. Initially, I believed that this new job would help me to not feel like my job was worthless, monotonous, and in general I felt like a different job would help me feel less like I'm wasting 70% of my waking hours wasting my time…


Weekend work, comp days confusion

This happened years ago in a Healthcare job. It was one of the very first times I stood up to a boss and I'm still finding myself wondering 8 years later who was in the right. The work week went Sunday to Saturday and my position was 5 days, 8 hours generally Monday through Friday with compensation days when I had to work a weekend shift. Saturday's comp day happened before working weekend and Sunday's happened after. Very rarely, the patient count would be low and there was a chance of getting called off. PTO or no pay for Saturday and given the option of PTO or working the comp day when called off for Sunday. I was scheduled Saturday and Sunday on a particular schedule block. Worked Saturday and everything was looking good for Sunday. I was unexpectedly called off for Sunday. I had appointments, which included seeing a…


What was your experience leaving a job of 5+ years?

It's not always easy to leave a long time job, but what was your reasoning and how did it pan out?


When lunch is a weapon

I've been working at my new job about 3 weeks. Love it, very chill workplace. The president of the company is in our office and has seemed like a regular guy. I was told I probably wouldn't see him interacting much because he doesn't want to seem like he plays favorites – quote. Sometimes we put in group lunch orders, you pay your own plus maybe a dollar for delivery. My coworker remembered his order, and I joked that he should tip her. He offered to buy her lunch and I asked if he was buying lunch for the rest of the class too. (An obvious joking tone) He then told me I'm too new to be a part of the class and proceeded to take everyone's order in that department and pay for it, excluding me who is two cubicles down. He didn't take an order for anyone in…