
Job decided not to give us holiday pay for thanksgiving

All the full time employees at my job are supposed to get holiday pay (thanksgiving, Christmas, July 4 etc). It’s always been that way. Few months ago job cut hours of all of us who were full time because of “bad sales.” Now it’s thanksgiving week, we all have the day off and only the two managers and one employee who got their hours back are getting holiday pay. The regular employee getting it is only working one day this week and took the rest of the week off. Meanwhile the rest of us don’t get holiday pay and are working our normal amount of hours anyway bc they worked the schedule so Thursday is like a regular day off for us and not a holiday. Probably also not a coincidence that the person who got full time hours back is in a not very secret relationship with our manager.


Rant and advice on first 9-5 job

Hi all Need to rant but also get some advice. I've just started a new (unpaid) position. It's 9-5, but it's really 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM by the looks of it. And I have to commute, so I leave at 7 AM, and get home at 7:30 PM. I've never been so unbelievably exhausted in my life. I'm a hard-working uni student but this is just something else. The train is hot, crowded and uncomfortable so I can't even relax on my commute. It's a competitive position even though it's unpaid, because it potentially could lead to a decent job, and I should be STOKED to get the experience. But I'm just miserable. I have NO time for anything! Like I don't even have time or energy to do my laundry or iron my clothes for the next day?? I have pets to look after and that's all I…


I cant have a Job and not be depressed

It seems impossible for me to work and not be depressed and suicidal. Anyone else that worked with that? I looked at all jobs in every field for years, I hate every single one, I have no work related passion, no special talent, no discipline to just learn one myself.


The result of “at will” employment policies

​ US Employer – Employee Relations


Salaried hours

I am a salaried (entry level position, lower end of the lowest tax bracket ect,.) employee in Ireland. I cant help but feel taken advantage of as I am contracted to work 38 hours a week, but since the start of this year I have worked on average 45 hours a week. I can gain Flexi time, which lets me build up to 8hrs of time a week. However: the flexi time resets every 2 weeks, You can use it to clock out early but you must be available during “core hours 10am-4pm” You can use it to book a half day, but only one half day a month (this uses 3.75hrs of flexi hours). I have been able to book a half day 3 times this year so far, and other than that I never have the opportunity to clock out early due to the nature of my work…


Boss makes me look up customers contact information on the Internet

At my retail job my boss has me ask customers for their full name to record on the transaction. My customers range from people who buy our products and services for their home, to others for their business. when the customer is gone, my boss wants me to look up their name using a people finder website to find more contact information. I’m supposed to create a full profile for them with address phone number and email if possible. This feels like an invasion of privacy, like I’m doing something bad. Am i just overthinking this?


Theatre scheduled 16 year old daughter for 30 hours over Thanksgiving – had her resign

Our 16 year old daughter has been working at a local movie theatre for 5 months as her first “real job”. She is the only person that was still working there from the group that started with her at the same time. She was hired with the knowledge that she was only to be scheduled max 16 hours per week and no more than 2 days as she has a demanding school schedule (full honors and AP classes). Initially when she started they had her one day on one weekend day, usually Saturdays until from 3-11 or 4-midnight and then one weekday, usually Wednesday as she had early release on those days so she could do 3-10. This schedule was pretty consistent until mid-October as they lost many of their student staff and new people came on. She never missed a day or called in sick during that time. Then…


it’s the WAY i got fired….omg. i just…can’t

On Monday during a ceo meeting that I had to film, and run audio and computers for, my fresh-new manager (new direct-report) came over to see how I was doing with setup. He apologized for not getting back to me with an email about some other stuff because he was busy doing interviews for my old manager’s old job. I have been doing a lot of my old boss’ work as he left in October for a better job elsewhere and this new guy was my temp boss) and I said wait what? I had assumed this whole time that I would hear about a promotion or something because I’ve been doing a great job and picking up the slack since my actual manager left etc etc. And then became kind of upset that no one told me that my old manager’s position was an open position. No. one. told.…


Nepotism – Left the corporate world and went into business for myself

I worked in the corporate world for almost 20 years. I was fortunate enough to work in the same related field that my degree is in. I formerly worked in healthcare. My first Bachelor's degree is in Healthcare Admin and I also hold a Master's in Healthcare Management. In addition, I have a second Bachelor's degree in Business Admin. I worked a good portion of my prime working years in the healthcare field, mainly on the operations end. Things were going well the first few years and I was quickly moving up. Until I hit a wall, professionally speaking. I was working for a company that did have upward mobility opportunity. I applied for promotions to these higher positions as they became open. They still made us go through the whole interview process even in house. I was passed over for those jobs and then find out that the person…


Getting up the courage to quit

Throwaway account. I work remotely for a company in the medical industry. I won't get into it too much since this particular subsection of the industry is very small, but our entire leadership in the department is just trash, and it is a reflection of the company as a whole. They fumbled supporting a supervisor in working on a performance improvement plan with an employee, and fired the supervisor when the employee complained. They promote without any transition of duties, and fail to backfill positions. We had someone go on planned maternity leave in October, and we JUST hired that replacement last week. We currently have people in supervision and leadership roles who have no clue what the role is or what is expected of them, because the person previously in that role already got promoted or otherwise changed roles, so they do not have time to train their replacement.…