
Did they let you work from home this holiday week?

More and more companies seem to conveniently need more bodies in the office even though we survived three years working from home the day before and after. Higher ups ask if we are having anyone in the office and requesting bodies even though nobody will be here. How is your company treating you this week?


Tell me your call centre stories

I'm currently stuck working a terrible WFH call centre job. Here to commiserate.


“Why Socialism?” [Einstein 1949] highlights control of mass media by private capitalists making it difficult for citizens to arrive at objective conclusions, and political parties being influenced by wealthy financial backers resulting in an “oligarchy of private capital”


Unions are the strongest in decades. Nearly a million Americans got double-digit raises as a result | CNN Business


Abusive ex manager asking for work phone passcode after he made me resign

Cybersecurity 101 do not give your password to anyone especially lying abusive low life uneducated manager that even thinks making up his own law in the workplace is a thing. Thankfully I live in a good country and will contact the Labour Board starting now just in case they decide not to give me my final pay. It's amazing how companies will protect their uneducated managers that slave for them for pennies. Any thoughts?


Hotel will fire you for doing something unfavorable after working hours while employed.

I’m working for a hotel as a second job and the vague list that they expect you to follow is hilarious. Some of it is reasonable, but once I am not being paid, these rules do not apply to me, but they try to use vague writing to make it sound like they own you.


Fired on the 4th day of my job

First post here as I got fired today and I stumbled upon this sub. This is a huge read so grab a snack if you have nothing better to do. Disclaimer: I'm from Greece so English is not my mother tongue so I apologize for any typos/grammar errors.  This was my first “big” job and I was really excited about it. I'll take things from the beginning and try to be as thorough as I can.  The company was a real estate agency that also provided more services like renovating, turning apartments into Airbnbs, checking documentation regarding selling/buying properties etc. They took pride that they are the only real estate agency in my country that can provide as many services as they do and can also raise the market value of properties. Their motto was something like: we are not like other Real Estate Agencies and we provide 50+ services…


Yes that’s my job

Part of my job is making sure that other people did their part of the job correctly. When they do their part wrong it's my job to correct it. When I point out that they keep doing their part wrong I get told it's MY JOB to catch that. Okay, so essentially their job is really MY job? And if I point that out it means I have a bad attitude? I guess I have a bad attitude then because if I'm doing their job WTF are they doing? Standing up for yourself is having a bad attitude. I actually learned this lesson in 1st grade when I objected that the rules for boys in class weren't as strict as the rules for girls. Mrs Lennis told me she didn't like my attitude. 50 years later I still think that sucks. Bad attitude for life


SOS NY Employment Lawyers!

My fiancé’s former employer is refusing to give him his last paycheck and is threatening to file a complaint with the board of ethics. Employed in NY as an independent contractor Backstory: My fiancé worked as a social worker at a private practice. He must work under a licensed clinical social worker until he he receives his license to do so (in 1.5 years). His previous employer was incredibly toxic (not transparent about pay, fired people for very little, confrontational, and all around terrifying). My fiancé decided to leave for his own mental health but has seen this employer fire people immediately after giving their 2 weeks. Since he wanted to discharge with these clients ethically and provide proper continuity of care, he discharged/supported his clients in transferring to the new practice that he works at in his last two weeks without his employer’s knowledge. The employer is now stating…


Available hours this week cut from 40 to 24 to 16 with no notice

They initially said we could work 40 this week, yesterday they changed it to 24, today it's down to 16. To top it all off, now that we're down to 16 hours this week, effectively making this the last working day, they had to push out this “happy Thanksgiving eve, here's what we're thankful for” video a day early. One of the things the video suggests we should be thankful for is “continuing to work here and having enough work to work the full day every day.” Oops.