
Letting them implode on Black Friday for disrespecting my time off

Pardon the length. My job is such a shit show, I just have to vent. I took Monday and Tuesday off to travel for the holiday. I don't get paid time off. This has been scheduled for weeks, and I let the entire office know that I will be off. I sent a mass Teams message saying if they need anything, to let the other marketing associate know between 9a-2p on Monday. After that, they're SOL. (Side note – I am NOT a manager, but my boss seems to think this new guy in my department is my responsibility. I didn't hire him, and wouldn't have based on his experience, but she keeps calling him my 'marketing assistant'. We have the same job title, same job code, etc. He's so sweet and eager to learn, but I am drowning and don't have time to teach someone the basics. Boss knew…


No trust and dumb rules

I'm working in a store that has a perfume department for 5 years. I don't want to be manager but I have a lot of responsibilities that require someone that is reliable. Recently 2 new girls got caught in the most stupid attempt to steal some perfume. Since then ALL of us, no matter how long we are already employed, has to go to one of the managers whenever they want to leave the store on their breaks, to let them look in every bag and pocket. Not only do I feel this is not fair, especially to employees that could do much worse than stealing a perfume and for 5 years I had trust of the management with never giving them a slight reason to question that trust, it also takes away around 5 minutes of two breaks every day, that's one break every 10 days gone. But the…


A higher-up has lied to me about documentation and has–or still is–stalking me to catch me doing something wrong.

DISCLAIMER: I work in a group home for adults that live with mental disabilities. Because of confidentiality, there might be some parts to this post that seem vague. My apologies in advanced. Sorry this is incredibly long winded, but I want to provide as much context as possible to see if I am overreacting or if my feelings are valid. I am happy to add more context if anyone needs more. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ I am not comfortable with one of the higher ups at work. They’ve crossed a couple of lines for me, personally, and now I don’t know what to do. This person is my area director. To paint a picture, there’s me—a treatment specialist, above me are my house managers, and then above them is the area director who oversees several houses. I hardly ever see them. They stop by the house maybe once every two months and when…


Majority of your life is how it is due to luck

So I wanted to copy and paste something here I wrote. Someone was talking about you should be happy to go into debt in school because you should see it as an investment. What I wrote is below: ​ So here is the problem with this statement. He is overlooking the luck factor and increase cost of this type of debt while decrease pay increases and acceptance rates in jobs. So for example, lets assume he did the school thing and when he went for the job. The person hiring didn't like his face. And the same with all other locations. Now what? I personally dealt with this. I have 4 degrees. My first degree is in aerospace. During my last year of that, I was setup with a job at NASA KSC since I was already interning out there working on the rockets. Well man space flight went away,…


To union workers- benefit ideas?

Hello, I work for a generally good office in a union. We are moving towards negotiations and I am anticipating the management team to try to take our sick leave stipend. Essentially we get paid $500-$1,000 for taking little or no sick time in a year. I think this is a reasonable request, but we're not giving away a benefit for nothing. What (maybe sick related) benefits do your contracts have that would be a decent trade to make for this benefit we have currently? We have a strong list of increases and changes to our current contract, but I'm having trouble coming up with new benefits that are not already in place. Thank you.


The holiday giving campaigns have started.

Last week was the beginning when I got an email about the giving season, it had an option to donate a portion of my salary for X amount of weeks to “The giving fund” which had a non specified charity. Today another corporate email went out asking for banked time as donations in payouts to the giving fund, which still has no obvious cause or destonation for the funds. That's just at my current employer, but everyone I've ever worked has asked for donations during the holiday season. I'm not against giving to charity, but if I do I'll just do it directly.


I’m being made redundant after 8 years. How can I put this in my auto reply so that people know this wasn’t a decision I’ve made to leave the business?

Pretty much the title. I’m being made redundant after 8 years. They’ve gutted the team’s head count and are now all surprised Pikachu Face that the department is in utter shambles.


UK Supreme Court rules Deliveroo (food delivery) riders are self-employed: So they’re NOT entitled to Minimum Wage

– UK Supreme Court just ruled that Deliveroo (food delivery) riders are self-employed contractors and therefore NOT entitled to standard employee rights, including the Minimum Wage.. – Per the Bureau Investigates (2021) article 1/3rd of Deliveroo riders make less than minimum wage, with the worst example being one rider whose 180 hours of work averaged £2 per hour.. – When Deliveroo floated on the stock market it instantly made the founder a multi-millionaire..


Bruh my office bully wants to have a talk with our boss about why I don’t like her.

WTF is this nonsense?


Manager demanded I work on my birthday after ignoring work calls in the middle of the night

I’ve been a Developer on this team since July, and since Week One it has been one problem after the next. Sunday night was my final straw. Before leaving on my annual birthday trip, I worked overtime to get my code pushed to Production. I agreed to be on the lookout if anything needed to be fixed over the weekend. I did not hear from our customer, so I continued on with my life and left for my trip. Come Sunday night at 10:30pm, the customer states there is something wrong. Instead of my manager to stand up for our team and state that the deadline has been passed and this is not a reasonable time, she proceeded to blow up my phone for 2 hours. I do not answer work calls after a certain time nor am I at anyone’s beck and call. The following morning, my manager has…