
Job Training in Fast Food / Restaurant Labor Standards, and Gaslighting

I have worked in many fast food / restaurant environments, and experienced different standards everywhere I’ve been. However, I’ve noticed that many jobs (especially lower paying ones) like to take advantage of new employees by not providing adequate means of training – and soon after start more responsibilities than the position requires are heavily encouraged to be your new random additional responsibilities. It’s like the standards are nearly unattainable as a new hire. This kills your mental health, so you stick it out, and you’re told over and over that “You’ve got this, don’t worry” despite the fact that it’s often not possible to know everything expertly in just a week’s time. For example, you’re a new cook – and the only available trainer is an ex-crackhead with not verbal or leadership skills. Build cards are not kept up with, food prep is always lacking, and it’s up to you…


How To Start & How To Do Intermittent Fasting?

One of the reasons I personally think Intermittent Fasting really took over is because of how easy it is to start it. Literally, the only thing you should really decide before you start is which Intermittent Fasting schedule type you are planning to follow. And before you make this decision, it is important to understand the various types of Intermittent Fasting. That’s how you will find the one that works the best for you and fits your unique lifestyle.


Forgotten at Work

TL;DR: new job, not being trained and left to do nothing and no clue what to do. I recently started a new position within the same department that I've worked with for the past 5 years. I started on November 1st. It's now the 21st. I've had pretty much no training whatsoever. It's an administrative position and I was told at the interview that I'd have someone alongside me to train me. Sounded good! Got the job, left the old one, and here I am, ready to learn! However… the entire first week I was here, I had no internet. They gave me a work laptop but forgot to include a wifi device. I reached out to IT and my supervisors and no one could give me an ETA when I'd get setup. A whole week later, I got internet. That first week, the most productive thing I did was…


Capitalism is an unsustainable trap.

I have no problem with the 40 hour work week, as long as everyone is able to live, save, have vacation and sick time. I look at what we have in the US, and can’t help but think of all the products being sold in all the stores as byproduct of slave labor. The clothing mostly made in Asia, the vehicles and produce in South and Central America. All the rare and precious metals/minerals in Africa. Everything is supported by slavery, even here in America, and that’s not including prison labor. Just the general minimum wage in itself is slavery. I make $80k/yr in a HCOL area and am able to float by, and still have difficult times. This is so F’d and it appears the only way to do well is to exploit labor, inheritance, do well academically, or just grind yourself into exhaustion. I’ve had ideas of starting…


There shouldn’t need to be a limit.


Laid off or fired?

This happened a while ago, but it’s still something I think about. I wasn’t sure if I was laid off or fired from a job because they told me 2 things: (1) There wasn’t enough work for me to do. (2) I wasn’t a good fit with the company. After meeting with my department head and HR, they said that my termination was effective immediately and they disabled all of my stuff. This action makes me think I was fired, but then why say there wasn’t enough work for me to do?


Update from my last post!

As some of you saw, I was having issues with my job as they had threatened to fire me. I went in that Sunday and worked my ass off. I was good for that whole week…until Friday. That's when I was told I was being “Laid off for a bit” which I knew means that I've been fired as my co-worker had had the same thing happen to her. I should've seen the signs sooner, but I am looking for a better job with better pay and batter hours. So I'm trying to remain hopeful!


Slack, team, email, etc

Why do companies expect you to monitor multiple apps and do your work for the day? I work with data aka people asking questions all the time. Most time question, I created a dashboard and a form for them to ask anything. The form even has an automated notification system for urgent stuff so I get both an email and slack notification. Guess what? They still choose to send email, Slack or team messages. I’m sorry I’m not answering non urgent email bc I’m too busy focusing on my work. I work with code so most times I staring at code trying to find a missing comma or apostrophe. I don’t want to break my focus for random noise.


Hybrid Model changing again

Just venting. When I started a year ago, I was recruited with the information that the company was hybrid, in office 2 days and wfh 3 days/week. Shortly after I started, they made it mandatory Tues/Thurs in office and one other day in office flex. so at most Two WFH days/week. We have the option to work longer days and take EDO every 2nd week. This week they announced that now mandatory days Tues/Wed/Thurs. plus cracking down on their 3 days in office (like if there’s a stat holiday, you still better be in office 3 days that week. I’m just feeling very disenfranchised right now. Feels very bait & switch. Frankly, I’m usually more productive on wfh days, as I’m sure a lot of people feel. I even start earlier in the day than I do in-office because I can.


I’m pretty sure that the company will never make good on a “promotion” for my friend

A few weeks ago my friend announced that he was getting a promotion. I was excited for him because he's a very hard working person and he has been loyal to the company that he's worked at for several years. It was an impressive new title and I know that his family could use the extra money. Last weekend, however, he clarifies to me that the promotion is only a “title change” for now. His former boss quit and the company offered him the job after he interviewed for it. He's working 60+ hours a week to do his former boss's job and his job while they hire his replacement…and they haven't increased his pay yet. They supposedly still need to “work it in the budget”. So I asked him how they don't have a budget for it since they were already paying his former boss a certain salary before…