
I’m making so many mistakes at my new job (been there 3 months) and I’m terrified they are going to fire me, even though i don’t care about the work at all, I need the money and I’m deeply traumatized from my years of job hunting and unemployment, I just can’t go back to that.

I used to be at least decent at my work and now its downhill. I've pretty much had a job a year since i graduated uni, because i was so unhappy. suicidal unhappy. and I figured, I have no idea what will happen next but no job is worth feeling like this. Almost a decade later, and 8 years of the trauma of job hunting and i just can't go back, so the job I have now, I just told myself, I have to make it work. There is nothing else. If i die trying on this path, then so be it, there is no alternative. I've spent the last 8 years wracking my brain trying to figure out what kind of work i can do that can make me happy and to be honest there are probably plenty of things that would at least make me happier than this,…


I’m making so many mistakes at my new job (been there 3 months) and I’m terrified they are going to fire me, even though i don’t care about the work at all, I need the money and I’m deeply traumatized from my years of job hunting and unemployment, I just can’t go back to that.

I used to be at least decent at my work and now its downhill. I've pretty much had a job a year since i graduated uni, because i was so unhappy. suicidal unhappy. and I figured, I have no idea what will happen next but no job is worth feeling like this. Almost a decade later, and 8 years of the trauma of job hunting and i just can't go back, so the job I have now, I just told myself, I have to make it work. There is nothing else. If i die trying on this path, then so be it, there is no alternative. I've spent the last 8 years wracking my brain trying to figure out what kind of work i can do that can make me happy and to be honest there are probably plenty of things that would at least make me happier than this,…


I’m making so many mistakes at my new job (been there 3 months) and I’m terrified they are going to fire me, even though i don’t care about the work at all, I need the money and I’m deeply traumatized from my years of job hunting and unemployment, I just can’t go back to that.

I used to be at least decent at my work and now its downhill. I've pretty much had a job a year since i graduated uni, because i was so unhappy. suicidal unhappy. and I figured, I have no idea what will happen next but no job is worth feeling like this. Almost a decade later, and 8 years of the trauma of job hunting and i just can't go back, so the job I have now, I just told myself, I have to make it work. There is nothing else. If i die trying on this path, then so be it, there is no alternative. I've spent the last 8 years wracking my brain trying to figure out what kind of work i can do that can make me happy and to be honest there are probably plenty of things that would at least make me happier than this,…


Anybody work at gyr3

I hate working here 4 long time everyone nothing high school mind and favoritism too max right now I'm looking between jobs again again again again


is job search akin to a contest nowadays?

In years past, job searching was so much easier. Now it seems you have to have a perfect LinkedIn profile Customize your resume Craft a unique cover letter. Do a project (free!) Network with people in the company. Network with people outside the company Have samples of your work in the same industry Be available to talk 24/7 Send out thank you notes Follow up with recruiters Be SUPER interested in getting THAT specific job Maybe I'm missing something, but you shouldn't have to jump through so many hoops just to get a job


9 years of electronics repair experience, given $18/hr offer, ghosted when offer was questioned

First time ever posting here, but this offended me beyond belief. I've been repairing consumer electronics for the last 9 years. More often than not, I am diagnosing circuits which I know nothing about under a microscope, and looking for faults with absolutely zero technical documentation. As a result, I've developed what I like to call “Geordi la Forge” vision. I may not precisely understand the engineering and science behind a boost converter, but I understand that if you arrange specific components in a very particular configuration, it make little voltage go big, and I know the situations in which you may want something like this, how it will behave if it isn't working right, or if something connected to it isn't working right. ​ In other words, I don't really have to know the exact science behind how all of these circuits work in order to fix them. I…


Holiday Party Costs $60 to attend

I work for a big box store. I've never attended a work party before. I've been off on medical leave for a few months and actually wanted to go for a few drinks and see some ppl I haven't seen in a while. When I started 4 years ago the holiday parties were free to attend, then just last year they started charging $10. This year they are charging employees $40 plus a $20 deposit to attend. Mind you, the General Manager at this store makes $350,000 a year and my store made $17 million in profit alone. Does this seem fair to you folks? Or is it just shameless gauging of employees?


Renton, WA minimum wage hike initiative qualified for February 2024 special election ballot


I want to quit EE

I am a woman in electrical engineering. I graduated 5 yrs ago after going back to school 15 yrs after getting a AS in pre-engineering. I love engineering, and I love my actual job, but everything else sucks. I am really good at what I do now, and thorough, which people find refreshing when my jobs turn out with few problems. But nobody sees what I bring to the table. I had to move departments already from the discrimination I was receiving from my last manager, and it was the same from the last job I bailed from. I have a host of ideas and improvements I would like to implement, but don’t have the platform in which to do them. I feel so belittled now, i don’t know if I would want to implement my ideas. I have found I have no support from upper management, I like my…


F for Robocop