
I feel like I’m the TOXIC one in the org

So I resigned from my old job and I'm here in my new one for about 9 mos now. They always have this “gathering” or “celebration” that requires you to go in the office for the “bond” and I'm kind of not that person-who-bonds. I'm always drained whenever I am with a huge number of people talking about things happened 6 yrs ago labeling it as “catch up”. I mean it's cool but is my presence really required?? I feel like corporate should cut the idea that bond should be working on site. Shouldn't it be you creating a solid relationship with same interest regardless if it's wfh or office?? I feel so pressured to the point that I called in sick just not to do office. I feel like I'm so out of place and I'm the TOXIC one.


Should I be envious of frugality?Hell no! He left his money to the trailer park town after living off social security. “The town is considering various avenues to use the funds from the newfound gift… including possibly buying an electronic voting machine and fixing the town hall clock…” This is Merica!


I am wondering what is tantura!?


I love the posts on here. I wonder how many people are going to no call no show their jobs black friday?

I would love to see a mass walk out or no show to retail stores that pay shit and treat you like shit. I worked two kmart black fridays, two staples black fridays and a back to school. Going to bed thanksgiving night at 10 to be up at 430 to be in work at 5am for the crazies? FUCK THAT SHIT. I got a case of Glaucoma of the Rectum. I can't see my ass coming in that day.


Job wants me to work 80 hours a week and I don’t get benefits

I don’t get benefits, days off, support from management or anything. I drive about 60 miles a day to different clients, my shifts are 14 hours long 6 days a week in call the last day. I am verbally abused, physically abused, and often get purposely exposed to allergens. I have brought these complaints to my manager and she says “it’s just how it is”. I have a bachelors degree and I only get paid $14 an hour after tax. I’m turning my two weeks in tomorrow.


How much is the time you will never see again really worth to employers?

Just saying.. Every hour you work is an hour you won't get back..and next thing you know..20 years have passed that you won't get back either.. Can a job really ever pay you enough for time that you won't get back? it seems to me that our time is more precious and we should at least be compensated fairly for it. Many companies will continue operations long after you die. Your one life, however, has been used. I have approached interviews with this perspective over the years. Instead of a one-way interrogation, the company needs to sell itself on why you should give them one of your most valuable assests: time. I know it is easier said than done, but if you hate your job, don't hesitate for one second to move on. These companies harvest our very souls and life force..but what do we really have to show for…


My boss tried to manipulate me

I've been busting my balls for months outside of my job code because I stupidly trusted a verbal agreement for a promotion. I had communicated many times both verbally and through text what compensation I wanted and that I would decline if lowballed. Long story short, I was lowballed and he berated me for declining the offer. “I can't believe that all you care about is money.” Uh, yeah? Last I checked that's literally the only reason any human being wants to be employed. The manipulation continued and he basically backpedaled on everything discussed in private with me, saying he doesn't see it fair for me to ask for more money and that I should be grateful for the opportunity. The pay offered for the promotion was sickeningly low, and I did the math and factoring in the OT I had been putting in recently, it wouldnt even be a…


I’ve noticed recent job postings are requesting a recent photograph, I’ve never seen this prior.

As stated in the title, I have worked for over twenty years, and have never seen one job listing requesting a photograph, yet I have come across at least five today requesting a recent photograph of the candidate upon submission of the application… what's with this?


I’m stuck in a trap of my own design.

I used to work at a brewery in San Diego, potentially the best brewery in the city and absolutely one of the most famous. I had a side gig working event bartending for my friend and I made solid money. My wife and I had thought about buying a house for years but San Diego was too expensive. Enter: Washington . The houses were cheaper, we loved the area, all we needed was more money. I got a job in sales for a major cruise line and we could suddenly afford a mortgage. A year later we moved into our house and things were good. The market has shifted. I suddenly don't sell enough cruises and my job is at risk. I don't think I'll have my job in six months and finding a new job has been such a struggle. I'm so sick of corporate but I can't lose…


Anyone else just despise authority?

I think a huge amount of my work anxiety and distaste for workplaces in general is supervision. For whatever reason, I simply cannot abide authority of any kind and have resented almost every supervisor I've had. I know they're just humans doing their shitty job just like me, but I can't get past the inequality and lack of autonomy, especially if a supervisor likes to play “gotchya” and find things to criticize you for. I know this says a lot about me personally, but I can't help but feel the current employer/employee dynamic is contributing somehow.