
Fighting tears during 1:1 with boss.

I'm used to lots of questioning and micromanaging from my boss to the point that I'm immobilized. Lately, every time I'm on the phone with them (even in the moments where they're trying actually to be constructive or say something positive in a roundabout way) I'm silently crying in some shape or form or am wiping away tears. I usually break down after the phone call. I also find myself getting highly defensive during these calls, as I expect the worst, and always regret some of my remarks that are in defense of my work. Does anyone else experience something similar with crying? Is irritability like this a sign of burnout? Is my body keeping the score by crying every time I'm on a call with this person?


Friend referrals used to mean something

As the title goes, the rule of thumb used to be that if you had a friend at a job, and they vouched for you, you would at least get an interview. I applied for an entry-level job where I met all of the minimum qualifications, including willingness to work overnight shifts and travel as needed. I applied to the job yesterday evening, and when I checked on the status of my application, I was listed as not selected. Not even considered for the position. Just a straight up no. The job was to learn to become a diesel mechanic working on Frito Lay's semi trucks. I was upset, but I feel more confusion than anger. Does anyone else have an experience similar to this?


I had my car broken into at my casual status job. They left their parking lot favorable for it to happen. I’m not going back until they threaten to fire me.

So I work in healthcare and one of my jobs is casual status. (For any healthcare folks here it’s basically contingent/prn) With my particular employer I have the liberty to pick up as many or as few open shifts that I want as long as I’m there on the clock atleast once every few months. (Most places don’t even let you go that long so I consider myself lucky in that respect.) I was picking up a lot more in October because I was between full time jobs. (I left a very toxic job in September. I had another one lined up for November.) During October I had someone break into my car while I was working an afternoon shift. Initially I did not hold my employer responsible. (Unless it was an employee there that did it, how could they be responsible?) Since then my feelings have shifted. I am…


Can text approval be used for lost wages?

I started off working at 7.25 a hour and tipshare. I asked for a raise to 11$ and it was said via two managers that I got the raise (one being a gm, one being a agm). I have added up my last two pay stubs and they were both adding up to 7.25 a hour. Can I file for lost wages?


Unemployment assistance

Trying to find out if I'm still eligible for minimal assistance after I've had to settle for a minimum wage job (with my Bachelors degree) and I found this. Literally admitting that if you make TWO DOLLARS more than your “eligibility” you won't get a cent If anyone can explain better for me, I would LOVE to be wrong about this


My Thanksgiving “Bonus” was a $25 grocery gift card.

Because yknow, why pay be a living wage so I can afford groceries without a gift card? And it’s not even a “here, let me pay for your Thanksgiving groceries” sum, it’s petty cash. I’ve been here for 4+ years. Did I mention the president and VP (who is also his wife) are going overseas for Christmas for a vacation in London? Thanks for the gift card, assholes.


Forming a tech union (US)

Realistically how would this be achieved? Since many places run on such a small tech staff, there needs to be a union across multiple orgs. Would there need to be a separate entity for cleared space organizing vs civilian as well? Thoughts?


Declined to apply for an opportunity that required the skills of 3+ people

Not sure what it is these days, but a lot of employers try to cram as many duties as possible into one role. This job had every aspect of online marketing plus videography and web dev. On top of this, the company has notoriously low salaries. Whoever they do hire is going to get burnt out insanely fast, and that hire can forget about taking a vacation.


People stealing is your fault

My manager finally came into work and when we were done talking, I thought I would bring up the fact that my apron was stolen whilst using the bathroom. It sucks but we won’t find who did it so it’s whatever. Just need a new one. Her response shows why this company has a 75% turnover rate.


German investors

My company got bought out by German investors. Should I be worried?