
My manager told me I can’t talk to other people on my team about work life balance or my feelings. I’ve disclosed my mental health struggles and this feels invalidating.

A month ago I had to suddenly put down my seven year old dog. I had been having mental health challenges from the sheer volume of work this year already (I have diagnosed OCD and depression), so when it happened I was in a horrible place. Very depressed and upset. Not directly at work or anyone particular, more so with myself, for giving so much of my time to work instead of the things that matter, like walking my dog. I regret staying on calls an extra 45 min to listen to someone complain while my husband walked our dog. It’s also so clear to me now how inappropriate that expectation colleagues of mine have for each other. So, after my special boy passed, I shared with my manager I needed time off (I had 2 weeks planned already but I needed to be alone sooner). During my request, I…


Fire me in a fit of rage? Thank you for the paid leave!

Preface, I work in Europe, so there are actually labour laws here. I joined this company a year ago to work on an interesting project for a renowned client. I was originally hired for the project execution phase, but it got postponed again and again, due to the constant changes and scope creep from client. No problem, until they willing to pay for the extra work. I saw that the execution schedule was insane, the companies were estimating 30 months for completion. I started to ask questions, and eventually in three months I came up with a detailed, very well visualized plan to reduce it to 12-15 months. After their experts checked and confirmed it, it became THE plan, and client started to align all their operations, procurement, hiring strategies around it. OFC no bonus for me at end of year. Client agrees to pay for two FTRs and all…


Got laid off, now management wants their stuff back… Do I have to?

I was laid off a couple of weeks ago and was presented a separation agreement that I ended up not signing. The payout wasnt much, but part of the agreement would have been that I return all office keys and passes and my computer. Since I didn't sign the agreement and take the severance money, do I legally have to return anything to them? Im not doing this out of some vindicativeness, I'm just not doing them any favors ever again.


Will AI Replace Writers?


They gave me a desk to keep me from leaving

This mostly just a vent post, but maybe some of y’all can relate. I’m a student worker at an IT help desk at my university. I’ve been working here for two years as of this coming January. While here I’ve worked my way to being the lead technician, so my daily tasks are an amalgamation of tier 1 and 2 support duties, project managing, coordinating with other departments and with manufacturers, writing documentation, training new employees, pretty much a little bit of everything. However, I’ll be graduating in a month, and hopefully getting a ‘real world’ job. I recently told my manager that I’m looking around for post-graduation jobs, but if a full time position were to open up I’d be interested, because honestly I do enjoy working here for the most part. And in response, I was informed there’s not enough funding for a full time position. Great. I…


Have You Given Up on the World?


I just want to rant about my colleagues and workplace

So, I’ve been working at my job for 2.5 years now. I work in a team of 3. In that team I was the last person to be added. We manage 2 inboxes. One inbox I basically manage on my own, our manager trained us and then left after a month. The other two manage the other inbox. The manager said when it’s busy on the inbox that I manage the other two shud help out. That never happened. Basically, those two can’t manage the one inbox so I have to help out. Well it started with me helping out but then I somehow ended up being the one who knows the most about managing that inbox. I’m the one the implements the changes. They ask me questions for anything difficult. All the while I’m the only one managing my other inbox. The new manager doesn’t know how to manage…


Manager gets upset about my sick leave

So I have been suffering from joint pain for a while now. It has recently got to the point of me having to take painkillers to go about my days. So long story short, I asked my doc for a med certificate to reduce my workload. Yesterday I presented the news to my superiors which proceeded to accept it. Today at the office, this manager (who is not supervising me) got rather upset and was ranting about that I should have also communicated this to her. This person is the passive aggressive type of worker who gossips like no one else. I played dumb and told her I forgot and that next time I will be more open to her. I don’t know if I’m just being unintentionally obnoxious about the whole thing or not. I honestly just try to avoid communicating to this manager as I don’t relate to…


Ideal Schedule for Full Time

Recently heard of some folks who work four ten hour days then have four days off. That sounds pretty ideal to me. Anyone here have experience with that kind of schedule?


Thoughts on Cost of Living Raises

Looking for opinions on cost of living raises from your employer. Should they, shouldn’t they, and why or why not? Just listened to our CEO talk about how she bought a temporary, $3M home while waiting for her $7M permanent home to be renovated while everyone else is strapped and she’s referring them to some bullshit compensation video about how they determine pay. Obviously she didn’t share the price of her homes, but internet.